If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

Now you're just repeating strawman that have already been burnt to the ground. I regard them as dependent lives who shouldn't have a legal right to gestate inside another independent life.
Says the guy treating SOME human lives as property to be destroyed as his massa sees fit.
Says the guy treating SOME human lives as property to be destroyed as his massa sees fit.
I'm treating them as biologically dependent on the willingness of the person they are gestating inside of to allow them to continue doing so.
You mean like human life begins at conception?
Of course human life begins at conception,

Sanctity of life begins when your supernatural worship object tells you it does. Jewish folk say first breath; Catholics say conception; my money is on the Jews over the Catholics because they were here first and some of them talked directly to the god of Abraham.
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The minority vote should not rule the majority vote.
Yeah. What's that have to do with what I said? It's just a weird retort, but ubiquitous from liberals. Every time I point out that majority rule is often a bad idea, liberals throw out this "minority rule" nonsense. As if it's the only other alternative.

Our rights aren't up to majority rule. They depend on the Constitution, and therefore it requires much more than a simple majority to change them. Not "minority rule" (whatever that supposed to mean), but a super majority - real consensus.

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