I was wrong.

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

LBJ replaced the black male head of household with a government check.

The ignorance never ends.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
You just acknowledged a learning lesson.

I bet that’s not the last thing you learn in life.
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have. The you don't speak for all blacks argument just doesn't hold water when you hold up the opinion of one black as representative when they validate your racism. So you go find a black non right forum, express your opinions of blacks and see what you get.
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.


You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.
Correction - you have spent 30 years blaming others.

That is avoiding responsobility, not taking it.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

It's too bad you weren't being serious because this was exactly the kind of admittance I was hoping for from you people. LOL.
"you people"?

He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. There are millions of black people in this country leading productive lives and who teach their children responsibility instead of the avoidance thereof.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.
You are parsing the numbers, IM2.

More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites.
77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

The Black population is a little over 12% in the US, of coarse, there are a lot more whites that are single parents. But with the percentage of the Black population that are single parents really does hinder their children.

Meister I am doing the same thing to numbers you are. Every time it is shown that whites have a problem, telling me how we have 13 percent of the population isn't going to work. More married black women today are choosing not to have children and more people of all races are cohabitating. The problems blacks face have little to do with this. I worked for 30 years pretty much exclusively on issues affecting blacks. These simple and easy blames are the result, not the cause. And until most whites can understand the root cause, no matter how painful, whites will be unable to unable to understand what we are talking about.

You don't think this matters?

Despite rapid declines in teen birth rates across all major racial and ethnic groups, disparities persist. In 2018, the birth rate for Hispanic and black teens ages 15 to 19 was almost double the rate among white teens and more than five times as high as the rate among Asians and Pacific Islanders.

And you don't think this matters?

Back in 1960, most teen mothers – an estimated 85% – were married. Today, the majority of teen births (89%) are to unmarried mothers.

Now add to these facts that the playing field isn't even level for these unwed minority females who live in inner city ghettos where there are no job opportunities and the schools suck. .

Seriously, if you don't think these things matter then there is no talking to you. Because things are unfair for blacks to begin with, these things matter even more to young black kids. A white kid can be raised by a single mother and he's still going to have a chance at life because the economic opportunity and schools around him will help. Is that true for a young black kid living with a single mom in the ghetto? Yes or no
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

It doesn't matter who killed the indians. The indians living today need to get over it. What happened happened. What does an indian today need to do today to make it in America? That's what blacks need to do too.

One thing might be to first leave the reservation. There's no economic opportunity there.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
Are you being serious with this post ?
I'm not falling for the obvious troll thread. You'll be right back at it this afternoon
He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. .
Every social problem that black people face is the fault of white people or the system of racism -white supremacy.

Now if I'm wrong. Name me problem that is not.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
Are you being serious with this post ?

It was good wasn't it? It's actually what us whites want to hear you blacks say. Everything else you say about us is true. We are racist. We need to stop. We stereotype. We put you in the situation you are in. The playing field isn't level. All that being said, IM2 was right on the money with that post.

Now if only whites will agree with you guys when you are right, maybe we can get somewhere. But for now, if you will just heed IM2's advice that would go a long way getting us to stop being racists who stereotype.
He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. .
Every social problem that black people face is the fault of white people or the system of racism -white supremacy.

Now if I'm wrong. Name me problem that is not.
Every problem black people face is due to black people playing victim instead of developing healthy attitudes

You cannot succeed when you blame all your own failure on others
He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. .
Every social problem that black people face is the fault of white people or the system of racism -white supremacy.

Now if I'm wrong. Name me problem that is not.

Detroit Public Schools have been given a failing grade and their standardized test scores are the worst in the country after scores show 95% of fourth graders aren't proficient in reading and 93% are proficient in math.

This is the parents fault. Now if I'm wrong, tell me how.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
Are you being serious with this post ?

It was good wasn't it? It's actually what us whites want to hear you blacks say. Everything else you say about us is true. We are racist. We need to stop. We stereotype. We put you in the situation you are in. The playing field isn't level. All that being said, IM2 was right on the money with that post.

Now if only whites will agree with you guys when you are right, maybe we can get somewhere. But for now, if you will just heed IM2's advice that would go a long way getting us to stop being racists who stereotype.

I know for a fact blacks are racist against whites. Also the Asian community does not allow their children to date outside their race. Are we all racist to a point?
He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. .
Every social problem that black people face is the fault of white people or the system of racism -white supremacy.

Now if I'm wrong. Name me problem that is not.

The nation's highest murder rate in 2017 was in St. Louis, with 205 murders, a rate of 66 per 100,000 people, followed by Baltimore, with 342 murders and a rate of 56 per 100,000. Detroit was No. 3, recording 40 murders per 100,000 residents. Nationally, the number of violent crimes decreased 0.2 percent in 2017.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

LBJ replaced the black male head of household with a government check.

That’s the real fact
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

LBJ replaced the black male head of household with a government check.

The ignorance never ends.

Not so long as government money doesnt end. Enjoy!

He is just one person, not an entire community . Not all blacks are virulent racists who blame whitey because they are a failure. .
Every social problem that black people face is the fault of white people or the system of racism -white supremacy.

Now if I'm wrong. Name me problem that is not.

Back in 1960, most teen mothers – an estimated 85% – were married. Today, the majority of teen births (89%) are to unmarried mothers.

Despite rapid declines in teen birth rates across all major racial and ethnic groups, disparities persist. In 2018, the birth rate for Hispanic and black teens ages 15 to 19 was almost double the rate among white teens and more than five times as high as the rate among Asians and Pacific Islanders.

This is white people's fault? So our birth rates are going down because we can't afford to have kids and your birth rates for black teens is almost double the rate of ours? And that's our fault? We actually want to have more kids. A lot of whites feel like you and the arabs and mexicans are out breeding us. But we can't afford to stay middle class and have 2 or 3 kids. We also can't afford for you to have 2 or three kids because we have to feed them and obamacare them.

Who's responsible for the teen mothers today having kids when they can't afford them and they don't have a husband? PLEASE tell me it's our fault that right now Tamiqua is having unprotected sex with some guy you just know aint going to be a good baby daddy.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

LBJ replaced the black male head of household with a government check.

That’s the real fact

Yep. And in return the black women...generation after generation dependent on handouts...give the loyalty due a husband to whatever congressman keeps the gravy train flowing.
Whites are increasingly doing it as well. Unmarried women dependent on the government for food, housing and healthcare is the goal.

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