I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

If we had a corporate tax rate.

We'll vote on how much of all that we want and how to pay for it. We don't "have to have" an income tax, social security and medicare, in the United States or in a Republic of Texas 2.0.

The U.S. got along fine without income tax until the explosion of big government inspired by European socialism.

I doubt it, but even if you're right, so, what? We can easily sustain ourselves.

The shrimp boat sounds pretty easy to sink, so it could be warned off with no problem. We'd need coast guard to protect us from illegal aliens from the East Coast.

Since we won't be meddling in China's business, I see no reason they would send a cruiser.

You must be kidding?

Biden is already shut down pipelines that benefit Texas, in favor of those that enrich Russia. Whether the lesser 49 get Texas oil will depend on whether the U.S. president at any given time wants them to have cheaper gasoline.
The 16th amendment which made a federal income tax legal, provided the resources to transform the US, a British breakaway colony to a financial and military world leader. At that time military and financial power rested with 4 countries, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Since up to 95% of the US government revenue was import tariffs, there was few imports and American exports were limited due to retaliatory tariffs. With the passage of the 16th amendment, and reduction of tariffs, The US became a major supplier to Europe and after two world wars, American became the greatest financial and economic power in the world. The US has made a number mistakes but the 16 amendment is not one of them.
The 16th amendment which made a federal income tax legal, provided the resources to transform the US, a British breakaway colony to a financial and military world leader. At that time military and financial power rested with 4 countries, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Since up to 95% of the US government revenue was import tariffs, there was few imports and American exports were limited due to retaliatory tariffs. With the passage of the 16th amendment, and reduction tariffs, The US became a major supplier to Europe and after two world wars, American became the greatest financial and economic power in the world. The US has made a number mistakes but the 16 amendment is not one of them.

Dead wrong, turd. The US was already financial and military world leader when it passed.
i thought Trump got rid of NAFTA?

or did you not hear about that bc you were too busy watching fake news?
Several changes were made to NAFA which benefited all 3 countries and NAFTA was renamed to The United States—Mexico—Canada Trade Agreement
Don't forget the military bases...they remain in U.S. hands OR the land needs to be bought by Texas at market price AFTER all soldiers, equipment, etc. is removed.
Nah, we will just kick your ass out with no cempensation of any kind. What Makes you entitled to any?
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
40% of us oil and gas is produced in Texas, that's with the restrictions placed on them by the US government. I highly doubt a Texas National Gov would place those restrictions on them. They would be one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the world around 4th and likely move into the top 3 within 10 years. They would be a huge exporter of that oil and thus stupidly rich. I highly doubt they would care if there was free trade with the US and they wouldn't need to get a loan from them. Joe Biden would be traveling to Texas instead of SA to beg them to sell the US more oil.....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value
Idiot, if Texas secedes, it is now a sovereign country and the USA has no jusisdiction over them to impose ANY rules! :21:

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA,
NAFTA is long dead, boob.

nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.
Your loss. You need us more than we need you!

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas.
Idiot, it is the USA always in debt looking to borrow money.

Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.
We'll repay our loans as soon as the USA starts repaying theirs. USA is 30 trillion in debt. All the worse now without all those Texas taxpayers!

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.
The USA has nothing worth trading we cannot get elsewhere. Better concentrate on repaying YOUR debts first!

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters.
Why would we want to? We have plenty of oil-bearing land and all waters off our shores in the Gulf are ours as well plus all the refineries. Good luck without any of that.

Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.
Spoken like a true Marxist-- -- as if you'd have any authority over Texas to impose anything! Who died and left YOU in charge, moron? NO ONE.

You get nothing.
The 16th amendment which made a federal income tax legal, provided the resources to transform the US, a British breakaway colony to a financial and military world leader. At that time military and financial power rested with 4 countries, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Since up to 95% of the US government revenue was import tariffs, there was few imports and American exports were limited due to retaliatory tariffs. With the passage of the 16th amendment, and reduction of tariffs, The US became a major supplier to Europe and after two world wars, American became the greatest financial and economic power in the world. The US has made a number mistakes but the 16 amendment is not one of them.
Fine. Enjoy being a military power, i.e. the world's policeman, who enriches the Military Industrial Complex.

Leave us out of it.
Lets be clear, Texas doesn't make these statements (well not since the "unpleasantness"...). Private persons who may have experienced to much of our fine Texas sunshine make these statements.
I see what you mean...

The Texas Republican party has endorsed legislation that would allow state residents to vote whether to secede from the United States.
40% of us oil and gas is produced in Texas, that's with the restrictions placed on them by the US government. I highly doubt a Texas National Gov would place those restrictions on them. They would be one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the world around 4th and likely move into the top 3 within 10 years. They would be a huge exporter of that oil and thus stupidly rich. I highly doubt they would care if there was free trade with the US and they wouldn't need to get a loan from them. Joe Biden would be traveling to Texas instead of SA to beg them to sell the US more oil.....
This reminds me of 1900 when the coal barons thought they would rule the energy market forever. Today oil and gas is where coal was in 1900 but wait there is a challenger today just as there was then. Renewable Energy has grown 42% between between 2010 and 2020 and that rate is now increasing exponentially. By the end of this century oil and gas will be a secondary energy source. Even if the world turns away from renewables, global warming will reduce demand for all energy sources in the 22nd century as global warming disrupts the economies of the world. Either way oil and gas over the long term will be a loser.
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This reminds me of 1900 when the coal barons thought they would rule the energy market forever. Today oil and gas is where coal was in 1900 but wait there is challenger. Renewable Energy has grown 42% between between 2010 and 2020 and that rate is now increasing exponentially. By the end of this century oil and gas will be a secondary energy source. Even if the country turned away from renewables, global warming will reduce demand for all energy sources in the 22nd century as global warming disrupts the economies of the world. Either way oil gas over the long term will be loser.

Maybe. You know what else there is alot of in Texas? Open land with lots of sun and wind (I think they have more wind than any other state in the US). And they would have the money to invest in it. I'd venture to say that they would go all in on those as well as nuclear energy. They also have a shit load of coastline if they wanted to do tidal or some other type of renewable.
Invade them, burn their property and rape their women

My State of Georgia once seceeded from the union. The final effect of this was Sherman's March through Georgia, the worst act of terrorism in American History. Georgia's Confederate officials claimed as many 50,000 rapes of women and children happened during the infamous March. Sherman's executive officer claimed that this was a damned lie. He said no more than 5,000 rapes happened.
Maybe. You know what else there is alot of in Texas? Open land with lots of sun and wind (I think they have more wind than any other state in the US). And they would have the money to invest in it. I'd venture to say that they would go all in on those as well as nuclear energy. They also have a shit load of coastline if they wanted to do tidal or some other type of renewable.
You can same thing about a dozen other states. With the growth of solar, it looks more and more like it will be local and regional.
If we had a corporate tax rate.

We'll vote on how much of all that we want and how to pay for it. We don't "have to have" an income tax, social security and medicare, in the United States or in a Republic of Texas 2.0.

The U.S. got along fine without income tax until the explosion of big government inspired by European socialism.

I doubt it, but even if you're right, so, what? We can easily sustain ourselves.

The shrimp boat sounds pretty easy to sink, so it could be warned off with no problem. We'd need coast guard to protect us from illegal aliens from the East Coast.

Since we won't be meddling in China's business, I see no reason they would send a cruiser.

You must be kidding?

Biden is already shut down pipelines that benefit Texas, in favor of those that enrich Russia. Whether the lesser 49 get Texas oil will depend on whether the U.S. president at any given time wants them to have cheaper gasoline.
Sink Louisiana ships and you are at war with the US Navy. You want to know who will fuck you up fast? The US Navy.

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