If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

It makes no sense to compare an innocent unborn child to an attacker. You must see that.
It certainly does make sense, if it will kill the mother, without intervention. Her life should be forfeit, simply because a pregnancy went bad? If it was your daughter, you would want her to live. Or are you saying she should live, but go to jail if caught by the state, trying to escape, to someplace she did not have to die for you and your one size fits all law?
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.
Hardly clear cut to most of us.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.
The American people support abortion with limits similar to those under RvW.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.
Or Jim Crow, lynchings, attacks on gays, Jews, and women, etc.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.
I've never met anyone so morally pure as you claim to be, at least not in the real world.
It certainly does make sense, if it will kill the mother, without intervention. Her life should be forfeit, simply because a pregnancy went bad? If it was your daughter, you would want her to live. Or are you saying she should live, but go to jail if caught by the state, trying to escape, to someplace she did not have to die for you and your one size fits all law?
You're talking about a small percentage of abortions when you say they are necessary to prevent death of the mother. Not even the Catholic Church advocates allowing a woman to die in those circumstances.
Hardly clear cut to most of us.

The American people support abortion with limits similar to those under RvW.

Or Jim Crow, lynchings, attacks on gays, Jews, and women, etc.

I've never met anyone so morally pure as you claim to be, at least not in the real world.
I never claimed to be morally pure, you're making a ridiculous argument that proves you can't argue with logic or reason.
You're talking about a small percentage of abortions when you say they are necessary to prevent death of the mother. Not even the Catholic Church advocates allowing a woman to die in those circumstances.
The State of Texas does. Whether they prosecute the woman, an instate doctor saving her life, her family, friend or an uber driver taking her across state lines to get medical care instead of dying by state law, is strictly up to the state of Texas.

One cut and dried law to fit all cases, just does not fit, unless one is a right wing, bible thumping holier than thou Christian. The woman is nothing but a worthless piece of meet, incubator for the state, her life, worthless, even if the baby will be stillborn and kill the mother. It is strictly up to the state, she has no right to her life, whatsoever. Why should she? The state is all powerful and all knowing, right?
The State of Texas does. Whether they prosecute the woman, an instate doctor saving her life, her family, friend or an uber driver taking her across state lines to get medical care instead of dying by state law, is strictly up to the state of Texas.

One cut and dried law to fit all cases, just does not fit, unless one is a right wing, bible thumping holier than thou Christian. The woman is nothing but a worthless piece of meet, incubator for the state, her life, worthless, even if the baby will be stillborn and kill the mother. It is strictly up to the state, she has no right to her life, whatsoever. Why should she? The state is all powerful and all knowing, right?
If you're trying to win the argument with polemic debate tactics as your strategy you will fail.
Let's televise an abortion during a presidential debate then let Biden try to defend the practice.
Lets let Biden prop the girl up in the foot/ braces on the bed and then he watches as they rip the bloody baby parts out in pieces out of her and sends in home to Joe in a 5 gallon bucket for his viewing. 🤢👽
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.
We kill innocent babies who have never harmed anyone in their lives, yet we keep animals(Criminals) in jails that have a rap sheet a mile long. Execute the repeat offenders so we can allow newborns their chance in the world.
The truth about abortion is unknown to the vast majority of Americans due to censorship of the media and the entertainment industry, which have never portrayed the surgery in an accurate manner.
Lets let Biden prop the girl up in the foot/ braces on the bed and then he watches as they rip the bloody baby parts out in pieces out of her and sends in home to Joe in a 5 gallon bucket for his viewing. 🤢👽
It's funny you think that's how abortions are performed. You're going to lose, psycho.
The truth about abortion is unknown to the vast majority of Americans due to censorship of the media and the entertainment industry, which have never portrayed the surgery in an accurate manner.
Lol surgery? Most abortions are performed using a combo of two pills. You dumb fucks can't be this brainwashed can you?
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.


The liars claim they think specks are people, to justify being slavery-loving control freak pervs.

The moral people take the side of choice and liberty.

It's clear cut. Pro-life is evil, pro-choice is good

The liars claim they think specks are people, to justify being slavery-loving control freak pervs.

The moral people take the side of choice and liberty.

It's clear cut. Pro-life is evil, pro-choice is good

Insert eye roll here
Lets let Biden prop the girl up in the foot/ braces on the bed and then he watches as they rip the bloody baby parts out in pieces out of her and sends in home to Joe in a 5 gallon bucket for his viewing. 🤢👽
It's clear that you get off thinking about these fantasies.

You are one scary perv.
Insert eye roll here
Are you willing to debase yourself with the BigLie and pretend that you think specks are people?

Because we all know you don't. Nobody does. Only the most depraved pervy liars pretend they do. Are you one of them?
Are you willing to debase yourself with the BigLie and pretend that you think specks are people?

Because we all know you don't. Nobody does. Only the most depraved pervy liars pretend they do. Are you one of them?

Those "specks" are life you retarded dipshit

Just stop, you'll never convince me taking an innocent child's life is moral or just

By the way.. you were once a "speck".
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.
If abortion represents a clear-cut moral issue then so is abandoning the child after it is born.

Here is where you idiots drop the ball. What is your solution to a child who is born due to rape or incest? A child who may grow up with a mother who hates it since every day the child reminds her of the tragedy she had to undergo?

How about a child who is born to a young poor unwed mother with no family or resources to help her bring up the child?

When you idiots have good solutions to these questions and more then you have the moral right to sit in judgment over someone else's life till then fuck off on your high horse.
If abortion represents a clear-cut moral issue then so is abandoning the child after it is born.

Here is where you idiots drop the ball. What is your solution to a child who is born due to rape or incest? A child who may grow up with a mother who hates it since every day the child reminds her of the tragedy she had to undergo?

How about a child who is born to a young poor unwed mother with no family or resources to help her bring up the child?

When you idiots have good solutions to these questions and more then you have the moral right to sit in judgment over someone else's life till then fuck off on your high horse.

Personal responsibility....


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