If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?


The organisms in question were members of their respective species regardless of whether we can make a visual distinction with the naked eye or microscopy.

The pig would still be a pig regardless, the human being would still be a human being regardless.
If you can't tell the difference, how can you treat them differently.
If you can't tell the difference, how can you treat them differently.
So you can’t tell the difference between a pig or a human? Worrisome given that the former is property turned into bacon.

You can’t think of any other way to distinguish a living creature other than taking intentionally misleading photographs and taking a gander? Have you heard of this thing called science, at all, sir?
That isn’t an equal claim, that is just you being a retard who flunked out of biology class.

A haploid cell that is part of the body of an organism, differentiated and purposed for reproduction is not the same thing as *the entire body of another organism.*

By that idiotic standard, no eukaryote is a single organism but just a collection of cells that each their own member of the species. This is laughably stupid.

Behold the heartless, brainless "entire body" of a "human being" that we should drag actual people into jail for refusing to host.


Behold the heartless, brainless "entire body" of a human being:

At the zygote stage of life a single cell is the entire body of a human being, yes.

Welcome to Bio 101, the first chapter, which assumes you have some idea what science and life mean - incorrectly in your case, you heartless, brainless pro-abort bigoted numbskull.
Objectively false.

The lifespan of a sexually reproducing organism begins at fertilization with the zygote stage of life.

If the Homo sapiens at the zygote stage of life were not a living organism there would be no growth aging or development from that point forward.

Your claim was an entire organism not a living organism with instincts to survive and grow inside moms baby factory. Even when it attaches to it's lifeline in the baby factory it is a few hundred non differentiated cells. It doesn't become an entire organism until it is viable and can sustain life functions.

Yes all mammals started life as an single cell. a zygote. But not all Zygotes that are created attach or grow into a baby ready to be born.
I showed a pro-lifer a picture of a fetal pig, and a fetal human, and he could not tell the difference. In fact, he started claiming right to life for the fetal pig, before I posted a human fetus.
most people cant tell the difference,, doesnt make the human a pig or the pig a human,,
Your claim was an entire organism not a living organism with instincts to survive and grow inside moms baby factory. Even when it attaches to it's lifeline in the baby factory it is a few hundred non differentiated cells. It doesn't become an entire organism until it is viable and can sustain life functions.

Yes all mammals started life as an single cell. a zygote. But not all Zygotes that are created attach or grow into a baby ready to be born.
human children are not viable until after the first yr after birth or longer depending on how you look at it
Your claim was an entire organism
Yes. The entire body of one organism, alive and a member of our species, Homo sapiens, colloquially known as “human beings.”

That is objectively true.

not a living organism with instincts to survive and grow inside moms baby factory
All sexually reproducing multicellular organisms begin as a single cell and at that stage they are living organisms and they grow and age.

Even when it attaches to it's lifeline in the baby factory it is a few hundred non differentiated cells.
“Baby factory.” Ugh.

Yes, at the blastocyst stage of life our bodies are ball of totipotent cells, the result of multiple mitotic divisions. So what? That is still describing the body of an organism of our species. All of those cells as a whole comprise the body of one entire organism.

That organism is not a mature adult member of our species and won’t be for an arguable number of years but by age of majority standards that’ll be around 38 weeks of gestational age plus 17 years since birth.

It doesn't become an entire organism until it is viable and can sustain life functions.
Scientifically illiterate bullshit.

If we aren’t organisms at fertilization then we couldn’t grow and age and we wouldn’t exist to be having this conversation, nincompoop.

Yes all mammals started life as an single cell. a zygote. But not all Zygotes that are created attach or grow into a baby ready to be born.

The possibility of a natural death is not somehow unknown to me. It is not relevant to bring up here. Living things all eventually die. Humans are particularly vulnerable to this possibility at certain stages of life - this is not unusual.
Behold the heartless, brainless "entire body" of a "human being" that we should drag actual people into jail for refusing to host.



If a woman "refuses to host" an unwanted baby, she has the choice to not make an unwanted baby.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a sexist who thinks women incapable of successfully managing their own lives.

At the zygote stage of life a single cell is the entire body of a human being, yes.

Welcome to Bio 101, the first chapter, which assumes you have some idea what science and life mean - incorrectly in your case, you heartless, brainless pro-abort bigoted numbskull.

Nowhere in Bio 101 is there any reference to "being".

Zygote is not a person make. Sending people to jail for violating it's rights is an insane position.

Welcome to REALITY nutter.
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Objectively false.

The lifespan of a sexually reproducing organism begins at fertilization with the zygote stage of life.

If the Homo sapiens at the zygote stage of life were not a living organism there would be no growth aging or development from that point forward.
I'm glad you think that a human being begins at conception.

Because that means that more than 50% of all abortions are performed by GOD!
Humans chop existence into so many pieces it is hard to see the whole.
Life started a very, very long time ago and has never ceased. Our deciding that life begins at a certain point for something we decide is different from its precedents may serve some purposes, but it is arguable at least. Winding one's beliefs into the mix only complicates things more.
All progeny die. A woman does have choice about conception, and every month a fertile woman chooses not to have an egg fertilized is a choice that the egg and the individual it could have been won't be. Birth and death are already her decision.
And she can also stop pregnancy. You can take a pill and the body litterally rejects to host the zygote.

She can avoid pregnancy. If you do not grant her this power, she is indeed just an object.

The left is vicious about objectifying women.

Literally is spelled with one "t".
For slightly underdeveloped people who don't understand the topic: a pregnant person, can't avoid pregnancy.

The question of contention is: does the government have interest to criminaly prosecute parties involved in termination of the pregnancy?


For slightly underdeveloped people who don't understand the topic: a pregnant person, can't avoid pregnancy.

The question of contention is: does the government have interest to criminaly prosecute parties involved in termination of the pregnancy?
A pregnant person??? WTF

dont you mean a pregnant women??

and dont you mean the termination of a life/child??

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