i voted for biden but wish i had not

His explanation is totally ridiculous but at least you disagree with him and you are right to disagree.

Though I do not think he deserves the kindness you have bestowed upon him.

He and his ilk have blood on their hands for supporting a demented old fool who even in his best years so long ago was not much better than he is now.

We should never forget he objected to the raid to get osama bin laden.
I have not heard many people say why they still like Biden. But the polls still show him at 40-something percent approval. Difficult for me to understand how anyone could still support him, so I appreciate hearing honest answers from Biden supporters which are not simply "Orange man bad."

I like no more abandonment of treaties, a willingness to cooperate with foreign allies, no bullying, a willingness to accept and cooperate with accepted laws and accepted procedures, increased transparency of government, no more using government for personal political gain, no more sucking up to specific religious groups at the expense of the American People, increased support for the U.S. Constitution, increased support for democratic institutions, recognition that we are a diverse society in which all are treated equally. And much more. I am proud to have voted for Biden.
Lot's of good stuff in your post.

The border is a huge humanitarian crisis and it is not getting better but worse and you try to downplay it??? What is wrong with you?
Yep. Biden was handed a well-functioning border situation, and like so many things he touches, turned it into a crisis.
We lost much more in Afghanistan than just 13 marines.
More could be on the way too. Let's hope not.

We still do not know how many Americans were left behind.
Deliberately left behind & stranded in a foreign country with a hostile enemy force left in charge and armed with abandoned US weaponry paid for with our tax dollars.
What their fate will be we do not yet know.....but it was your man that allowed the taliban to determine their fate whatever that will be.
Partnering with the enemy. Both Blinken and Sullivan have even mentioned giving financial incentives to the Taliban! Trump would have threatened to start stacking their bodies if they harm Americans.
Not even to mention that China will now take advantage of our ceding a very strategic geo political location.
Very important point. We are so weak right now. The world watches as America quickly loses all credibility under our incompetent White House leadership. We even left our best allies hanging in Afghanistan, putting their citizens in danger and creating a surprise crisis for their militaries.

I give credit to obama for allowing our raid on Osama to proceed but what made that raid possible was a lot of work by others.
That's the only positive thing I can think of that Obama ever did.
Trump made a deal with the Taliban that would have gotten us out without all the chaos and resulting deaths.

Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington and he also allowed his crime family to use him for their benefit to the tune of millions if not billions of dollars.
And the press says almost nothing about. They attack DJT Jr's mean tweets, and let Hunter slide on his serious drug addiction, illegal prostitute habit, shady business deals, and "10% for The Big Guy."
Biden has divided this nation even more than obama did and has begun a witch hunt to identify and arrest real patriots.
Yep. And Pelosi. Jan 6th protestors
There are more covid deaths this holiday weekend than there was a year ago.

Joe seems not to have a good plan to stop covid.
Yep. Vaccines aren't working. Still have to mask up and socially distance, vaccinated can still get infected and transmit COVID. Data is now showing more hospitalizations of vaccinated than unvaccinated:

But their plan is to tell everyone to get another ineffective shot.

They say there is a huge boost in antibodies. Problem is, now that the virus has mutated, the antibodies are not effective. Only natural immunity is effective, as the body creates antibodies which are effective against multiple parts of the real virus, not a man-made spike protein.

Afghanistan. Finished
What a way to go out. Abandon Americans and allies, arm our enemy and ask them for permission. Flood America with 100,000 refugees, some of whom are undoubtedly Taliban sympathizers, 13 Americans killed in an attack which was announced well in advance.
Stock Market. Record Highs
Out of control inflation is kind of wiping out those gains.
Vaccines. Distributed
Thanks to Trump who exceeded Biden's "stretch goal" of one million vaccinated per day, after only a month of vaccine approval.
Stimulus. Done
Infrastructure. Done
Spending is easy. Every POTUS likes to do it. Spending our children's money is what we have done. Now Biden is talking about raising taxes to help pay for it.

Deficit spending should only happen in times of extreme national emergency such as a world war or the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupting. A man-made plandemic which kills less than 1% of the population per year does not qualify.
Normalcy. Returned (more and more each day).
Creepy men can pee in our daughters' rest rooms and compete against them in their lifelong dream of winning sports competitions. Vaccinated people are told to wear masks and socially distance. Unvaccinated people are being told they cannot enter retail establishments. Administration is helping Facebook censor content. Administration is encouraging private business to threaten their workers with firing if they choose not to get vaccinated two or three times with a vaccine that is not working. Yeah, sure seems normal to me.
Blob supporters...whining more than normal.
Yes we are. We are watching the most rapid destruction of America that we have ever witnessed. It's happening right in front of everyone's eyes. It is very concerning.

I like no more abandonment of treaties, a willingness to cooperate with foreign allies, no bullying, a willingness to accept and cooperate with accepted laws and accepted procedures, increased transparency of government, no more using government for personal political gain, no more sucking up to specific religious groups at the expense of the American People, increased support for the U.S. Constitution, increased support for democratic institutions, recognition that we are a diverse society in which all are treated equally. And much more. I am proud to have voted for Biden.
What a load of crapola....too stupid to warrant anymore comment.
Could not have said it better!
Have you ever said anything better about anything? There appears to be a huge vacumn between your ears.....as in your brain shrunk and there is no longer any evidence of it's existence.

Lot's of good stuff in your post.

Yep. Biden was handed a well-functioning border situation, and like so many things he touches, turned it into a crisis.

More could be on the way too. Let's hope not.

Deliberately left behind & stranded in a foreign country with a hostile enemy force left in charge and armed with abandoned US weaponry paid for with our tax dollars.

Partnering with the enemy. Both Blinken and Sullivan have even mentioned giving financial incentives to the Taliban! Trump would have threatened to start stacking their bodies if they harm Americans.

Very important point. We are so weak right now. The world watches as America quickly loses all credibility under our incompetent White House leadership. We even left our best allies hanging in Afghanistan, putting their citizens in danger and creating a surprise crisis for their militaries.

That's the only positive thing I can think of that Obama ever did.

And the press says almost nothing about. They attack DJT Jr's mean tweets, and let Hunter slide on his serious drug addiction, illegal prostitute habit, shady business deals, and "10% for The Big Guy."

Yep. And Pelosi. Jan 6th protestors

Yep. Vaccines aren't working. Still have to mask up and socially distance, vaccinated can still get infected and transmit COVID. Data is now showing more hospitalizations of vaccinated than unvaccinated:

But their plan is to tell everyone to get another ineffective shot.

They say there is a huge boost in antibodies. Problem is, now that the virus has mutated, the antibodies are not effective. Only natural immunity is effective, as the body creates antibodies which are effective against multiple parts of the real virus, not a man-made spike protein.

What a way to go out. Abandon Americans and allies, arm our enemy and ask them for permission. Flood America with 100,000 refugees, some of whom are undoubtedly Taliban sympathizers, 13 Americans killed in an attack which was announced well in advance.

Out of control inflation is kind of wiping out those gains.

Thanks to Trump who exceeded Biden's "stretch goal" of one million vaccinated per day, after only a month of vaccine approval.

Spending is easy. Every POTUS likes to do it. Spending our children's money is what we have done. Now Biden is talking about raising taxes to help pay for it.

Deficit spending should only happen in times of extreme national emergency such as a world war or the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupting. A man-made plandemic which kills less than 1% of the population per year does not qualify.

Creepy men can pee in our daughters' rest rooms and compete against them in their lifelong dream of winning sports competitions. Vaccinated people are told to wear masks and socially distance. Unvaccinated people are being told they cannot enter retail establishments. Administration is helping Facebook censor content. Administration is encouraging private business to threaten their workers with firing if they choose not to get vaccinated two or three times with a vaccine that is not working. Yeah, sure seems normal to me.

Yes we are. We are watching the most rapid destruction of America that we have ever witnessed. It's happening right in front of everyone's eyes. It is very concerning.

Outstanding analysis of our current situation.
My bet is that by 2024 he will not be with us any longer
The democrats are working on a plan as to how to best get rid of joe before the midterms if he is still alive at that point.

The clintons may get involved....can anyone say Arkansided?
I notice that the morons who try to disparage people who voted for Biden never explain why anyone would want to vote for trump, or any republican, for that matter. Look at the crap that is coming out of Texastan. If we had four more years of trump and the sex-queerdo, we would have a lot worse. No thank you!
I notice that the morons who try to disparage people who voted for Biden never explain why anyone would want to vote for trump, or any republican, for that matter. Look at the crap that is coming out of Texastan. If we had four more years of trump and the sex-queerdo, we would have a lot worse. No thank you!
Trump made me lots of promises that I never really expected him to keep. But in his first three years, he had already done his best to keep most of them. That's a sign of honesty and integrity, and something few politicians do (name ONE). My support for Trump is much stronger now than when I voted for him the first time.

- Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
- New trade deal with China.
- Building the Wall.
- Mexico indirectly paying for the wall (USMCA, troops in Mexico now helping to protect our border under threats of more tariffs if they stop).
- Terminated TPP.
- Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
- Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
- Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
- ISIS pretty much devastated; didn't even hear much about them anymore.
- Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
- Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
- Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
- Stock market rocketed.
- Fake media is being recognized.
- President shamed NFL kneelers.
- US negotiates from a position of strength again.
- Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
- Manufacturing and African American employment increasing.
- Lowest African American employment ever.
- Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
- Lowest female unemployment in decades.
- Terminated Obama's Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
- Obliterated Iran's top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
- North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
- North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
- NATO members are paying more.
- Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
- America is leading in energy production again and a net exporter of energy.
- Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
- Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
Promises kept. Putting America First. Putting you & me first. I can't think of any other politician that has done it as effectively.

The border is a huge humanitarian crisis and it is not getting better but worse and you try to downplay it??? What is wrong with you?

We lost much more in Afghanistan than just 13 marines.

We still do not know how many Americans were left behind.

What their fate will be we do not yet know.....but it was your man that allowed the taliban to determine their fate whatever that will be.

Would you be not too thrilled if it was your son or daughter under the power of the taliban?

Bush jr. was the one who initiated the nation bldg fiasco....the following Presidents just went along with it.

By withdrawing we are allowing the terrorist back in to afghanistan--Alquada included.

Not even to mention that China will now take advantage of our ceding a very strategic geo political location.

I give credit to obama for allowing our raid on Osama to proceed but what made that raid possible was a lot of work by others.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that would have gotten us out without all the chaos and resulting deaths.

Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington and he also allowed his crime family to use him for their benefit to the tune of millions if not billions of dollars.

Not even to mention his long, long history of lying. The only president that was ever forced to drop out of a presidential race for lying and plagarizing....Sam Donaldson back in the 80's when the media was much more honest said Biden was too dumb to be president and that was before biden came down with dementia.

Claiming Trump would have done away with our Republic is ridiculous...just shows you have drank the biden kool aid.

Biden has divided this nation even more than obama did and has begun a witch hunt to identify and arrest real patriots.

Our nation is under greater danger and more threats than any time in our history....not even to mention he has managed to alienate all our allies.

To say the least you are very confused.

Joe is a clown and a total fraud....even the MSM is turning against the demented fool.

Biden has only been in 7 months and already has engineered 2 major crisis....what will he do next???

There are more covid deaths this holiday weekend than there was a year ago.

Joe seems not to have a good plan to stop covid.

Why hasn't biden done more to stop covid?
I did not downgrade the border. I downgraded the effectiveness and cost efficiency of the wall and still do.

Yes we lost more in Afghanistan over the 20 years than 13 troops. If we stayed, we would continue losing troops.

It was known we were pulling out. Why haven't they been getting out for months. Read a story about a pregnant woman trapped there, that flew for Californian to Afghanistan in June to get married. Her husband got out, but she did not. What the Fk? Hubby to-be, got her to come there, then left her there? Would you have left your newlywed wife behind the lines in a war torn country, or would you have stayed with her and got her out? I guess that is one way to get out of child support. What could have possible got Americans to stay for the last 3 months, much less travel there for a wedding, when the husband to-be was going to have to leave the country (which he did) to come home?

We may not know their fate, but we know their propaganda value, for the stupidity of staying through the last minute. Quite a bit to you, not so much to me.

One of my sons has been there, and when time to come home at the end of orders to be there, he did. My kids were not raised to be dumb asses. They are all here in the Good old USA.

The dumb Son-Of-A-Bush is just that, and I have made that point before.

It would be nice if we could sell American Democracy effectively with guns and money to people of different cultures across the board, but it don't work that way. The mass of the people have to want it, and they don't in Afghanistan. Their own army threw down their weapons (our weapons) just a day or two into the withdrawal. They do politics there at the point of a gun. We didn't change it for the better and weren't going to.

If Communist China thinks it will gain control of Afghanistan, they will fail as the Communist Soviets and the Imperial Americans. The question is, will they learn in less time than the Soviets or the Americans.

I credit Obama for letting that mission to kill Bin Laden take place, also. He gets a big slice of the blame for not pulling out our troops after mission accomplished.

I do not see Joe Biden as anywhere near the crime boss of the crooked crime boss and family he replaced. Look at all the people in his administration that pleaded guilty or were found guilting by juries of their peers.

Yea, yea, yea, Sam Donaldson in the 80s. I am all aflutter.

If you get rid of accepting the electoral college, get rid of recognizing the vote of the states, and the people that voted in the states, and ignoring our constitution, and history of peaceful transition of government, you have not got a United States and would not get it back in your lifetime. You might have some semblance of a Republic, but not a representative republic, except representing a small cabal of right wing in power in perpetuity. Hardly what the frames had in mind.

Joe has not divided the country near as much as Donny. I have never seen this kind of daily vitriol in the public discourse until you guys got Donny and his kids in power.

You must be new to the country. It has been getting more complicated since the end of the 50s at least. I do not remember what it was like before 1960. I can tell you with assurity, it ain't what it used to be, and it never was.

I am not confused. You are just too dumb to understand what is important.

Yea, yea, yea, fraud and the new cycle view of MSM (which you usually attack just for existing), thanks for your opinion, partisan hack.

I expect it beats the continuous recurring crises of trump insiders being tried and found guilty, internation executive level blackmail, attacks on the constitution and rule of law, that we just finished up with.

We did not have the delta variant a year ago. Looks better for my age group, now. Most of us were smart enough to ignore the right and got vaccinated, while the right said it didn't affect younger people. Now it does.

The plan is get your ass vaccinated and take precautions in public groups. Don't you read?

You guys have resisted Covid precautions, vaccines and still tout fake cures. Your excellent PR campaigns have killed hundreds of thousands and will kill more. Thanks for your support of your ideology over the country, assholes.
Lot's of good stuff in your post.

Yep. Biden was handed a well-functioning border situation, and like so many things he touches, turned it into a crisis.
If you count kids being deprived of soap and toothpaste as "well handled"....
But their plan is to tell everyone to get another ineffective shot.
The shot is incredibly effective; most people hospitalized and dying from Covid are the unvaxxed.
Out of control inflation is kind of wiping out those gains.
Not true.
Thanks to Trump who exceeded Biden's "stretch goal" of one million vaccinated per day, after only a month of vaccine approval.
Trump and his cronies were making tee times instead of doing the work. Joe got it done.
Spending is easy. Every POTUS likes to do it. Spending our children's money is what we have done. Now Biden is talking about raising taxes to help pay for it.
Deficit spending should only happen in times of extreme national emergency such as a world war or the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupting. A man-made plandemic which kills less than 1% of the population per year does not qualify.
Amazingly you had no problem with your blob's spending.
Creepy men can pee in our daughters' rest rooms and compete against them in their lifelong dream of winning sports competitions. Vaccinated people are told to wear masks and socially distance. Unvaccinated people are being told they cannot enter retail establishments. Administration is helping Facebook censor content. Administration is encouraging private business to threaten their workers with firing if they choose not to get vaccinated two or three times with a vaccine that is not working. Yeah, sure seems normal to me.
The vaccine is working. Your ignorance is pretty normal.
Yes we are. We are watching the most rapid destruction of America that we have ever witnessed. It's happening right in front of everyone's eyes. It is very concerning.
LOL... You're spewing hate and living on a diet of misinformation and sour grapes.
Hi, candycorn. You don't seem to have been keeping up with the COVID developments so well. Let me help...

If you count kids being deprived of soap and toothpaste as "well handled"....
The number of suffering kids at the border have skyrocketed under Biden. Soap and toothpaste shortages under Trump? Please.

The shot is incredibly effective; most people hospitalized and dying from Covid are the unvaxxed.

From the moment they told the vaccinated that they had to put their masks back on, it was clear to me that the vaccines are failing to work.

Then the CDC spun it to say that the vaccines prevent severe illness, but don't prevent infection or transmission.

They keep feeding you BS, and you believe. Can't blame you for wanting to rationalize those injections of useless junk you got into your arm.

Israel has the best data and is heavily vaccinated. Their data is showing more vaccinated than unvaccinated being hospitalized, the converse of your outdated claim...

What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."

Amazingly you had no problem with your blob's spending.
BS. I was against every stimulus spending bill and posted such, very clearly.

The vaccine is working. Your ignorance is pretty normal.
Keep telling yourself that. The data shows that the CDC/NIH are lying to you.

"COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated."

Only a fool would believe the vaccines are working while walking around fully vaccinated and wearing a mask.
LOL... You're spewing hate and living on a diet of misinformation and sour grapes.

Um, I am the one that backs up my statements with reputable sources. You post talking points you heard from CNN.

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