If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

I think you've taken lying to a new height.
You, abject trash, literally just said that noting correctly that killing human beings is killing human beings, should be criminal. Fuck you.

Accusing me of being a tyrant
Yes. You think statements of factual objective truth, forget even just freely expressed opinion, but stating truth should be criminal. That is tyrannical, you stupid deranged fuck.
You, abject trash, literally just said that noting correctly that killing human beings is killing human beings, should be criminal. Fuck you.

Yes. You think statements of factual objective truth, forget even just freely expressed opinion, but stating truth should be criminal. That is tyrannical, you stupid deranged fuck.
You must be deranged. You think your opinions are facts. I hate to break it to you but they're just opinions. You are attempting to say that no woman has a right to an abortion. That is an opinion. And a very bad one. Supposedly you chose not to have an abortion. But you're not giving other women the same right to choose. That is just plain sick.
You, abject trash, literally just said that noting correctly that killing human beings is killing human beings, should be criminal. Fuck you.

Yes. You think statements of factual objective truth, forget even just freely expressed opinion, but stating truth should be criminal. That is tyrannical, you stupid deranged fuck.
Do you know what the definition of tyrant is. One who forces his will or her will on others. You are attempting to be tyrannical not me. You want to force women who become pregnant and don't want to be to Bear those children. When an abortion is the simplest answer. That is extreme tyranny.
Do you know what the definition of tyrant is. One who forces his will or her will on others.
You are impossibly stupid. Your will is that anyone who disagrees with your lies and nonsense should face criminal penalties. You literally just said this, explicitly.

That is fundamental tyranny. You don’t believe in freedom of thought or expression. You just want the truth silenced by law.
You are impossibly stupid. Your will is that anyone who disagrees with your lies and nonsense should face criminal penalties. You literally just said this, explicitly.

That is fundamental tyranny. You don’t believe in freedom of thought or expression. You just want the truth silenced by law.
I'm not the one telling women who want abortion they are committing murder I'm not the one trying to prevent them from having abortions. You are crazy you are a wannabe tyrant.
When your kind is done pretending to be warriors for children and are willing to make specific accusations against specific people (and open yourself up to lawsuits) rather than these vague ass pussy insinuations let us all know. 😄
You do not know me and you are one sick bastard to insinuate that I'm any type of pedophile. Nothing could be further from the truth. And sex education is best taught by the experts not fools like you.

It's against the rules of this forum to come out and say what is obvious about both of you. No need. I think everyone knows, even if we're not allowed to come out and say it.

There is only one reason why anyone would want this sick faggot/tranny shit “taught” to young children.
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I'm not the one telling women who want abortion they are committing murder
I am the one who wants people who commit premeditated homicide against the innocent to go to prison for murder.

You are the one who wants people who say true things to go to prison for disagreeing with your lies.
Comparing the killing of human beings with abortion is ludicrous at best. It should be criminal to make such a statement.

Abortion •IS• the killing of a human being.

Of course your kind want to censor anyone who dares tell the truth about the depraved positions that you advocate. It is not the least bit surprising that you would wish to criminalize such speech. The only thing that is surprising is how openly you admit to it.
It's against the rules of this forum to come out and say what is obvious about both of you. No need. I think everyone knows, even if we're not allowed to come out and say it.

There is only one reason why anyone would want this sick faggot/tranny shit “taught” to young children.
You are a very twisted individual to say the least. I feel sorry for your children that they have to put up with your ignorance. And I hope they could get good healthy sex education at the schools they attend because they're not going to get it from you not with the derogatory and hateful words you are using.
Abortion •IS• the killing of a human being.

Of course your kind want to censor anyone who dares tell the truth about the depraved positions that you advocate. It is not the least bit surprising that you would wish to criminalize such speech. The only thing that is surprising is how openly you admit to it.
I've heard that opinion once or twice. Fortunately it is not true.
I'm not the one telling women who want abortion they are committing murder…

It's the plain truth. But you don't want it to be spoken. In fact, you are now on record as explicitly wishing to censor it, to criminalize it.

It is no coincidence that your name is a near-anagram of that of the Father of All Lies. That is who controls you; that is who owns your very soul.
You are a very twisted individual to say the least. I feel sorry for your children that they have to put up with your ignorance. And I hope they could get good healthy sex education at the schools they attend because they're not going to get it from you not with the derogatory and hateful words you are using.

I'm sure that you would be very happy to “educate” my children, or anyone else's.

I'm about equally sure that any parent who catches you “educating” his child would be very happy to put a bullet in your fucking head. And if that happened, the world would be made a better place.

Your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children.
Abortion victims are human beings being attacked and killed by their own mothers and a hired contract killer. None of that is opinion. You cannot dispute one word of it.
Morally, religiously, you might well be right. Legally, a human being is not a human being until Congress makes a law and puts it in a law book. For instance, blacks were not human. It took an act of Congress to make it so. It took a war to recognize black humanity. Don't expect less over the unborn. It's embarrassing to even favor infant rights.
So, at birth, was your great niece a human being or wasn't she? Was her very humanity, her personhood, contingent on what technology was available to save her life?

But that's my point, if she had been born 100 years ago, she'd have died in infancy and some asshole like you would have called it "God's Will".

We've decided to take these decisions away from God, and we are better off for it. The decision SHOULD be the woman's, not the church or the government.

“Ending a pregnancy” kills an innocent human being. It truly takes an @Incel Joe level of of sociopathic depravity to describe an act of cold-blooded murder as “safe”.

It's safe for the woman. Before we had abortion, thousands of women died from Ectopic pregnancies. But yeah, a Mormon Bob level of Sociopathic Depravity would call that "God's will".
I'm sure that you would be very happy to “educate” my children, or anyone else's.

I'm about equally sure that any parent who catches you “educating” his child would be very happy to put a bullet in your fucking head. And if that happened, the world would be made a better place.

Mormon Bob, reminding everyone he's a sociopath.
It's the plain truth. But you don't want it to be spoken. In fact, you are now on record as explicitly wishing to censor it, to criminalize it.

It is no coincidence that your name is a near-anagram of that of the Father of All Lies. That is who controls you; that is who owns your very soul.
WTF, I never went on record explicitly wishing to censor it or criminalize it. You are out of your mind. I steadfast approve a woman's right to choose. I'm not crazy like you people are. I understand what government overreached means and this is the most egregious offense possible that government can make.

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