I was wrong

When I said the top 10% of our nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, it's actually the top 1%. That's ONE.

FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality”

I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928. Executives receive one-third of all compensation in the US. Over the last five years, executives received a 48% increase while wages for everyone else were flat. The gap between the rich and the poor tripled between 1979 and 2006. And this trend has continued even during the current recession.


I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it?

"I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it? "

What have you done to earn it? A little rich envy going on here? What gives you the right to take anything from anybody? Where are your work ethics? On the sofa in front of the television? Are you one of those victims who feel it's everyone else's responsibility to take care of you???

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson.

" Socializm works fine, until you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.
That's a ridiculous analogy and you know it.
A lawyer who has worked extremely hard to earn his much deserved 150k a year is an inspiration.
And no one here thinks otherwise.
The problems are with boards across the spectrum getting rid of 50k a yr jobs to increase their 5M plus salaries.
There is the inequality.
Don't pretend to be too dense to understand the gripes here.

It was, of course, a perfectly GOOD analogy and YOU know it. You are transparent in your effort to evade the logic of the matter.

You thus fail at even a hint of persuasiveness.

The fact is: you object to how MUCH some (many) of these companies' top executives are "earning." So? You object. Nobody cares what you object to. The thing is, though, that neither you nor anybody else has the right to DO a fucking thing about it. It aint none of YOUR fucking buisness. Inequality. So what? What's it to you? How is it any of YOUR actual business?

I'm not pretending anything, toots. I am calling bullshit on you and your ilk. Big difference. I understand your alleged gripes fine. I just REJECT that you have ANY valid right to be heard to complain about matters that are none of your damn business.

It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.

We are in a great depression??? Well now, that's news to me. The greedy rich caused this??? Hmmm The government was bought off??? Hmmmm "Our great grandchildren will be paying off the debt. " Absolutely. " Our government gave to the wealthy". What did they give to the already wealthy? I know one thing for sure, they gave them alot more taxes. :lol::lol:lol. "We should make minimum wage a livable wage?"

Oh yes, sure we should, so those 16 year old hamburger flippers can go out and purchase a $600,000 home on that hamburger flipping wage of theirs.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The unemployment rate among teenagers is now 52%, let's raise the minimum wage and get a 75% unemployment rate. Great ideas and all from the extreme left kooks in this country of ours.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

" If you are 20 and you are not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill.
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When I said the top 10% of our nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, it's actually the top 1%. That's ONE.

FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality”

I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928. Executives receive one-third of all compensation in the US. Over the last five years, executives received a 48% increase while wages for everyone else were flat. The gap between the rich and the poor tripled between 1979 and 2006. And this trend has continued even during the current recession.


I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it?

"I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it? "

What have you done to earn it? A little rich envy going on here? What gives you the right to take anything from anybody? Where are your work ethics? On the sofa in front of the television? Are you one of those victims who feel it's everyone else's responsibility to take care of you???

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson.

" Socializm works fine, until you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

No, I'm one of those who had her job picking berries taken away from her by immigrants. I'm one of those whose job was sent to India and was told, no I couldn't follow my job because those jobs were for THEIR citizens. Ours is the only country in the world that doesn't take care of it's own people and lets the low skilled workers of other countries in to compete against out own. And THAT my friend, is against the constitution which is suppose to provide for the "welfare" of our citizens.

It is right to give every man his due.
The community which has neither poverty nor riches will always have the noblest principles.

“Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometric progression as they rise”

Thomas Jefferson quotes (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author of the Declaration of Independence. 1762-1826)

“There can be no peace as long as there is grinding poverty, social injustice, inequality, oppression, environmental degradation, and as long as the weak and small continue to be trodden by the mighty and powerful.”

Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama quotes (Dalai Lama, b.1935)
Similar Quotes.
It was, of course, a perfectly GOOD analogy and YOU know it. You are transparent in your effort to evade the logic of the matter.

You thus fail at even a hint of persuasiveness.

The fact is: you object to how MUCH some (many) of these companies' top executives are "earning." So? You object. Nobody cares what you object to. The thing is, though, that neither you nor anybody else has the right to DO a fucking thing about it. It aint none of YOUR fucking buisness. Inequality. So what? What's it to you? How is it any of YOUR actual business?

I'm not pretending anything, toots. I am calling bullshit on you and your ilk. Big difference. I understand your alleged gripes fine. I just REJECT that you have ANY valid right to be heard to complain about matters that are none of your damn business.

It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.

We are in a great depression??? Well now, that's news to me. The greedy rich caused this??? Hmmm The government was bought off??? Hmmmm "Our great grandchildren will be paying off the debt. " Absolutely. " Our government gave to the wealthy". What did they give to the already wealthy? I know one thing for sure, they gave them alot more taxes. :lol::lol:lol. "We should make minimum wage a livable wage?"

Oh yes, sure we should, so those 16 year old hamburger flippers can go out and purchase a $600,000 home on that hamburger flipping wage of theirs.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The unemployment rate among teenagers is now 52%, let's raise the minimum wage and get a 75% unemployment rate. Great ideas and all from the extreme left kooks in this country of ours.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

" If you are 20 and you are not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill.

More than 75% of those collecting minimum wage are ADULTS.
It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.

We are in a great depression??? Well now, that's news to me. The greedy rich caused this??? Hmmm The government was bought off??? Hmmmm "Our great grandchildren will be paying off the debt. " Absolutely. " Our government gave to the wealthy". What did they give to the already wealthy? I know one thing for sure, they gave them alot more taxes. :lol::lol:lol. "We should make minimum wage a livable wage?"

Oh yes, sure we should, so those 16 year old hamburger flippers can go out and purchase a $600,000 home on that hamburger flipping wage of theirs.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The unemployment rate among teenagers is now 52%, let's raise the minimum wage and get a 75% unemployment rate. Great ideas and all from the extreme left kooks in this country of ours.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

" If you are 20 and you are not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill.

More than 75% of those collecting minimum wage are ADULTS.

So the Hell what? Seems to me they should be educating themselves to move up the ladder, eh? WHY do some of you insist upon the Government forcing the rest of us to pay for their poor life choices?
We are in a great depression??? Well now, that's news to me. The greedy rich caused this??? Hmmm The government was bought off??? Hmmmm "Our great grandchildren will be paying off the debt. " Absolutely. " Our government gave to the wealthy". What did they give to the already wealthy? I know one thing for sure, they gave them alot more taxes. :lol::lol:lol. "We should make minimum wage a livable wage?"

Oh yes, sure we should, so those 16 year old hamburger flippers can go out and purchase a $600,000 home on that hamburger flipping wage of theirs.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The unemployment rate among teenagers is now 52%, let's raise the minimum wage and get a 75% unemployment rate. Great ideas and all from the extreme left kooks in this country of ours.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

" If you are 20 and you are not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill.

More than 75% of those collecting minimum wage are ADULTS.

So the Hell what? Seems to me they should be educating themselves to move up the ladder, eh? WHY do some of you insist upon the Government forcing the rest of us to pay for their poor life choices?

Some of it isn't "poor life choices" some of it is luck, most of it is the background you came from.....

I have a friend who's been a maid for 30 years...she keeps getting pushed out of her jobs by immigrants and having to start over. She has a two year degree but no one will hire her for it because she has tourette's syndrome. I object to you thinking she doesn't deserve a living wage just because she has a neurological problem which makes people not want to be around her. She has a sister who worked for the same company for 30 years and just got laid off. At the age of 50, she is starting over and yes, she's even looking at minimum wage jobs....

Just because you've been lucky doesn't mean everyone has...and some of us have worked darn hard for what we have we don't deserve to lose it because the government made mistakes and allowed our jobs to go overseas and those that remained to be taken by immigrants and then decided to take OUR tax money and bail out the already wealthy banks, putting our children and grandchild in debt.

BTW, my brother in law has a doctorate and HE lost his job.....my nephew graduated from MIT and worked for Intel and now has gone back to school to become a lawyer because he knew his job was going to be gone.....

Because of few of you have been lucky, doesn't mean that everyone else is lazy.....or uneducated.
More than 75% of those collecting minimum wage are ADULTS.

So the Hell what? Seems to me they should be educating themselves to move up the ladder, eh? WHY do some of you insist upon the Government forcing the rest of us to pay for their poor life choices?

Some of it isn't "poor life choices" some of it is luck, most of it is the background you came from.....

I have a friend who's been a maid for 30 years...she keeps getting pushed out of her jobs by immigrants and having to start over. She has a two year degree but no one will hire her for it because she has tourette's syndrome. I object to you thinking she doesn't deserve a living wage just because she has a neurological problem which makes people not want to be around her. She has a sister who worked for the same company for 30 years and just got laid off. At the age of 50, she is starting over and yes, she's even looking at minimum wage jobs....

Just because you've been lucky doesn't mean everyone has...and some of us have worked darn hard for what we have we don't deserve to lose it because the government made mistakes and allowed our jobs to go overseas and those that remained to be taken by immigrants and then decided to take OUR tax money and bail out the already wealthy banks, putting our children and grandchild in debt.

BTW, my brother in law has a doctorate and HE lost his job.....my nephew graduated from MIT and worked for Intel and now has gone back to school to become a lawyer because he knew his job was going to be gone.....

Because of few of you have been lucky, doesn't mean that everyone else is lazy.....or uneducated.

But, Sheila, we all have opportunities to make something of ourselves. None of us are forbidden from doing the best we can. I was going to be a CPA. I made the choice to join the Coast Guard, get married, have three kids and forgo the certification. I could have made a lot more money than I am today if I had chosen a different career path. I made my choices and for better or worse, I have to live with those choices.

I don't expect to make as much income as the guy who chose to put in the effort to pass his CPA exam because he put that effort in while I took a different path. Sometimes, I regret making some of the decisions I made and sometimes I think about going back to school and changing careers, but for now I have made my own decisions and I live with them.

The people who I work for seem to have life easy. I'd even say the son of the owner was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but I do not fault him for that and I don't expect to make as much money he does even though I work harder than he does because... well, because, my parents didn't risk the capital that his did. That is just life.

I'll make due with what I have and live with it.

Some people, such as your friend who is a maid, have to work harder than others. I'm sorry, but that is just how life is. But, when they achieve their goals... they really do earn them and feel that they have accomplished something. I worked my way through a four year college. I took out some loans, but paid them back. I feel that when I graduated, that I had earned it myself. It was not handed to me.

Some people do need extra help, the disabled, for instance, but none of us deserve to have the government support us just because we don't want to put in the effort to succeed.

That's a ridiculous analogy and you know it.
A lawyer who has worked extremely hard to earn his much deserved 150k a year is an inspiration.
And no one here thinks otherwise.
The problems are with boards across the spectrum getting rid of 50k a yr jobs to increase their 5M plus salaries.
There is the inequality.
Don't pretend to be too dense to understand the gripes here.

It was, of course, a perfectly GOOD analogy and YOU know it. You are transparent in your effort to evade the logic of the matter.

You thus fail at even a hint of persuasiveness.

The fact is: you object to how MUCH some (many) of these companies' top executives are "earning." So? You object. Nobody cares what you object to. The thing is, though, that neither you nor anybody else has the right to DO a fucking thing about it. It aint none of YOUR fucking buisness. Inequality. So what? What's it to you? How is it any of YOUR actual business?

I'm not pretending anything, toots. I am calling bullshit on you and your ilk. Big difference. I understand your alleged gripes fine. I just REJECT that you have ANY valid right to be heard to complain about matters that are none of your damn business.

It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.


Why do you keep fighting a point WE AREN'T MAKING.
No one's begrudging honest wealth accumulation! Get rich. Get filthy rich!
It's the WAY they make it.
They make it by HARMING America.
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So the Hell what? Seems to me they should be educating themselves to move up the ladder, eh? WHY do some of you insist upon the Government forcing the rest of us to pay for their poor life choices?

Some of it isn't "poor life choices" some of it is luck, most of it is the background you came from.....

I have a friend who's been a maid for 30 years...she keeps getting pushed out of her jobs by immigrants and having to start over. She has a two year degree but no one will hire her for it because she has tourette's syndrome. I object to you thinking she doesn't deserve a living wage just because she has a neurological problem which makes people not want to be around her. She has a sister who worked for the same company for 30 years and just got laid off. At the age of 50, she is starting over and yes, she's even looking at minimum wage jobs....

Just because you've been lucky doesn't mean everyone has...and some of us have worked darn hard for what we have we don't deserve to lose it because the government made mistakes and allowed our jobs to go overseas and those that remained to be taken by immigrants and then decided to take OUR tax money and bail out the already wealthy banks, putting our children and grandchild in debt.

BTW, my brother in law has a doctorate and HE lost his job.....my nephew graduated from MIT and worked for Intel and now has gone back to school to become a lawyer because he knew his job was going to be gone.....

Because of few of you have been lucky, doesn't mean that everyone else is lazy.....or uneducated.

But, Sheila, we all have opportunities to make something of ourselves. None of us are forbidden from doing the best we can. I was going to be a CPA. I made the choice to join the Coast Guard, get married, have three kids and forgo the certification. I could have made a lot more money than I am today if I had chosen a different career path. I made my choices and for better or worse, I have to live with those choices.

I don't expect to make as much income as the guy who chose to put in the effort to pass his CPA exam because he put that effort in while I took a different path. Sometimes, I regret making some of the decisions I made and sometimes I think about going back to school and changing careers, but for now I have made my own decisions and I live with them.

The people who I work for seem to have life easy. I'd even say the son of the owner was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but I do not fault him for that and I don't expect to make as much money he does even though I work harder than he does because... well, because, my parents didn't risk the capital that his did. That is just life.

I'll make due with what I have and live with it.

Some people, such as your friend who is a maid, have to work harder than others. I'm sorry, but that is just how life is. But, when they achieve their goals... they really do earn them and feel that they have accomplished something. I worked my way through a four year college. I took out some loans, but paid them back. I feel that when I graduated, that I had earned it myself. It was not handed to me.

Some people do need extra help, the disabled, for instance, but none of us deserve to have the government support us just because we don't want to put in the effort to succeed.


And some have their hands out just by virtue of being a citizen and think they are entitled to other peoples property. Some day these Statists will educate themselves when they have lost all liberty to make those choices on their own rather than asking the Marxist Proletariate (now under Construction), for permission to do what they wish to do.

Some would rather leech off of others and complain about us whom are out here working our asses off. (And that includes CEO's or anyone else that makes MORE than they do). I gotta hand it to these Statists however. They have convinced alot of people to play into the wealth envy game they are playing and it's both frightening and sickening.
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LOL... Oh GOD! Now THAT is precious...

Where' the inequality, exactly?

Is there something which is preventing you from enjoying the rarified air of opulence?

If so, what would that be?

Now FYI: for 'inequality' to be a factor; there must be some legislation which provides for such a restriction... Some power which through the abuse of such is precluding through illicit means, you ascent into the ranks of the top 1%...

BUZZ! Wrong, Alex!


Yes, ladies and gentleman, if one went to school, one knows that there is MORE THAN ONE DEFINITION TO THE WORD "INEQUALITY!" But it is the PURPOSE of the FASCIST JACK-BOOTED FAUX LIBERTARIANS WHO AWAIT THE RAPTURE to define away and IGNORE what is happening IN THE REAL WORLD!




For inequality means NOT EQUAL!


And income in America is NOT EQUAL!

It never has been.

But it is just precious that the Rapture Crowd tries to dumb this down. God Bless 'Em.

$1000 for the address and phone number of this woman...

It was, of course, a perfectly GOOD analogy and YOU know it. You are transparent in your effort to evade the logic of the matter.

You thus fail at even a hint of persuasiveness.

The fact is: you object to how MUCH some (many) of these companies' top executives are "earning." So? You object. Nobody cares what you object to. The thing is, though, that neither you nor anybody else has the right to DO a fucking thing about it. It aint none of YOUR fucking buisness. Inequality. So what? What's it to you? How is it any of YOUR actual business?

I'm not pretending anything, toots. I am calling bullshit on you and your ilk. Big difference. I understand your alleged gripes fine. I just REJECT that you have ANY valid right to be heard to complain about matters that are none of your damn business.

It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.


Why do you keep fighting a point WE AREN'T MAKING.
No one's begrudging honest wealth accumulation! Get rich. Get filthy rich!
It's the WAY they make it.
They make it by HARMING America.
Except that they are NOT harming America. They are just following the free market, capitalist system that raises all boats. I realize that the government is all mindset tells people that capitalism is harming America, but it just isn't so.
$1000 for the address and phone number of this woman...


867-5309 Her name is Jennie

Do you realize that every person who has the phone number 867-5309 in every area code in the U.S. is about to put a contract out on you for that. The dirty old man in the 813 area code had some choice words for Rightwinger about 10 minutes ago. Said I was the fifteenth call in less than an hour and he refused to let me speak with his Jennie.

It was, of course, a perfectly GOOD analogy and YOU know it. You are transparent in your effort to evade the logic of the matter.

You thus fail at even a hint of persuasiveness.

The fact is: you object to how MUCH some (many) of these companies' top executives are "earning." So? You object. Nobody cares what you object to. The thing is, though, that neither you nor anybody else has the right to DO a fucking thing about it. It aint none of YOUR fucking buisness. Inequality. So what? What's it to you? How is it any of YOUR actual business?

I'm not pretending anything, toots. I am calling bullshit on you and your ilk. Big difference. I understand your alleged gripes fine. I just REJECT that you have ANY valid right to be heard to complain about matters that are none of your damn business.

It's ALL of our business.....remember the gilded age? It led to the GREAT DEPRESSION which affected everyone. The Gilded Age was the majority of our country's weath in the hands of a few. The same thing we have today.......

We are in another GREAT DEPRESSION because of the greedy rich and the government they bought off to insure they would get richer and keep their wealth. Meanwhile our great great grandchild are going to be paying off the debt that our government gave to the already extremely wealthy while they can't be bothered to pass a bill to make minimum wage a living wage, which would lead to a healthy economy which would benefit EVERYBODY.


Why do you keep fighting a point WE AREN'T MAKING.
No one's begrudging honest wealth accumulation! Get rich. Get filthy rich!
It's the WAY they make it.
They make it by HARMING America.

How so? Under what premise? State it.
How does one get their wealth stolen from them?
When some are taking more than their share of the common wealth, more than they even need, that is theft. Whether stolen by legal or illegal means, it is still theft.

what the hell is "the Common Wealth"?....:eusa_eh:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. ~MARX


I think this is what the OP means, and the premise of the thread.
Funny comic :lol:

Do you have the one where the kids go to the republican's house and he takes all the candy from their labor and then kicks them off his porch?

thats wrong RW.....he let each kid have a hundred grand candy bar....after they complained that it wasnt enough,then he kicked them off his porch....
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I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928.

Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem...rectify that issue!!

The top 20% have nearly 90% of the nations wealth as of 2004. Your fucked up 1928 bullshit is a little dated so not only were you wrng before...you are STILL WRONG!!!

Wealth Distribution
Funny comic :lol:

Do you have the one where the kids go to the republican's house and he takes all the candy from their labor and then kicks them off his porch?

thats wrong RW.....he let each kid have a hundred grand candy bar....after they complained that it wasnt enough,then he kicked them off his porch....

What I heard was that a democrat takes the candy from the kiddies and tells them that little Suzie doesn't have any. Then he proceeds to tell the little kiddies that Obama would be proud of them for giving up their candy.
I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928.

Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem...rectify that issue!!

The top 20% have nearly 90% of the nations wealth as of 2004. Your fucked up 1928 bullshit is a little dated so not only were you wrng before...you are STILL WRONG!!!

Wealth Distribution


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