I wouldn't Want To Be in THEIR Shoes Right Now

When I heard that Gowdy had joined Trumps team I know they had found major amounts of provable fraud...

WoW! I hadn't heard about that! Trey Gowdy joined Trump's legal team? That guy is a mensch and I know he wouldn't put his name to something that he wasn't totally sold on convinced had standing of fact, willing to risk his reputation on, nor felt he couldn't win!

:dance: :dance: :yes_text12: :dance: :dance:
That's a lot of bullshit you've slung there.
Show me one thing I said is BS.

Do you have one piece of verifiable evidence of voter fraud?
Gee, Jack, I can't even show it all in one screen-grab!

View attachment 417114

Sweet Jesus! What alt-right org put this together. OK, I'll play.

#1 Story - More than 100 undelivered absentee ballots found in Kentucky dumpster
Result - Postal worker charged after absentee ballots found in dumpster
Conclusion - These were absentee ballots mailed out to voters. Not signed and sealed votes. Said perpetrator was caught and new ballots were mailed out to voters.

That's the first BS call of fraud. Wanna go on? I know what I'm going to find. Do You? :)

#2 - Story - Pennsylvania rejects 372K mail-in ballot applications following primary confusion: report
Result - PolitiFact - Pennsylvania rejected 372,000 ballot applications, not ballots
Conclusion - These were applications for absentee ballots. Not ballot with votes. They were rejected because of duplicates. Looks like the system worked and there were no duplicate votes.

That's two BS fraud calls.

So yeah, I gonna call bullshit on the rest.
Trump lost. Biden won.
I would start dealing with it.
Its my understanding the FBI has seized over 500 pieces of equipment from two states. IF the programing is still present on these devices or has been altered there are going to be major heads rolling.

Do you have a credible link to back up this piece of bullshit or did you just pull this out of some "conspiracy theory website", otherwise known as "Trump's ass".

The guy who told you that you couldn't trust or believe a single thing the government said or did under Trump, that it was all evil, is now telling you he isn't even the slightest bit concerned about an election that flies in the face of every common sense fact and that he trusts and believes everything they say and do implicitly as good now without even a look or concern. :smoke:
All of the libs are that way...

When I heard that Gowdy had joined Trumps team I know they had found major amounts of provable fraud...

Its time now to sit back and watch the fireworks...
Do you have a link or article saying that Gowdy joined his team? Last I heard is that those that are alleging fraud needed to prove it.
Elections are legal procedures not media products. The president doesn't need to prove fraud, only reasonable suspicion of a crime committed in order for an investigation. Evidence belongs in courts, not in the media. The evidence the left demands won't be brought forth in a press confrontation but rather in the filing of charges.
Having been a Democrat for 40 years, I think I have an idea of how the election fraud scenario came about, and where it is going. I get the sense that at about 3AM, the morning after election day, Democrat election officials in swing states saw that President Trump, with sizable vote leads, was heading right straight toward a victory.

Knowing the Democrat mindset, which is that Democrats must always do ANYTHING they can, to get power for Democrats, and keep it away from Republicans, the Democrat election officials, stopped counting votes, and held a conference among each other. My guess is they discussed what they could do to stop Trump from winning. What they came up with, was to simply report 120,000+ fictitious "votes" for Joe Biden, and none for Trump. Well, this would be a pretty good guess, because that is exactly what they did.

I also guess that these election officials who have the job of reporting vote counts, are supervised by some other Democrat who also sees a responsibility to insure power for Democrats, and as such, the election officials might have worried about losing their jobs if they allowed Trump to win.

They didn't seem to think there would be anything more serious for them than the prospect of job loss. Thus, they decided to falsify the vote reports, in favor of Biden. Democrats have a built-in perspective that they are always right. As Georgia US Senate candidate Jon Osoff said recently >> "We're on the right side of history." It looks like their mindset of always thinking that, has now put them in a lot of trouble.

I forsee the election (still in progress) as going to wind up before the US Supreme Court, with the US Dept of Justice vigorously pressing to prosecute these Democrat election frauders, to the full extent of the law.
First, if the frauders continue to press the idea that there is no evidence of election fraud, they will be laughed out of the courtroom. Secondly, the DOJ prosecutors will not have trouble proving their case and the frauders will be looking at multiple counts of violation of US Code 52, Section 20511, carrying 5 years of federal imprisonment + fines, for each count. I wouldn't want to be their shoes right now.

What fraud?

Remember, the only active criminal investigation for voter fraud is for a lone Republican in Pennsylvania....with the investigation opened in August.
That's two BS fraud calls. So yeah, I gonna call bullshit on the rest.

Gee, Jack! And here I thought you were going to find them all true!

YOU'RE AN AMAZING MAN, Jack-- -- you can ferret out the malarkey in an article without even reading it! You just look the topics up in your leftwing site designed to try to disclaim it all as nonsense.


When an election is stolen, it is stolen from ALL of us, even those content with the outcome ---- for now.
Y-A-W-N. Simply replace the word Democrat with the word Republican. Each side tries to win elections.
Again, I'm not sure what about Donald Trump inspires this kind of devotion and reverence but I've pretty much given up on that front.
Bottom line is the election will be certified and Biden will be sworn in on 1/20/2021.
This election will not wind up in front of the Supreme Court. All lawsuits are being laughed out of court and dismissed almost out of hand for lack of evidence.
I predict the lawsuit circus will be over and out by Friday.
100% mainstream media line. Yawn. Hum hum. Changes nothing.

Actually the first and best, and only needed evidence is the 5:30 AM fictitious "vote" dumps, and even that comes from the mainstream media itself (ABC NEWS). This is all the SCOTUS will need to see. Trial will be brief. >>>

Y-A-W-N. Simply replace the word Democrat with the word Republican. Each side tries to win elections.
Again, I'm not sure what about Donald Trump inspires this kind of devotion and reverence but I've pretty much given up on that front.
Bottom line is the election will be certified and Biden will be sworn in on 1/20/2021.
This election will not wind up in front of the Supreme Court. All lawsuits are being laughed out of court and dismissed almost out of hand for lack of evidence.
I predict the lawsuit circus will be over and out by Friday.
100% mainstream media line. Yawn. Hum hum. Changes nothing.

Actually the first and best, and only needed evidence is the 5:30 AM fictitious "vote" dumps, and even that comes from the mainstream media itself (ABC NEWS). This is all the SCOTUS will need to see. Trial will be brief. >>>

View attachment 417148

You're showing us vote *reporting*. You've presented absolutely nothing to establish that even one vote was fraudulent.

You're still stuck at square one: what fraud?
That's two BS fraud calls. So yeah, I gonna call bullshit on the rest.

Gee, Jack! And here I thought you were going to find them all true!

YOU'RE AN AMAZING MAN, Jack-- -- you can ferret out the malarkey in an article without even reading it! You just look the topics up in your leftwing site designed to try to disclaim it all as nonsense.


When an election is stolen, it is stolen from ALL of us, even those content with the outcome ---- for now.

Keep living in your fantasy world. I know you believe the election was stolen and that no just and righteous electorate would ever reject your great white savior.
Every single item on your list has been debunked, disproven, or is straight up alt-right "opinion".
It wasn't even really a challenge. Simple Google searches.
Just because you state it, doesn't mean it's true.
These lawsuits have about two or three days of life left in them.
That's two BS fraud calls. So yeah, I gonna call bullshit on the rest.

Gee, Jack! And here I thought you were going to find them all true!

YOU'RE AN AMAZING MAN, Jack-- -- you can ferret out the malarkey in an article without even reading it! You just look the topics up in your leftwing site designed to try to disclaim it all as nonsense.


When an election is stolen, it is stolen from ALL of us, even those content with the outcome ---- for now.

Keep living in your fantasy world. I know you believe the election was stolen and that no just and righteous electorate would ever reject your great white savior.
Every single item on your list has been debunked, disproven, or is straight up alt-right "opinion".
It wasn't even really a challenge. Simple Google searches.
Just because you state it, doesn't mean it's true.
These lawsuits have about two or three days of life left in them.

We're gonna be playing a delightful game of conspiracy whack-a-mole with these poor children as they scramble from one failed conspiracy to the next, abandoning them almost as fast as they make them up.

The reality is far simpler and less dramatic: Biden won.
That's a lot of bullshit you've slung there. So let's boil it down and I'll ask the question one more time. Do you have one piece of verifiable evidence of voter fraud? Anywhere? Something that wasn't shot down or debunked? Something that wasn't included in a lawsuit that's been thrown out in any court? Put up. If not, then you know the second part.
YOU KNOW what there is. And anyone who doesn't can look at the chart in Post # 28. It is all the evidence that is needed. SCOTUS will look at that alone, and confirm election for Trump, or disqualify the election, and call for a new one with very tight controls, and the previous election officials safely locked in federal prisons.
That's a lot of bullshit you've slung there. So let's boil it down and I'll ask the question one more time. Do you have one piece of verifiable evidence of voter fraud? Anywhere? Something that wasn't shot down or debunked? Something that wasn't included in a lawsuit that's been thrown out in any court? Put up. If not, then you know the second part.
YOU KNOW what there is. And anyone who doesn't can look at the chart in Post # 28. It is all the evidence that is needed. SCOTUS will look at that alone, and confirm election for Trump, or disqualify the election, and call for a new one with very tight controls, and the previous election officials safely locked in federal prisons.

Nope. Post 28 shows a jump in vote reporting.

You insist that the ballots being reported are 'fraudulent'......apparently because you say they are. There's zero evidence that even a single one of those reported votes are fraudulent. You've imagined it.

Alas, your imagination doesn't constitute evidence in any court. Including the Supreme Court.

Laughing....no matter what OAN tells you.
That's a lot of bullshit you've slung there. So let's boil it down and I'll ask the question one more time. Do you have one piece of verifiable evidence of voter fraud? Anywhere? Something that wasn't shot down or debunked? Something that wasn't included in a lawsuit that's been thrown out in any court? Put up. If not, then you know the second part.
YOU KNOW what there is. And anyone who doesn't can look at the chart in Post # 28. It is all the evidence that is needed. SCOTUS will look at that alone, and confirm election for Trump, or disqualify the election, and call for a new one with very tight controls, and the previous election officials safely locked in federal prisons.

Again, as has already been pointed out, you..have..no..evidence..of..FRAUD! The Supreme Court will not be taking this up.
And I'm going enjoy watching you true believers scream at the sky when that happens. :)
"Knowing the Democrat mindset, which is that Democrats must always do ANYTHING they can, to get power for Democrats, and keep it away from Republicans,"

you say that with a straight face as we WATCH conservative christiabn republicans (with trump) do EVERYTHING in their power to take COMPLETE CONTROL of the government, the supreme court, the lesser courts?


"I forsee the election (still in progress) as going to wind up before the US Supreme Court, with the US Dept of Justice vigorously pressing to prosecute these Democrat election frauders, to the full extent of the law.
First, if the frauders continue to press the idea that there is no evidence of election fraud, they will be laughed out of the courtroom. Secondly, the DOJ prosecutors will not have trouble proving their case and the frauders will be looking at multiple counts of violation of US Code 52, Section 20511, carrying 5 years of federal imprisonment + fines, for each count. I wouldn't want to be their shoes right now."

If your scenario is true....ok...

but what if the REAL TRUTH is that YOUR side is lying (to STEAL ABSOLUTE POWER!) and it is YOUR side that is cheating....

can we punish them the same way?
Of course you could punish them the same way, ...and SHOULD. But Trump supporters ARE NOT LYING. And the evidence is clear, from frauders who didn't even try to hide it. As typical Democrats (I used to be one), they so much think that they are right, that they don't forsee trouble for themselves, at any point.
Keep living in your fantasy world.
No time for fantasies.

I know you believe the election was stolen
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Every single item on your list has been debunked
True to form, Jack, you lie through your teeth to yourself trying to tell us with a straight face that you've searched a list of clipped url names with over 100 hours of reading within them all, figured out the story behind each, researched them all and convincingly debunked every last one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's all just a massive right wing conspiracy, right Jack?

You ain't falling for a bit of it, eh?

Joe's your president and you're ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, it he tells you to eat dog shit and jump off a cliff you'll ask for more.


I had you pegged.
I KNOW the election was stolen. To deny that would be to court unicorns and miracles. Joe's "election" was a miracle, like catching lightning in a bottle. You believe in that Jack, that's YOUR fantasy.

Nope. You imagine the election was stolen because you didn't like the outcome. So you're gonna hold your breath until you turn blue.

There's a reason that the horseshit you've been told by Trump....and what his lawyers arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.

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