if a pregnant woman is attacked and her baby dies has murder been committed ??

if the life of the mother is threatened by the pregnancy abortion should be an option .if the mother is raped abortion should be an option since the act was forced upon her and the birth of a child fathered by a rapist could cause even further mental pain and anguish .if the act was consensual then it is a risk she took she should carry the child to term.

If abortion is in fact murder, then there can be no options.

Rape? Too bad.

Incest? Too bad.

Risk to mother? Too bad.

Murder is murder. Case closed.
it is not a crime to protect your life . but it is a tragedy to kill someone for convenience !!

Exactly the case~
How many times is this argument going to be raised?

One is voluntary, one is not. There's a huge difference, end of thread.
the killer volunteered to murder the child.

I asked you twice in your last thread about abortion what the law should be, and you refused to answer.

It's strange that someone who obsesses on abortion is incapable of stating his own opinion on the matter.

That is USUALLY how it is.
the killer volunteered to murder the child.

I asked you twice in your last thread about abortion what the law should be, and you refused to answer.

It's strange that someone who obsesses on abortion is incapable of stating his own opinion on the matter.
if the life of the mother is threatened by the pregnancy abortion should be an option .if the mother is raped abortion should be an option since the act was forced upon her and the birth of a child fathered by a rapist could cause even further mental pain and anguish .if the act was consensual then it is a risk she took she should carry the child to term.

That doesn't tell us what sort of law you want to cover other abortions.
if a pregnant woman is attacked and the attacker purposely targets her unborn child and the baby dies is the attacker guilty of murder ??

It is as far as I am concerned. A few months ago I had to order the life support removed from my father and watch him die. If a stranger had walked into his hospital room and removed the machines, that would have been murder. Was it murder when I had it done?
I asked you twice in your last thread about abortion what the law should be, and you refused to answer.

It's strange that someone who obsesses on abortion is incapable of stating his own opinion on the matter.
if the life of the mother is threatened by the pregnancy abortion should be an option .if the mother is raped abortion should be an option since the act was forced upon her and the birth of a child fathered by a rapist could cause even further mental pain and anguish .if the act was consensual then it is a risk she took she should carry the child to term.

That doesn't tell us what sort of law you want to cover other abortions.

The same laws that existed prior to Roe~
I am not in favor of forcing women to deliver, but there is an undeniable hypocrisy involved.
How many times is this argument going to be raised?

One is voluntary, one is not. There's a huge difference, end of thread.
When did the child volunteer to die? :dunno:

this American society doesnt agree with your stance on this.

They didn't agree with desegregation, either.

Just sayin'

If it cant survive outside of the womb then it not a seprate person is it.

Go to the library. Ask for books on biology, obstetrics, and embryology.

You can't survive off Gaia, so you're not really a person, right?

You just hate facts on the right

Says the person throwing biology out the window because it doesn't suit her agenda :rolleyes:
These threads never go anywhere.

What is there to debate? Both sides are firmly entrenched in their beliefs(I include myself in this), both which feel are backed by facts, and there is no wiggle room for either.
I am not in favor of forcing women to deliver, but there is an undeniable hypocrisy involved.

Very few things don't have some degree of hypocrisy involved. I don't believe I am in a position to determine how much hypocrisy someone else should be allowed. I have enough trouble dealing with my own.
Killing an unborn baby by harming or killing the mother, against her will, is murder.

Killing an unborn baby by elective abortion is not.

One is elective, one is not. Pretty simple.
Killing an unborn baby by harming or killing the mother, against her will, is murder.

Killing an unborn baby by elective abortion is not.

One is elective, one is not. Pretty simple.

That's not exactly true.

If a woman has an abortion at 35 weeks, that's murder.Even though it was her choice.
These threads never go anywhere.

What is there to debate? Both sides are firmly entrenched in their beliefs(I include myself in this), both which feel are backed by facts, and there is no wiggle room for either.

Subjective opinions never do
if a pregnant woman is attacked and the attacker purposely targets her unborn child and the baby dies is the attacker guilty of murder ??

At common law the question was answered thusly:

If the unborn child dies in utero it is not homicide but if the child is born alive and then dies from the injuries suffered in utero, then it is homicide. Twinslayer case decided in 1327 and properly called Rex v. de Bourton .

A fetus was not considered a "person" but, at best a "contingent person" who can claim the rights of a person retroactively if "born alive". Thus inheritance will be delayed to ascertain whether a fetus is born alive. If it is, then it inherits, even if it dies a moment after birth. If it does not, then it does not inherit. Same idea with the rule against perpetuities, but that is a bit complex to describe in this forum.

However, this is common law and states are free to change the rule and describe the killing of a fetus as a homicide so long as in doing so they do not infringe upon the abortion rights.
if a pregnant woman is attacked and the attacker purposely targets her unborn child and the baby dies is the attacker guilty of murder ??

If a pregnant woman is attacked and the fetus dies as a result, I would say that the attacker is guilty of aggravated assault, but not murder.

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