I was wrong.

The OP was wrong and I was right. This was just the latest racist troll thread from the Board's Leading Racist Troll

"Surprised, I'm not," said Master Yoda

Some of this is the result of black privilege. They grow up protected pampered and given special rights and they become stunted because of it.
Every problem black people face is due to black people playing victim instead of developing healthy attitudes

You cannot succeed when you blame all your own failure on others
OK. So your admitting that black people are "victims". We are victims of racism. right ?

So there should not be a system of racism that puts whites in a position of advantage and black people in a position of disadvantage.

Agreed ?
No. I did not say you are victims . you might want to brush up on your reading comprehension, son.

What I said is that you are PLAYING victim . You aren't a victim . You receive positive discrimination via affirmative action.

You have made the same choice as IM2 - to remain a boy. The day you start taking responsibility for your life instead of blaming whites for the fact you have not taken advantage of any of the preferential treatment you are given is the first step you will take towards becoming a man
I'm pretty sure you know that a black man without a criminal record is less likely to receive a call back for a job than a white man with a criminal record


And I'm pretty sure you know of all the over whelming evidence black ppl face in the job market.

I would say that a black man with a criminal record verse a white man with a criminal record would be an advantage to the white guy.

No matter what, a black guy with a criminal record is in deep shit. That is undeniable.

I also admit that black guys are much more likely to be prosecuted to the fullest extent than white dude. I have seen it.

So, would you also call that systemic racism that inherently keeps black guys from being eligible for jobs?

I definitely would. And it sucks.

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I haven’t read the thread. Are you being honest with your OP or is this a ploy?
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .
Children like 2 year olds?
The OP was wrong and I was right. This was just the latest racist troll thread from the Board's Leading Racist Troll

"Surprised, I'm not," said Master Yoda

When he sounded sensible and mature, I knew it couldn't be for real.

It's just a joke on whitey.
Any woman a black man impregnates will be black.

That's quite the feat right there.

On another note, if you stopped thinking with you balls, you might have something of worth to say. But, chances are, we're not going to benefit.

BTW, who gave you the idea to turn the one-drop rule around, and build a theory to explain White racism on it?
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I haven’t read the thread. Are you being honest with your OP or is this a ploy?

A ploy that didn’t work
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Well you've made a start. Good luck. If you're fair dinkum of course.

I understand IM2's position.......I just think he's unable to see past his own racism.

The number of blacks that will always blame "whitey" is huge.......the rest have moved on and are the Tyler Perrys and other successful black men and women.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Our early years are our formative years and there is nothing worse for a boy than to grow up without a good father figure to guide him.
The ignorance never ends.

Not so long as government money doesnt end. Enjoy!

View attachment 273095
Why would anyone invest in that area? Shaq has like 1000 business' across the country and he aint moving not one 5 Guys Burgers and Fries into that neighborhood until the people in that neighborhood stop robbing and stealing and vandalizing people's property. It's a shit hole.

Well banks are forced to due to redlining laws. The rich blacks like Al Sharpton use front companies to capture the money. And your money and mine flow there through tax redistribution. But its all just to keep a subsistence level in return for votes. No sane person invests in any of these Democrat slums.
We have just recently seen the billions poured into Elijah Cumnins district and it looks like Afghanistan there. My point being government money never helps. And never stops so long as you and I work and are available for the plucking.

True. For example Kentucky gets more federal tax dollars than MD does but after decades white kentucky mother fuckers are poorer than ever. And no one is investing in those red neck areas of the country either. The only difference is those poor whites aren't crying racism.

But, what we need to do is cut Kentucky idiots off of the federal tit too. They vote for less government not actually realizing how much government is keeping them afloat.

You may find this interesting to know that Maryland is number 8 on the list of how much they pay into the federal system. Kentucky gets more than it pays in. So maybe, just maybe, those white parts of the country need to stop taking from the shit holes like NY and Maryland.

Which States Pay the Most Federal Taxes?
Oh good god do you robots never get tired of the same charts?
But ok. Cut them off. Funny thing is California New York and you will scream cry moan and suck your thumb. I’ve already seen it.
You live a lie. And you never get tired of excusing it. It shows lack of character.
But we can work together. You put pressure on your congressman to end handouts. I’ll do the same.

Am I wrong? Us blue states pay more in and you red mother fuckers take more out.

Why is Baltimore, a SHIT HOLE, paying more than they get? Seems to me the shit holes should get more. They need more help.

And why is Kentucky taking more than they pay in?

These fucking Republican takers in red states will cry that they want less government but today Trump just fucked farmers and guess what he's going to do? He's going to send them federal subsodies. He already has. Isn't Trump doing that unconstitutional? I bet if Obama did it you'd say that's not the federal governments job. But to win votes you bet your ass Trump is going to send anti government fucks some federal dough. Insane.

Yes, I will pressure my rep to stop subsodizing red states. Lets see if Mitch McConnell gets re elected when his constituents get cut off from the federal tit.

What lie am I living? You said a lot but didn't tell me if/how/when/why I'm wrong.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Our early years are our formative years and there is nothing worse for a boy than to grow up without a good father figure to guide him.
And that is compounded by being force fed a sense of victimhood instead of empowerment

Teaching children to always blame others guarantees their failure. Only by teaching them responsibility and the desire to better themselves will they succeed.
I understand IM2's position.......I just think he's unable to see past his own racism.

The number of blacks that will always blame "whitey" is huge.......the rest have moved on and are the Tyler Perrys and other successful black men and women.

I blame whitey too.

Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3.
Trump said he wouldn’t be like “every other Republican.” He is.

But to us whites it's not "whitey" we blame it's the greedy rich and Republicans who serve them. To us it's not about race. We realize they think we are all n**%rs.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .

And whites like you are children.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I don't agree entirely, but I am impressed with your ability to accept new ideas.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .

How come so many Mexicans living in Mexico are poor?

You see, like Mexicans in Mexico, black Americans living in inner city ghettos don't have it as good as you do.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Our early years are our formative years and there is nothing worse for a boy than to grow up without a good father figure to guide him.
And that is compounded by being force fed a sense of victimhood instead of empowerment

Teaching children to always blame others guarantees their failure. Only by teaching them responsibility and the desire to better themselves will they succeed.

That's what whites do. You are an example of it.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .

And whites like you are children.
I run my own business, my employees like me, I am content with my life and reasonably successful. I take responsibility for my life and work, and don't whine all the time about my lot in life by blaming others.

You and I are very different.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Our early years are our formative years and there is nothing worse for a boy than to grow up without a good father figure to guide him.
And that is compounded by being force fed a sense of victimhood instead of empowerment

Teaching children to always blame others guarantees their failure. Only by teaching them responsibility and the desire to better themselves will they succeed.
So, telling them that Affirmative Action kept them down is no different, right?

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I don't agree entirely, but I am impressed with your ability to accept new ideas.

Of course you would be. Because I say what whites like you so desperately need to hear. You need to pretend that signatures on paper just magically made everything equal and that by sudden magic all the damage just disappeared.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

Our early years are our formative years and there is nothing worse for a boy than to grow up without a good father figure to guide him.
And that is compounded by being force fed a sense of victimhood instead of empowerment

Teaching children to always blame others guarantees their failure. Only by teaching them responsibility and the desire to better themselves will they succeed.
So, telling them that Affirmative Action kept them down is no different, right?

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Who said that affirmative action keeps blacks down?

Certainly not me.

You should try to develop the ability to debate rationally rather than through the use of fallacies such as this straw man .

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