If An advanced alien life form came to Earth, How should we treat them?


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.
Treat them like an undiscovered species. Learn about them cautiously, go along to get along, unless they are violent.
It's like the lions in the zoo asking how they should handle the zookeeper
Its like a zoo keeper that kills lions on a daily basis and one day, his employees make a wrong decision that he went along with and dopey zoo goers like frank suddenly have amnesia about all of the dead lions and has his warped mind convinced he is fighting FOR the lions.

Youre not right, in the head. Like, at all.

Did he tell the troops headed over to train iraq to do some lifting against isis themselves.......to do a really poor training job. In super secret? Stfu.
Rationally thinking, any species that advanced in technology and thinking, would also have advanced and controlled their behavior and emotional states, especially if they had many more years to progress then us.
Just because we can be pathetic doesn't mean all species has to be.
It's like the lions in the zoo asking how they should handle the zookeeper
Its like a zoo keeper that kills lions on a daily basis and one day, his employees make a wrong decision that he went along with and dopey zoo goers like frank suddenly have amnesia about all of the dead lions and has his warped mind convinced he is fighting FOR the lions.

Youre not right, in the head. Like, at all.

Did he tell the troops headed over to train iraq to do some lifting against isis themselves.......to do a really poor training job. In super secret? Stfu.

I can see some alien civilization that's mastered time travel spending all day and night worrying about how we're going to interact with them.
Get the fuck clear of the stampede of gays running up looking to get probed!!

I'm fucking kidding....keep your heads on........:biggrin:
Rationally thinking, any species that advanced in technology and thinking, would also have advanced and controlled their behavior and emotional states, especially if they had
many more years to progress then us.
Just because we can be pathetic doesn't mean all species has to be.

I am not so sure---they may not have controlled their curiousity else why would they talk to us?
Rationally thinking, any species that advanced in technology and thinking, would also have advanced and controlled their behavior and emotional states, especially if they had many more years to progress then us.
Just because we can be pathetic doesn't mean all species has to be.
Ya, I am sure the human species is going to stop killing itself any day now. Why would alien races not be in the constant state of warfare? Hypothetically speaking of course.
Doubtlessly, they would only arrive having made some kind of preparatory arrangements. If they knew anything about humans, they would be very cautious and only want to meet with scientists, experts such as psychologist and perhaps philosophers. How humans would 'treat them' would include protecting them.
It will probably never happen, however.
Doubtlessly, they would only arrive having made some kind of preparatory arrangements. If they knew anything about humans, they would be very cautious and only want to meet with scientists, experts such as psychologist and perhaps philosophers. How humans would 'treat them' would include protecting them.
It will probably never happen, however.
They would probably first show up to evaluate the situation. Using their super, duper advanced technology they would probably send agents to blend in. They might appear as politicians, actors, scientists, or even message board posters. :eek-52:
There4 may have something there

If Aliens did contact us, they would be fully prepared and have a reason too.

But if they are space travellars, why waste time with us?

In other words, SETI is a bust unless we contact aliens that are as bad at space travel as we are!!:confused:
One comforting thing is that if they are capable of space travel they can't be more stupid than humans, but even if they're close to it, that is already pretty frightening.
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I think there4 really woke me up

If they(aliens) are that advanced, then we are just another boring primitive species in which they've seen thousands.

They would suffer from a form of grand indifference--there are probably more interesting things to see and we are just run of the mill stuff in the background.
Rationally thinking, any species that advanced in technology and thinking, would also have advanced and controlled their behavior and emotional states, especially if they had many more years to progress then us.
Just because we can be pathetic doesn't mean all species has to be.
Ya, I am sure the human species is going to stop killing itself any day now. Why would alien races not be in the constant state of warfare? Hypothetically speaking of course.
If "they" came here, I always figured they would be refugees from a war, or other disaster, finding us accidentally.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

Given how humans treat other animals during scientific study, I'd hide. :)

Can assume any alien species getting here has a certian level of technology we can only describe with science-fiction. Interstellar travel is impossible for us right now, and for some centuries to come. Would take us, now, about 70,000 years just to get to Proxima 4.2 light-years away. Need many impossible things for interstellar travel like:

- suspended animation for the crew (can only carry so much air, food, water, etc.)
- kinetic and radiological shielding (micrometeor hyper-velocity impacts, and interstellar radiation, solar flares, etc.)
- unbelievably accurate radar to detect and plot courses around impacting objects
- propulsion and power systems so we can get somewhere worth going in a human's lifetime without their going insane and killing their own crew
- ship repair systems which can quickly and efficiently repair things that break duringt he journey whether by wear and tear, or accidents

Without these and other things you're not going anywhere. Anyone who shows up who did is WAY beyond us. Think they'd only recognize us as sentient by all the cities and roads. If they met one of us off by ourselves, there's no reason to assume they'd even recognize we're not something to pull the arms off of like children do flies.
One comforting thing is that if they are capable of space travel they can't be more stupid than humans, but even if they're close to it, that is already pretty frightening.

Given the humans we now read and study and learn about were the victorious "evil bastards" of their time, the aliens who develop interstellar travel are likely their planet's predators and "evil bastards" too or they wouldn't have been the dominant successful species back home. Consequently, there's every chance that seeing they're far beyond us technologically, we might just be wild animals to them worthy of study, but not worthy of respect as with not seeing what happens if they cut us in half like we do worms. :)
Read a paper way back about what to do if you happen upon an alien. Basicly based the procedure on 'what to do' for WWII pilots who go down on inhabited islands in the Pacific. How to communicate using simple drawings in the dirt, etc. Might actually have been a phoney document using those war procedures and replaced 'native' with 'alien' but was a fascinating read nonetheless.

SETI has a protocol in place if it receives a transmission believed to be alien.
The Post-Detection SETI Protocol

And the UN has a Malyasian guy in charge for the mythical "take me to your leader" scenario.
UN to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors - Telegraph

Interesting job that. Show up at work each day, "Any messages?" :)

"One from your wife. Another from the Secretary General. And oo here's one from somoene named Lrrr from Omicron Persei 8." :)

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