i voted for biden but wish i had not

You dumb shit.

It was never about leaving Afghanistan. Trump is the one that made the decision to withdraw from the nation building mission and all Americans support that.

It was about doing it in a competent honorable manner.

Trump would have done it properly and not have pissed off our allies.

President Patothead fucked it up big time. Just like he has screwed up everything else he did in life. The only thing competent he has ever done is figure out how to get rich selling influence to foreigners and stealing an election. However, I suspect the latter was done by people other than himself.

We warned you morons that Potatohead was a disaster but you idiots didn't listen.

Now you own the worst President this country ever had and that is saying a lot considering the runner up is The Worthless Negro.

Shame on you. Yes you are a fucking idiot.
Bull. This is just more trump worship. The fact is, trump did not do Jacksh#t. You cannot sell me or anybody else on rosie scenarios, based on thing people never did.
Afghanistan. Finished
Stock Market. Record Highs
Vaccines. Distributed
Stimulus. Done
Infrastructure. Done
Normalcy. Returned (more and more each day).
Blob supporters...whining more than normal.


Sure it is.
Bull. This is just more trump worship. The fact is, trump did not do Jacksh#t. You cannot sell me or anybody else on rosie scenarios, based on thing people never did.

You are a fucking moron.

You are bragging about voting for this Joe Potatohead piece of shit.

Do you remember what happen during The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration? Obviously not.

Poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, health care cost soared with Obamacare, the military was decimated, foreign policy was weak and embarrassing, the war in Afghanistan was escalated, ISIS almost took over all of Iraq, millions of Illegals flooded in, racial unrest increased, welfare increased and we had dismal economic growth.

Only a fucking moron would have voted for a clown like Biden that was a key player in that failed administration. that doesn't even include his terrible record as a Moon Bat Senator. He was on the wrong side of every issue like raising taxes.

We told you stupid Moon Bats that Potatohead was a disaster but you little dimwits didn't listen. You Moon Bats always make the wrong decisions.

What the hell is your problem?
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Millions of Biden voters have buyers remorse because Biden lied his ass off to get elected. Hell even dead Dems who voted for Biden wish they had a do over.
Sure, tell yerself that along with the former president will be reinstated....
How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

There's an entire section on Reddit called r/Bidenregret

It's infinitely amusing.
You are a fucking moron.

You are bragging about voting for this Joe Potatohead piece of shit.

Do you remember what happen during The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration? Obviously not.

Poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, health care cost soared with Obamacare, the military was decimated, foreign policy was weak and embarrassing, the war in Afghanistan was escalated, ISIS almost took over all of Iraq, millions of Illegals flooded in, racial unrest increased, welfare increased and we had dismal economic growth.

Only a fucking moron would have voted for a clown like Biden that was a key player in that failed administration. that doesn't even include his terrible record as a Moon Bat Senator. He was on the wrong side of every issue like raising taxes.

We told you stupid Moon Bats that Potatohead was a disaster but you little dimwits didn't listen. You Moon Bats always make the wrong decisions.

What the hell is your problem?
No. I guess I don't remember, except stabilizing my retirement accounts after the disastrous Bush administration.

My poverty did not increase. You should go back to work. I know a lot of people in the military, but do not know of any decrease in military spending, or lower readiness levels. They even contacted me about coming back as a contractor, so apparently there was money to be spent, while we had troops overseas. My taxes did not go up, either.

Anybody that expected a different outcome than what every other country that ever tried to take over and maintain in Afghanistan is an idiot, so glad to know who I am talking to.

If you guys had not hired a crooked nepotistic mob boss, his cast of criminal and family that should have been kicked out of office early on, I might have voted different, but Joe was the best choice at the time. By electing Joe, we got to keep free elections under the constitution, instead of mob rule.

I got no problems. Continuing income and investments doing well. Vacation was great. I have not had Covid since Donny was denying how serious it was, while tell Bob Woodword on tape it was the most serious thing to hit America in generations. We're fully vaccinated. No more acquaintances or personnel that serve under me will be dying in Afghanistan. Plus I get to see you choking on your tears.

There, there, little guy. :itsok: Maybe they will not run a trumper in 2024 and you might have a chance at nirvana if the republicans go back to ideas and ideals of Americans instead of their divide and conquer thing of the last 8 or 12 years and attacks on voting rights and the constitution. Might not happen though, as they kicked the conservatives almost out of the party, leaving nothing but the radical right.
No. I guess I don't remember, except stabilizing my retirement accounts after the disastrous Bush administration.

My poverty did not increase. You should go back to work. I know a lot of people in the military, but do not know of any decrease in military spending, or lower readiness levels. They even contacted me about coming back as a contractor, so apparently there was money to be spent, while we had troops overseas. My taxes did not go up, either.

Anybody that expected a different outcome than what every other country that ever tried to take over and maintain in Afghanistan is an idiot, so glad to know who I am talking to.

If you guys had not hired a crooked nepotistic mob boss, his cast of criminal and family that should have been kicked out of office early on, I might have voted different, but Joe was the best choice at the time. By electing Joe, we got to keep free elections under the constitution, instead of mob rule.

I got no problems. Continuing income and investments doing well. Vacation was great. I have not had Covid since Donny was denying how serious it was, while tell Bob Woodword on tape it was the most serious thing to hit America in generations. We're fully vaccinated. No more acquaintances or personnel that serve under me will be dying in Afghanistan. Plus I get to see you choking on your tears.

There, there, little guy. :itsok: Maybe they will not run a trumper in 2024 and you might have a chance at nirvana if the republicans go back to ideas and ideals of Americans instead of their divide and conquer thing of the last 8 or 12 years and attacks on voting rights and the constitution. Might not happen though, as they kicked the conservatives almost out of the party, leaving nothing but the radical right.

Maybe you were one of the few but the national stats don't lie. Maybe you were a fucking welfare queen or Illegal that did well with his increased welfare.

However, much more likely is that you are simply a dumbass Moon Bat that is too stupid to understand how The Worthless Negro and Joe Dufus fucked up this country.

You have to be a pretty sorry individual to have thought in 2020 that Mr. Potaohead was going to do a good job as President. Just look how the idiot is fucking things up now. I saw a 31% approval rating for him this morning. It is probably going to get worse.

He had to steal the election because there was no way he was going to get legitimately elected in this country.

There are a lot of idiots in this country but not the number that the Democrats counted as submitting ballots. We all know that. Even you idiot Moon Bats. You know as good as us Americans that Mr. Potatohead stole the election but since you want this country to be a Socialist shithole and he is your man you don't give a crap.
How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

I heard there are more 'Democrat Voters Anonymous' chapters popping up in cities and towns all over the country every new continously new scandal-filled day...

How many on here are willing to admit that?

Come on and fess up....honesty is the best policy.

Personally I voted for Trump

You people have no idea how badly Trump was/is hated
Maybe you were one of the few but the national stats don't lie. Maybe you were a fucking welfare queen or Illegal that did well with his increased welfare.

However, much more likely is that you are simply a dumbass Moon Bat that is too stupid to understand how The Worthless Negro and Joe Dufus fucked up this country.

You have to be a pretty sorry individual to have thought in 2020 that Mr. Potaohead was going to do a good job as President. Just look how the idiot is fucking things up now. I saw a 31% approval rating for him this morning. It is probably going to get worse.

He had to steal the election because there was no way he was going to get legitimately elected in this country.

There are a lot of idiots in this country but not the number that the Democrats counted as submitting ballots. We all know that. Even you idiot Moon Bats. You know as good as us Americans that Mr. Potatohead stole the election but since you want this country to be a Socialist shithole and he is your man you don't give a crap.
Nope. Just a fiscal conservative that planned for the future and knew i would need to be debt free years before retirement and have continuing income streams afterward. I guess I figure it out, where dumb asses like you did not.

The only ones that hate him are maga fuckups.
Yeah, snowflakes are evidently fond of scandal-plagued, dementia-ravafed, racist, sexual predatory, child-sniffing/fondling pefo, nation security forfeiting, energy independence -forfeiting, historic drug/human/child-traffickng facilitating COVID19 Super Spreading event faciltating, Al Qaeda/ISIS US-relocating, liar with zero credibility who has a history as VP and President of leaving Americans behind to the 'mercy' of terrorists.

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