I think the republican party is done

Never underestimate the power of Trumpe-eelzebub. (aka Honest Don.)

The Dark Prince of Retribution.

They really aren't.
LOL .. yes they are .. Trump gets more coverage than Biden ... two fold .. democrats are concerned with the early indicators leading up to the november election .. and focusing on Trump's cognition compared to Biden (which is hilarious given the cognitive state of Biden the last 4 years).
Years ago we had a "nuclear clock" that counted down to doomsday and today we have a doddering old fool with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and a phantom government pulling the strings but hard core lefties don't seem to care. The desperate ignorant TDS fools can't defend the administration they support so they rely on Alinsky's "rules for radical's.
I've said it before. They are going to have to hit rock bottom for enough of them to open their eyes and realize they've been hoodwinked and leave the cult.
Why is it a cult? Supporting a candidate and dedication to a candidate -- just like a democrats do with their cognitively declining presidential candidate? Explain the difference.
Why is it a cult? Supporting a candidate and dedication to a candidate -- just like a democrats do with their cognitively declining presidential candidate? Explain the difference.
The blind faith, the inability to see contrasting facts, The willingness to forgive the cult leader for anything, donating yourself into the poor house, the list is long and distinguished.

With tRump destroying the serving or hopeful politicians who aren't loyal enough and Lara purging the RNC of folks she deems unworthy while redirecting the money into the tRump pockets just months before the national elections there will be nothing left when they lose.

And lose they will, since they are removing the few remaining voices of sanity from the party as we speak.


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