i voted for biden but wish i had not

From the moment they told the vaccinated that they had to put their masks back on, it was clear to me that the vaccines are failing to work.

Then the CDC spun it to say that the vaccines prevent severe illness, but don't prevent infection or transmission.

They keep feeding you BS, and you believe. Can't blame you for wanting to rationalize those injections of useless junk you got into your arm.

Israel has the best data and is heavily vaccinated. Their data is showing more vaccinated than unvaccinated being hospitalized, the converse of your outdated claim...

What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."
Well, you're pretty stupid so I don't doubt you misunderstood the need to wear masks. Also lost on you is that most of the deaths being suffered from Covid is due to being unvaxxed.
Keep telling yourself that. The data shows that the CDC/NIH are lying to you.

"COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated."

Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
Only a fool would believe the vaccines are working while walking around fully vaccinated and wearing a mask.
Statistics prove the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Since the article isn't from Project Veritas (snicker), I know you'll think it's some sort of deep state story plant.
Cite your opposition please. It will be the first time you ever disagreed with your blob...who signed off on trillions of spending.

Betcha can't.
Troll. I've posted my opposition to stimulus payments countless times here at USMB.....

I am a Conservative. True Conservatives are against wasteful spending and free stuff for loafers like yourself.

From other places, here is me in July, 2020. My own meme posted to Parler..

Well I've talked to some who voted for that incompetent ass and boy do they regret that vote. One told me that if she knew what he was going to do she never would have voted for him. I told her if she'd researched him she would have found out as he was quite open about what his plans were.

You can't fix stupid.
Sure you are. Keep lying to yourself. You're aces at it.

You voted for an incompetent jackass who's made a mess. Someone will have to clean up that mess and I hope it Trump. He will get my vote in 2024.
How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

It’s meaningless. There is little difference between Joe and Don. So, you shouldn’t beat yourself up.
I notice that the morons who try to disparage people who voted for Biden never explain why anyone would want to vote for trump, or any republican, for that matter. Look at the crap that is coming out of Texastan. If we had four more years of trump and the sex-queerdo, we would have a lot worse. No thank you!
Sex? Biden is a pedophile and there are plenty of photos to prove it.
I love all that the American Marxist admit when telling us they voted for Trump.

Most of it is just raw hate with not a fact or reasoning to back it up. Much of what they post are CNN headlines and talking points.

I take this information, and develop my "rant" I use at work when I confront the Democrats who still think they are the party of John F. Kennedy. Some listen, many do not. But of the ones that do listen, they actually become enlightened and change parties.

I also teach my family, then they go to school and are able to stop the teachers and other students dead in their tracks. It is funny to hear the stories, how the teacher is simply dumbfounded and can not speak. Or how others look to my kids as intelligent leaders.

Yes, it is much fun reading the posts from the American Marxists, the Democrats, Liberals, whatever label they choose to wear today.
I voted for Joseph R. Biden Jr. and am still glad I did. Not thrilled about the border and that was his implementation. Glad we are not seeking more fund in the trump wall, as I never saw one, I wasn't trained to breach, bypass or climb. Now that we are out of Afghanistan, I am actually pleased we only lost 13 to a suicide bomber. I never lost anything over there except for a friend or two and never believed in the nation building mission (ever) as we are not good at it. His old boss Obama completed the real mission and should have gotten us out, but didn't. Trump campaigned saying he would but didn't. Joe said he was going to if he got elected and did. I am glad I cast my vote to get rid of the crooked trump administration and all those criminals that went to jail and had to be pardoned by the crime boss trump.
So, yes, I am still proud of my vote for Joe Biden. If trump or a trumper wins the Republican nomination for 2024 I will vote against them, so we get to keep voting in a representative republic under the rule of law. If trump had his way, we would have lost it and possibly faced a new civil war. I miss the conservatives, that loved our country, honored their oaths of office, and did not look the other way to crime, corruption, supported our allies and stood in rebuke of our known historic enemies. Looks like the only thing left now that the conservatives have been run out of the Republican Party are the right wing radical, power whores, who will lay down for anything, just to get or keep some power.
My god you are a fucking idiot.
How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

If Trump runs again I wonder who he'll pick as his running mate. Pence for his trouble almost ended up at the end of a rope. I guess we can count him out.
How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

You said you voted for Biden

Get your story straight
My god you are a fucking idiot.
Not as dumb as you. I'm glad you have not lost anyone you knew over there. I have known several. 20 years was not worth being there. I am glad Joe ordered the troops out of there, rather than continue to pay for being there with blood and treasure.
There is nobody as stupid as those that refuse to learn. You should have been able to figure it out by now, but you did not.
Not as dumb as you. I'm glad you have not lost anyone you knew over there. I have known several. 20 years was not worth being there. I am glad Joe ordered the troops out of there, rather than continue to pay for being there with blood and treasure.
There is nobody as stupid as those that refuse to learn. You should have been able to figure it out by now, but you did not.

You dumb shit.

It was never about leaving Afghanistan. Trump is the one that made the decision to withdraw from the nation building mission and all Americans support that.

It was about doing it in a competent honorable manner.

Trump would have done it properly and not have pissed off our allies.

President Patothead fucked it up big time. Just like he has screwed up everything else he did in life. The only thing competent he has ever done is figure out how to get rich selling influence to foreigners and stealing an election. However, I suspect the latter was done by people other than himself.

We warned you morons that Potatohead was a disaster but you idiots didn't listen.

Now you own the worst President this country ever had and that is saying a lot considering the runner up is The Worthless Negro.

Shame on you. Yes you are a fucking idiot.

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