If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

Leftists practice and execute contrary thought and behavior. For instance, imagine for a moment that:

Abortion = Good and free.
Capital Punishment = Bad and shouldn't be allowed.
Leftists practice and execute contrary thought and behavior. For instance, imagine for a moment that:

Abortion = Good and free.
Capital Punishment = Bad and shouldn't be allowed.
At least we liberals are not confused. You actually think you're doing some good and are pro-life. By your very own statement in the above you disproved that. You are simply anti-abortion because of all the propaganda that has been spewed upon you. Abortions in America were clean and safe and efficient. Attempting to criminalize them will not help anything and will cause more problems rather than solve any perceived problems. I bet you don't want undocumented immigrants in this country either. And they only number in the few millions. Imagine if there were no abortions ever and the US population grew by 60 plus million overnight. Many of these people should have never been born because of severe health issues. Healthcare would either be in shambles or made universal by now. Taxes would be out of sight because besides the overcrowded prisons, there would be overcrowded youth facilities for all the children that women were forced to have but didn't want them. Also child abuse would be unbelievable. And if you think all of these unwanted babies turned out normal the odds of that are 10 to 1. Most of them are criminals now so crime is rampant. All I'm saying is you haven't thought things through and the world you are attempting to create is going to be a nightmare. The last thing this world needs is more people especially more non-productive people.
In my state of Nebraska on our local school board 4 so-called " conservatives " made it on the school board. The campaigned against the school board saying that they didn't follow the people's wishes on sex education. I'm certain this is a step backwards I will lead to more problems. Some of them even said sex education should be taught at home. I don't know about you but I learned nothing about sex for my parents. It's a terrible situation in the making. I'm sure the sex education standards are going to be corrupted by people who think they know better but don't.

We all know what kind of “sex education” your kind wants for young children. And we all know why.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children.
We all know what kind of “sex education” your kind wants for young children. And we all know why.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children.
When your kind is done pretending to be warriors for children and are willing to make specific accusations against specific people (and open yourself up to lawsuits) rather than these vague ass pussy insinuations let us all know. 😄
We all know what kind of “sex education” your kind wants for young children. And we all know why.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children.
You do not know me and you are one sick bastard to insinuate that I'm any type of pedophile. Nothing could be further from the truth. And sex education is best taught by the experts not fools like you.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
Because it is barbaric. and forwarded as a modern miracle
At no stage of life does any human being have a right to kill another human, except under certain extreme and drastic circumstances, which are almost never present when an unborn child is murdered.
So when the embryos that are left over from IVF treatments are not used and finally destroyed, do you think that is killing other human beings?
I'm not the one overly concerned about what other people do with their lives. Talk about being foolish.
When and where did I express any concern about "other peoples" lives?
Who exactly mentioned anything about "being foolish"?
Or do you just type the first thing that comes to your feeble little moonbat mind and think it's an effective argument?
Comparing the killing of human beings with abortion is ludicrous at best. It should be criminal to make such a statement.
You’re fucking insane, and a would-be tyrant.

There is no “comparison” to be made - abortion is literally homicide, the killing of human beings, by definition, here in objective reality on Earth, where your mind doesn’t reside.

I don’t think your blatant lies and nonsense should be criminal. But it’s fine. You confirm more and more how much you loathe human rights every day, psychopathic liar.
You’re fucking insane, and a would-be tyrant.

There is no “comparison” to be made - abortion is literally homicide, the killing of human beings, by definition, here in objective reality on Earth, where your mind doesn’t reside.

I don’t think your blatant lies and nonsense should be criminal. But it’s fine. You confirm more and more how much you loathe human rights every day, psychopathic liar.
I think you've taken lying to a new height. Accusing me of being a tyrant with all I'm trying to do is defend the rights of all women to choose. If you have a problem with that, that is your problem not mine.

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