If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

WTF, I never went on record explicitly wishing to censor it or criminalize it. You are out of your mind. I steadfast approve a woman's right to choose. I'm not crazy like you people are. I understand what government overreached means and this is the most egregious offense possible that government can make.

The hilarious thing is that Bob would happily like to kill government officials that would mandate he get a Covid Shot...
but thinks it's just dandy for the government to force women to carry pregnancies they don't want.
Morally, religiously, you might well be right. Legally, a human being is not a human being until Congress makes a law and puts it in a law book. For instance, blacks were not human. It took an act of Congress to make it so. It took a war to recognize black humanity. Don't expect less over the unborn. It's embarrassing to even favor infant rights.
I'd say it's impossible cuz there's no infant involved.

How is it not?
It isn't because these embryos will never mature past the embryonic stage. Forever. Leave them for 100 years and they will never be a fetus or a baby.

Medically life does not begin at conception. Nor is that possible. Medically life begins, pregnancy begins, at implantation. These embryos have not implanted. Once implanted in the uterine wall, cell division begins. There is the beginnings of life. Without that, there is nothing but inert cells.
Abortion victims are human beings being attacked and killed by their own mothers and a hired contract killer. None of that is opinion. You cannot dispute one word of it.
Those who support abortion have to believe a lot of lies not to see it as killing a human being. Once in a blue moon, a woman who would die if her pregnancy went to full terms should mercifully undergo a D&C (dialation and curettage) to make sure she will be healed. And if the fetus is known to be dead, that is a medical problem that needs to be dealt with to keep the woman healthy. And even when facing death or getting a d & c, some women will go with the chance that both she and the baby could pull through. I saw an old cd, western movie last night, and a young lady wearing a white dress placed herself in front of an outlaw's bullet to save her brother's life. Women are capable of caring for other human beings, and if we lose their bravery of facing the giving of life as a service to God and Country, we would lose the faith that made our country great. I would not feel one grain of anger toward a person who saved her own life, however, if the fetus would cause her to die, especially if she had another child or several children she'd have to leave behind if she died having the baby. Math is pretty specific, and 3 children without a mother to save child #4 would be tragic to the entire family. OTOH, doctors have learned new skills by sharing with other physicians and may give better odds as techniques are adopted to successfully protect the most of the lives in the maternity ward. A wise physician would do the math. Facing the music is also a useful determination, and it could be different for different families.
WTF, I never went on record explicitly wishing to censor it or criminalize it. You are out of your mind. I steadfast approve a woman's right to choose. I'm not crazy like you people are. I understand what government overreached means and this is the most egregious offense possible that government can make.


Comparing the killing of human beings with abortion is ludicrous at best. It should be criminal to make such a statement.
I'd say it's impossible cuz there's no infant involved.
Blacks were not people in much the same way unborn children are not people. At least blacks could be put to work. Preform children are just expensive body parts.
There is only one reason why anyone would want this sick faggot/tranny shit “taught” to young children.
We don't want them to grow up to be bigots?

You know damn well that that is not their intent nor their motive.

It's against the rules of this forum to come out and say what is obvious about both of you. No need. I think everyone knows, even if we're not allowed to come out and say it.

There is only one reason why anyone would want this sick faggot/tranny shit “taught” to young children.
According to you we're talking about protecting children. Are you telling me a brave internet warrior like yourself would turn pussy in your mission to protect children because of board rules? 😄
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
Good grief, Blackrock. I've been married about 48 years and during that time, we had total of two pregnancies, giving us 3 kids and that is all we attempted or wanted to have.

I think menstruation is great! But, what kind of sick Fk wants to look at pictures of it?
At least we liberals are not confused. You actually think you're doing some good and are pro-life. By your very own statement in the above you disproved that. You are simply anti-abortion because of all the propaganda that has been spewed upon you. Abortions in America were clean and safe and efficient. Attempting to criminalize them will not help anything and will cause more problems rather than solve any perceived problems. I bet you don't want undocumented immigrants in this country either. And they only number in the few millions. Imagine if there were no abortions ever and the US population grew by 60 plus million overnight. Many of these people should have never been born because of severe health issues. Healthcare would either be in shambles or made universal by now. Taxes would be out of sight because besides the overcrowded prisons, there would be overcrowded youth facilities for all the children that women were forced to have but didn't want them. Also child abuse would be unbelievable. And if you think all of these unwanted babies turned out normal the odds of that are 10 to 1. Most of them are criminals now so crime is rampant. All I'm saying is you haven't thought things through and the world you are attempting to create is going to be a nightmare. The last thing this world needs is more people especially more non-productive people.

You sound like an idiot so yeah, you're a Democrat I had to quit reading that runs-on about early.
And that's what upsets you... not poor children being born into lives of poverty, or you wouldn't be trying to slash social programs to get tax cuts.

What upsets you is women taking charge of their lives, and you having nothing to say about it.
Women are bullied into abortion, by their families but mostly by the men who got them pregnant.
Women are bullied into abortion, by their families but mostly by the men who got them pregnant.

I've never known a woman who had an abortion who felt bullied. In fact, quite the contrary, a lot of them have abortions over the wishes of their boyfriends. It's men who get freaked out over this issue.

Women came out in droves on Tuesday to put a stop to this nonsense.
Those who support abortion have to believe a lot of lies not to see it as killing a human being. Once in a blue moon, a woman who would die if her pregnancy went to full terms should mercifully undergo a D&C (dialation and curettage) to make sure she will be healed. And if the fetus is known to be dead, that is a medical problem that needs to be dealt with to keep the woman healthy.

What we are usually talking about in a late abortion are cases where the fetus is deformed - Down Syndrome, Brittle Bone Syndrome, Spina Bifida, etc.

I saw an old cd, western movie last night, and a young lady wearing a white dress placed herself in front of an outlaw's bullet to save her brother's life.
You realize movies are fake, right? .

Women are capable of caring for other human beings, and if we lose their bravery of facing the giving of life as a service to God and Country, we would lose the faith that made our country great. I would not feel one grain of anger toward a person who saved her own life, however, if the fetus would cause her to die, especially if she had another child or several children she'd have to leave behind if she died having the baby.

That's nice. Also not your call. Personally, I can't praise a woman who has a birth control abortion - and most abortions are contraceptive - but I realize unless you are going to create a police state with no medical privacy, that's kind of what you are going to have to learn to live with.

Math is pretty specific, and 3 children without a mother to save child #4 would be tragic to the entire family. OTOH, doctors have learned new skills by sharing with other physicians and may give better odds as techniques are adopted to successfully protect the most of the lives in the maternity ward. A wise physician would do the math. Facing the music is also a useful determination, and it could be different for different families.

So why not trust the woman and her wise doctor to make the best decision, and get the church and the government out of it.
Actually there's nothing barbaric about it. It's a simple medical procedure best carried out by experienced qualified medical professionals.
cutting a child into pieces, before pulling it out piece, by piece, is simple? Huh who knew
What we are usually talking about in a late abortion are cases where the fetus is deformed - Down Syndrome, Brittle Bone Syndrome, Spina Bifida, etc.

You realize movies are fake, right? .

That's nice. Also not your call. Personally, I can't praise a woman who has a birth control abortion - and most abortions are contraceptive - but I realize unless you are going to create a police state with no medical privacy, that's kind of what you are going to have to learn to live with.

So why not trust the woman and her wise doctor to make the best decision, and get the church and the government out of it.
Because my taxes pay for it that's why, and other people's doings should never be taken out of somebody else's pocket. If someone commits a murder, do we go roll the dice and let that person go to the chair for the murder of somebody else? Of course not.

Since 1973 the government has been cramming abortion down other people's throats. There's something wrong when people celebrate somebody else's demise. The last straw was hearing about parties thrown for the woman who had the abortion. That's when sicko crap has gone far enough.
Because my taxes pay for it that's why, and other people's doings should never be taken out of somebody else's pocket. If someone commits a murder, do we go roll the dice and let that person go to the chair for the murder of somebody else? Of course not.

Uh, the government is prohibited from paying for abortions through the Hyde Amendment (written by my former Congress, fat hypocritical sack of crap, Henry Hyde).

Since 1973 the government has been cramming abortion down other people's throats. There's something wrong when people celebrate somebody else's demise. The last straw was hearing about parties thrown for the woman who had the abortion. That's when sicko crap has gone far enough.

I don't know anyone who has an abortion party... Maybe some women who are tired of being slut shamed for their personal choices.

No one is "cramming abortion down your throat", especially the government. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is going to make you get one. You are free to breed like a queen termite if that is your desire in life.

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