If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

Well then it's not there.

Here, have some cake - it's all there doncha know. :rolleyes-41:


Here's the winner of the Brainless Black Hole of Disingenuity Award, folks.

And that's what upsets you... not poor children being born into lives of poverty, or you wouldn't be trying to slash social programs to get tax cuts.

What upsets you is women taking charge of their lives, and you having nothing to say about it.
Actually I am moderate on abortion and don't completely side with either extreme. Although I otherwise despised the man, I agreed with Obama when he said abortion should be legal, just rare. I just thought the meme was cute and gave me an opportunity to make fun of psycho bitches of any kind flipping out. I perfectly well realize abortion is necessary at times, but people should be more responsible SO IT DOESN'T COME TO THAT. When it becomes too easy, people are abusing nature and themselves...not to mention an unborn child who THEY MOST OFTEN created through their own indulgence, hedonism and frivolousness. An easy, free ticket to just abort also promotes more of the same quasi-Roman orgy behavior and this collectively lowers the quality of life for all.

Trust me, I also chuckle when I see churches with all those little mini crosses on their lawns and signs about murder. I think all extremists are wack jobs.
Fucking moron.

This is like having a petri dish with egg cells and a vial of semen.

Cakes are not living things, cakes do not self-assemble and grow.

Fertilization takes those ingredients of sperm cell and egg cell and makes a new human being. There is your finished "cake."

Living things age and grow over time, but this is not creation of a new human - that happened already.
Dummy the point is that ingredients that COULD be made into something ARE NOT that something untill the making happens.

Fertilized egg CAN'T develop by itself, it needs to be grown and nurtured (made) by a woman's body. It is not a third party concern untill a certain stage of development.
This is a child?


Obviously not a child.

Is this a child?


Obviously a child.

So somewhere between the starting stage of fetal developement and ending stage of fetal development we start to have a third party interest to speak of.

Anyone having this debate without clearly understanding this is wasting time of everyone involved.

What kind of DNA do they both have?

Is it horse DNA?

Is it tomato DNA?

Is it fish DNA?

Is it human DNA?
It's PRO-CHOICE. By calling someone pro-abortion you simply reveal that just like OP you don't understand the debate and you don't really understand position you are arguing against.

It's not pro-abortion, it's pro-government-staying-the-fuck-out of such intimate, personal descisions untill there is a third party interest to speak of.

I disagree.

What a miracle of modern technology you are, to have a direct link from your TV to your mouth, totally bypassing your brain, so all you have to do is open your mouth and leftist talking points flow out so effortlessly.

You should get an award.
the noble peace prize is named after the guy they called the merchant of death,,,

dont believe everything to hear,, need to do some research to know for sure,,

she didnt like abortion but didnt want the blacks to multiply,, thats just the facts,,
That was the point of my post. There are so many interpretations and redactions of Margaret Sanger because at her core, she was a eugenicist.
This is a child?


Obviously not a child.

Is this a child?


Obviously a child.

So somewhere between the starting stage of fetal developement and ending stage of fetal development we start to have a third party interest to speak of.

Anyone having this debate without clearly understanding this is wasting time of everyone involved.

They are the exact same organism, the exact same form of life, at different stages of development.
Quote any high profile Democrat telling you that the abortion itself is great, not just the RIGHT to make that choice if needed.
I have ALWAYS been for "my body, my choice" but there is a caveat for that. A woman does NOT have the right to kill her child at the last minute. She had 3 fucking months or less to decide if she wanted it. If not, and it is full term or close to full term, then carry it, then give it away. She does NOT choose to kill it with a botched abortion or soon after it arrives from the birth canal and not be a non killer of a human being. I had an abortion after a rape. I checked often to see if I was pregnant. Soon as I was told I was, I had it aborted. It was the size of a pea by then. I didn't give a shit if it had a heartbeat or not. I wanted it gone. So gone it went. NO WAY would I have carried it for months THEN kill it as soon as it arrived.

S this new law in Montana and what dems are doing is flat out murder. If the abortion was botched and the baby arrived or was withdrawn by "doctors" and still alive, the kill it as soon as it can scream or take a breath. How is this NOT murder? How can any woman, regardless of her reasons, allow her to carry this out and not be a monster?
Dummy the point is that ingredients that COULD be made into something ARE NOT that something untill the making happens.
FERTILIZATION is combining the ingredients into a new human being, you fucking dense piece of shit.

That is the making. A new human being is objectively already made - you just take care of your kid, you feed them and shelter them and don't kill them and they grow.

Fucking cakes don't grow from a single cake molecule, retard. Cakes aren't alive. This isn't how any of this works.

Fertilized egg CAN'T develop by itself
Human beings are not eggs, fertilization consumes the egg and sperm both. Gods, you are stupid.
And Preachers are still Raping young children.
Your point is what?

That the Preachers are queer and fuck and rape young children.
I thought so.
LOL school teachers molest children at far greater rates and numbers than church clergy.

School teachers in fact have a monopoly on child molestation.
Fuck off, retard.

There, does it feel more basement-y for you?

You pro-aborts are all "shout your abortion" and "erase the stigma" now and proudly announce when you donate funds to kill innocent kids.

It's a valid question and a valid thing to note - you support murderous butchery of innocent human beings, and for your hype about "muh women's rights" you cover that shit up and lie incessantly.
If you have a vasectomy please televise it. It will be the world's first televised micro surgery.
behold the "human being"


When a male Homo sapiens (Human being) casts off sperm cells and a female Homo sapiens releases her egg cell and the sperm fertilizes the egg, the resulting organism isn’t a dog or a tree or a dragon or a unicorn, fucktard.

The new organism is a human being. It couldn’t be anything else. Duh?

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