I used to say Obama caused the economic collapse simply because he was the nominee

Brainwashed morons! F+F's share of the market from 75% to 25% from 2003-6 while private banks took over and Booosh crony regulators looked the other way. F+F had only 20% of the toxic assets, and got in late. You are absolutely full of Pubcrappe. Try facts sometime, tools of the greedy lying rich...

Most idiotic OP ever...
Ed you got a man crush on Rush? You talk more about him than most righties on here.
YOU were the one stupid enough to parrot your MessiahRushie, all I did was make you eat his words. I would say that makes YOU the one with your head up his ass!
You people just cannot give credit where credit is due.

The economic crisis was spearheaded by the housing market collapse was spearheaded by Jimmy Carter's fucking with the banks and their loan requirements, then again by Slick Willy Clinton, then by Barney Fwank and his boyfweind...all fucking Democrats.:clap2:

please go get two numbers for me.

The number of sub primes written and then the number of subprimes required by CRA.

Please grow some balls and start keeping up with the news. All of what I said has been documented over the years. Carter and Clinton were Captains of the ship and Barney was First Mate.

Democrats fucked Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of MILLIONS of dollars, using it as a cash cow to line their own pockets as Executives with high salaries.

The GOP had nothing to do with the Great Recession and the housing collapse? :lol:
It was all the Dems fault! :lol::lol:
Man, talk about denial. How do people believe this BS actually walk and chew gum and the same time?
Seriously, we could blame; The Fed, the Banks, the Dems and the GOP and that would cover it.
So, let's see your documentation and it better be from an unbiased resource, not some right wing resource.

Come on, man up.
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What started the collapse was when Charlie Schumer said on the senate floor that AIG was insolvent. AIG was insolvent. It had insured the mortgages handed out by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. When the mortgages went into default, AIG went bankrupt because it didn't have reserves enough to pay off on thousands of bad loans.

When lenders were mandated to make bad loans, the federal government sweetened the deal by telling those lenders that the bad loans could be bundled with good loans and sold. Since all the mortgages were insured, investors would be protected against defaults. No one imagined how many defaults there would be or how bad it would get. Everyone thought that once people got into homes they were buying they would work to preserve that asset. In reality no one cared. The home they were buying didn't occupy any more emotional connection than a home someone was renting.

What happened though was the there was frenzy of buying and property prices began to rise. As property values rose, those who were responsible suddenly had hundreds of thousands of dollars in free money. They refinanced, took the equity out and had a party. And a hangover.
Now I say he will cause its resurrection simply by exiting the Whitehouse.

Yeah, yeah I know it sounds simplistic but look at the data. Everything tanked directly after he won the nomination.
Well in my opinion you will be right on his exit spurring growth. Investors and business owners are foaming at the mouth waiting for a long term income tax bill and some other measures by a Republican president and Congress to enact. Now we must give the 06 Congress its just do them and Bush signed an increase in budget in 07-08 and that's only thing I didn't like about him. In Bush's defense those two years look like a joke to the 3.6 years we've had with no budget. And yeah after the businessmen saw Obama get in with a Democrat Congress- its time to be afraid, but this is worse then just a dem, Obama's a far left tax to collapse guy. So your kind of right
Hey liberal liars.
The bill that sank the housing market was Bush's American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) passed in Dec 2003, which changed the rules to allow no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into. From that point on the sub-prime market took over.

July 7,2010

RUSH: To illustrate my point even further: "Subprime mortgages accounted for 9 percent of all mortgage originations from 1996 through 2004." But that 9% became 21% from 2004 to 2006, 21% of all mortgages were subprime. Twenty-one percent of all mortgages were essentially money given away to people because they were loans made to people that everybody knew going in would never pay them back. And that 21% of the mortgage market being subprime equaled about $600,000 billion in 2006, which was at the time one-fifth of the US home loan market.
No you are correct sir :lol:

And yet they blame Bush who only wet the Marxists appetite for two years that's the part I hate we have a Communist tyrant wannabe running welfare/foodstamp commercials again this isn't happening?
You people just cannot give credit where credit is due.

The economic crisis was spearheaded by the housing market collapse which was spearheaded by Jimmy Carter's fucking with the banks and their loan requirements, then again by Slick Willy Clinton, then by Barney Fwank and his boyfweind...all fucking Democrats.:clap2:

"It all CARTER'S fault, I tell ya!" Yells the wingers. Over thirty years ago. But try and pin anything on the absolute worst modern day presidency (aka. Bush) and the apes go wild.

Ed you got a man crush on Rush? You talk more about him than most righties on here.
YOU were the one stupid enough to parrot your MessiahRushie, all I did was make you eat his words. I would say that makes YOU the one with your head up his ass!

I didn't parrot anything. I did what we all do. I heard, read or saw something interesting and I posted about it with my own twist. Same shit we all do.

Seems it got your panties wet though
Now I say he will cause its resurrection simply by exiting the Whitehouse.

Yeah, yeah I know it sounds simplistic but look at the data. Everything tanked directly after he won the nomination.

No dear, everything tanked when Bush was president.

Nice try though... partisan, not based in any type of fact, but nice try nonetheless. ;)
I thought it was all because of Palins moose hunting trip?

Don't retreat, reload!

Maybe it was that 6 pack of beer I bought?
Ed you got a man crush on Rush? You talk more about him than most righties on here.
YOU were the one stupid enough to parrot your MessiahRushie, all I did was make you eat his words. I would say that makes YOU the one with your head up his ass!

I didn't parrot anything. I did what we all do. I heard, read or saw something interesting and I posted about it with my own twist. Same shit we all do.

Seems it got your panties wet though
Please link to what you read.
YOU were the one stupid enough to parrot your MessiahRushie, all I did was make you eat his words. I would say that makes YOU the one with your head up his ass!

I didn't parrot anything. I did what we all do. I heard, read or saw something interesting and I posted about it with my own twist. Same shit we all do.

Seems it got your panties wet though
Please link to what you read.

Christ you're dense. You already got part of it. Change your panties before they start to stink
You people just cannot give credit where credit is due.

The economic crisis was spearheaded by the housing market collapse which was spearheaded by Jimmy Carter's fucking with the banks and their loan requirements, then again by Slick Willy Clinton, then by Barney Fwank and his boyfweind...all fucking Democrats.:clap2:

Y'all just don't care how many times that canard is debunked, do you?

Now I say he will cause its resurrection simply by exiting the Whitehouse.

Yeah, yeah I know it sounds simplistic but look at the data. Everything tanked directly after he won the nomination.

The smart money saw him coming and headed for the hills.

Unemployment greatly accelerated once he became President Elect.

They don't call it smart money for nothing!

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