I wouldn't Want To Be in THEIR Shoes Right Now

What fraud?

Remember, the only active criminal investigation for voter fraud is for a lone Republican in Pennsylvania....with the investigation opened in August.
HA HA HA ..... :doubt: :icon_rolleyes:

Remember, I'm referring to ACTUAL criminal investigations of voter fraud. Not the imaginary 'DOJ' voter fraud investigations into Biden that you've made up.

Mine have the virtue of actually existing.
Keep living in your fantasy world.
No time for fantasies.

I know you believe the election was stolen
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Every single item on your list has been debunked
True to form, Jack, you lie through your teeth to yourself trying to tell us with a straight face that you've searched a list of clipped url names with over 100 hours of reading within them all, figured out the story behind each, researched them all and convincingly debunked every last one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's all just a massive right wing conspiracy, right Jack?

You ain't falling for a bit of it, eh?

Joe's your president and you're ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, it he tells you to eat dog shit and jump off a cliff you'll ask for more.


I had you pegged.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt anymore. :)
You know it was stolen. Now you're Miss Cleo?? LOL.

Look. Trump lost. And he lost because he was a terrible President. But you are ready to declare this man President for Life...why? What is so redeeming about this fraud?
Every item on your list has been debunked or is opinion. Not one of them has any validity to it.
Keep living in your fantasy world.
No time for fantasies.

I know you believe the election was stolen
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Every single item on your list has been debunked
True to form, Jack, you lie through your teeth to yourself trying to tell us with a straight face that you've searched a list of clipped url names with over 100 hours of reading within them all, figured out the story behind each, researched them all and convincingly debunked every last one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's all just a massive right wing conspiracy, right Jack?

You ain't falling for a bit of it, eh?

Joe's your president and you're ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, it he tells you to eat dog shit and jump off a cliff you'll ask for more.


I had you pegged.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt anymore. :)
You know it was stolen. Now you're Miss Cleo?? LOL.

Look. Trump lost. And he lost because he was a terrible President. But you are ready to declare this man President for Life...why? What is so redeeming about this fraud?
Every item on your list has been debunked or is opinion. Not one of them has any validity to it.

Its pretty bad.

They have yet to show evidence of fraudulent votes. And yet in this glorious abence of evidence, declare elaborate plots and sweeping fraud that swayed an entire election.

Except in court, of course. In court, Trump's team is crystal clear that they're NOT claiming fraud, and contradicting the conspiracy pablum that these poor dupes have been gobbling like mother's milk.

You can't fix stupid.
We're gonna be playing a delightful game of conspiracy whack-a-mole with these poor children as they scramble from one failed conspiracy to the next, abandoning them almost as fast as they make them up.

The reality is far simpler and less dramatic: Biden won.

You guys can blabber your favorite word "conspiracy" or "debunked" or "white supremacist" or "out of context" or whatever is popular at the moment. None of these will have the slightest effect on any objective court, which will throw all the invalid state election "vote" counts right out the window (like the one in Georgia going on right now).

I know the US Supreme Court will rule objectively, and they won't be swayed by all the Democrat fancy catchwords and phrases, one iota, or by the media's ridiculous coronation of Joe Biden.

Trump won. Everybody knows it, and it's just a matter of time before all the Democrats' voting scams are all unravelled and trashed.

What we should be thinking about now, is how to get good honest people to replace all the bad apples election scammers, who will be heading to prison, or non-extradition countries, if they're smart.
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That's two BS fraud calls. So yeah, I gonna call bullshit on the rest.

Gee, Jack! And here I thought you were going to find them all true!

YOU'RE AN AMAZING MAN, Jack-- -- you can ferret out the malarkey in an article without even reading it! You just look the topics up in your leftwing site designed to try to disclaim it all as nonsense.


When an election is stolen, it is stolen from ALL of us, even those content with the outcome ---- for now.

Keep living in your fantasy world. I know you believe the election was stolen and that no just and righteous electorate would ever reject your great white savior.
Every single item on your list has been debunked, disproven, or is straight up alt-right "opinion".
It wasn't even really a challenge. Simple Google searches.
Just because you state it, doesn't mean it's true.
These lawsuits have about two or three days of life left in them.

We're gonna be playing a delightful game of conspiracy whack-a-mole with these poor children as they scramble from one failed conspiracy to the next, abandoning them almost as fast as they make them up.

The reality is far simpler and less dramatic: Biden won.
You guys can blabber your favorite word "conspiracy" or "debunked" or "white supremacist" or "out of context" or whatever is popular at the moment. None of these will have the slightest effect on any objective court, which will throw all the invalid state election "vote" counts right out the window (like the one in Georgia going on right now).

I know the US Supreme Court will rule objectively, and they won't be swayed by all the Democrat fancy catchwords and phrases, one iota.

You have yet to demonstrate even a SINGLE fraudulent ballot. And yet you cling to this laughably complicated story international conspiracy about voter fraud, backed by nothing.

Conspiracy is a perfect word. There's a reason why this thread is in the conspiracy forum.

Its drenched in hapless batshit.
Keep living in your fantasy world.
No time for fantasies.

I know you believe the election was stolen
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Every single item on your list has been debunked
True to form, Jack, you lie through your teeth to yourself trying to tell us with a straight face that you've searched a list of clipped url names with over 100 hours of reading within them all, figured out the story behind each, researched them all and convincingly debunked every last one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's all just a massive right wing conspiracy, right Jack?

You ain't falling for a bit of it, eh?

Joe's your president and you're ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, it he tells you to eat dog shit and jump off a cliff you'll ask for more.


I had you pegged.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt anymore. :)
You know it was stolen. Now you're Miss Cleo?? LOL.

Look. Trump lost. And he lost because he was a terrible President. But you are ready to declare this man President for Life...why? What is so redeeming about this fraud?
Every item on your list has been debunked or is opinion. Not one of them has any validity to it.

Its pretty bad.

They have yet to show evidence of fraudulent votes. And yet in this glorious abence of evidence, declare elaborate plots and sweeping fraud that swayed an entire election.

Except in court, of course. In court, Trump's team is crystal clear that they're NOT claiming fraud, and contradicting the conspiracy pablum that these poor dupes have been gobbling like mother's milk.

You can't fix stupid.
"You can't fix stupid."

No, but we can certainly laugh at it.

Having been a Democrat for 40 years, I think I have an idea of how the election fraud scenario came about, and where it is going. I get the sense that at about 3AM, the morning after election day, Democrat election officials in swing states saw that President Trump, with sizable vote leads, was heading right straight toward a victory.

Knowing the Democrat mindset, which is that Democrats must always do ANYTHING they can, to get power for Democrats, and keep it away from Republicans, the Democrat election officials, stopped counting votes, and held a conference among each other. My guess is they discussed what they could do to stop Trump from winning. What they came up with, was to simply report 120,000+ fictitious "votes" for Joe Biden, and none for Trump. Well, this would be a pretty good guess, because that is exactly what they did.

I also guess that these election officials who have the job of reporting vote counts, are supervised by some other Democrat who also sees a responsibility to insure power for Democrats, and as such, the election officials might have worried about losing their jobs if they allowed Trump to win.

They didn't seem to think there would be anything more serious for them than the prospect of job loss. Thus, they decided to falsify the vote reports, in favor of Biden. Democrats have a built-in perspective that they are always right. As Georgia US Senate candidate Jon Osoff said recently >> "We're on the right side of history." It looks like their mindset of always thinking that, has now put them in a lot of trouble.

I forsee the election (still in progress) as going to wind up before the US Supreme Court, with the US Dept of Justice vigorously pressing to prosecute these Democrat election frauders, to the full extent of the law.
First, if the frauders continue to press the idea that there is no evidence of election fraud, they will be laughed out of the courtroom. Secondly, the DOJ prosecutors will not have trouble proving their case and the frauders will be looking at multiple counts of violation of US Code 52, Section 20511, carrying 5 years of federal imprisonment + fines, for each count. I wouldn't want to be their shoes right now.

Meh. Comey, Clapper and Brennan walk, why do you think ANY democrat will ever face Justice?

The guy who told you that you couldn't trust or believe a single thing the government said or did under Trump, that it was all evil, is now telling you he isn't even the slightest bit concerned about an election that flies in the face of every common sense fact and that he trusts and believes everything they say and do implicitly as good now without even a look or concern. :smoke:
All of the libs are that way...

When I heard that Gowdy had joined Trumps team I know they had found major amounts of provable fraud...

Its time now to sit back and watch the fireworks...
Do you have a link or article saying that Gowdy joined his team? Last I heard is that those that are alleging fraud needed to prove it.
It will play out in the courts, just like in 2000 when the fake news MSM claimed that Al Gore won before anything was certified.

I was afraid this was going to happen again.
Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy??? LOL. Almost as funny as Rudy heading up the President's legal team lawsuits.

How's that working out?

Yeahbut --- he's got a truly great face and voice, like Lindsey Graham, or that Louisiana senator, John Neely Kennedy. The Republicans have all the real movie stars.
Keep living in your fantasy world.
No time for fantasies.

I know you believe the election was stolen
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Every single item on your list has been debunked
True to form, Jack, you lie through your teeth to yourself trying to tell us with a straight face that you've searched a list of clipped url names with over 100 hours of reading within them all, figured out the story behind each, researched them all and convincingly debunked every last one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's all just a massive right wing conspiracy, right Jack?

You ain't falling for a bit of it, eh?

Joe's your president and you're ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, it he tells you to eat dog shit and jump off a cliff you'll ask for more.


I had you pegged.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt anymore. :)
You know it was stolen. Now you're Miss Cleo?? LOL.

Look. Trump lost. And he lost because he was a terrible President. But you are ready to declare this man President for Life...why? What is so redeeming about this fraud?
Every item on your list has been debunked or is opinion. Not one of them has any validity to it.

Its pretty bad.

They have yet to show evidence of fraudulent votes. And yet in this glorious abence of evidence, declare elaborate plots and sweeping fraud that swayed an entire election.

Except in court, of course. In court, Trump's team is crystal clear that they're NOT claiming fraud, and contradicting the conspiracy pablum that these poor dupes have been gobbling like mother's milk.

You can't fix stupid.
"You can't fix stupid."

No, but we can certainly laugh at it.


Oh, absolutely. This delusional floundering is equal parts sad and hilarious.

The guy who told you that you couldn't trust or believe a single thing the government said or did under Trump, that it was all evil, is now telling you he isn't even the slightest bit concerned about an election that flies in the face of every common sense fact and that he trusts and believes everything they say and do implicitly as good now without even a look or concern. :smoke:
All of the libs are that way...

When I heard that Gowdy had joined Trumps team I know they had found major amounts of provable fraud...

Its time now to sit back and watch the fireworks...
Do you have a link or article saying that Gowdy joined his team? Last I heard is that those that are alleging fraud needed to prove it.
It will play out in the courts, just like in 2000 when the fake news MSM claimed that Al Gore won.

I was afraid this was going to happen again.

Nope. Florida was 527 votes apart in 2000.

Biden has leads of between 4000 and 120,000 in 5 different key States.

Its not particularly close.
The reality is far simpler and less dramatic: Biden won.

There's a far better chance that I could shoot an arrow from 500 feet away blindfolded as a trick shot, it fly through a crack in the window, fly through the handle in a teapot on the stove, go through the keyhole in a door, ricochet off a lampshade in the other room, bounce off the marble hearth of the fireplace, only to flip backwards up through the air over the chandelier to land perfectly upright in a rose vase standing on table on the other side of the room I had placed there than for Joe Biden to have legally, honestly gotten 77 million votes far more than any person in history that even democrats rue his being elected after running no campaign to empty rooms as democrats elsewhere all got thumped while the other republicans all won bigly.

How silly of me to think that crazy! :ack-1:
Actually the first and best, and only needed evidence is the 5:30 AM fictitious "vote" dumps,

Which are entirely ficticious, in that they didn't happen. You're peddling another fraud. It's been debunked before, but let's debunk it again,

Needless to say, you won't care, and you won't stop pushing your lie. Fascists engaging in a fascist coup will peddle whatever fraud is needed.
Nope. Post 28 shows a jump in vote reporting.

You insist that the ballots being reported are 'fraudulent'......apparently because you say they are. There's zero evidence that even a single one of those reported votes are fraudulent. You've imagined it.

Alas, your imagination doesn't constitute evidence in any court. Including the Supreme Court.

Laughing....no matter what OAN tells you.
Nope. Post 28 shows an IMPOSSIBLE jump in votes reported FOR JOE BIDEN.

It also shows an IMPOSSIBLE zero jump in votes for President Trump.

Both indicate obvious FRAUD. All the evidence anyone ever will need. And your pretended laughs won't help either.
Its my understanding the FBI has seized over 500 pieces of equipment from two states. IF the programing is still present on these devices or has been altered there are going to be major heads rolling.
Its my understanding the FBI has seized over 500 pieces of equipment from two states.

Re-read that, very carefully, for maximum comprehension.

Now tell me that the FBI confiscating anything means jack shit.

Chris Wray's FBI? Barr's "get Epstein whacked" DOJ?

They probably picked up Wray's dry cleaning.

There's not a single fucking honest FBI Agent. If they every arrest you, apply for political prisoner status
There's a far better chance that I could

in 1980, I knew a woman who said there's absolutely no way Reagan could have won, because everyone that she knew voted for Carter.

You're engaging in the same sort of stupidity. Everyone in your kook loser SafeSpace is just as stupid as you are, so you think the whole world is as stupid as you are. That is not the case.
Again, as has already been pointed out, you..have..no..evidence..of..FRAUD! The Supreme Court will not be taking this up.
And I'm going enjoy watching you true believers scream at the sky when that happens. :)
I really don't know what good these ridiculous, jibberish posts do. Helps the poster keep from getting depressed, or something like that, I suppose. In any case....not my problem.
Nope. Post 28 shows a jump in vote reporting.

You insist that the ballots being reported are 'fraudulent'......apparently because you say they are. There's zero evidence that even a single one of those reported votes are fraudulent. You've imagined it.

Alas, your imagination doesn't constitute evidence in any court. Including the Supreme Court.

Laughing....no matter what OAN tells you.
Nope. Post 28 shows an IMPOSSIBLE jump in votes reported FOR JOE BIDEN.

It also shows an IMPOSSIBLE zero jump in votes for President Trump.

Both indicate obvious FRAUD. All the evidence anyone ever will need. And your pretended laughs won't help either.

There's nothing 'impossible' about a jump in reporting. Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. You know shit about Wisconsin election law, their reporting protocols, how is was 'supposed to be done, any of it.

You merely imagine yourself an infallible expert on a topic you know nothing about, then cite yourself.

Nor have you provided a scrap of evidence that ANY of the votes being reported were fraudulent. Your source is again, you citing you.

Alas, none of that is evidence.
Its all your imagination. Do you see your dilemma?
Nope. You imagine the election was stolen because you didn't like the outcome. So you're gonna hold your breath until you turn blue.

There's a reason that the horseshit you've been told by Trump....and what his lawyers arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
Eventually all the scams will be thrown out. Then either a new election held, with very tight scrutiny of vote counting, or Trump will be confirmed as the winner. Ho hum.
Again, as has already been pointed out, you..have..no..evidence..of..FRAUD! The Supreme Court will not be taking this up.
And I'm going enjoy watching you true believers scream at the sky when that happens. :)
I really don't know what good these ridiculous, jibberish posts do. Helps the poster keep from getting depressed, or something like that, I suppose. In any case....not my problem.

I like shooting your continual bullshitting down, that's the reason. It's fun. Mostly because you and the rest of the true believers haven't presented any evidence. Just conspiracy theories. And I'm not depressed. My guy won.
Trump lost. I get it. You're angry. But I would focus on retaining those two Senate seats and forget about Trump. If Democrats win those..whole..new..ballgame.

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