If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are

No the problem with liberals is they will go to any lengths to paint the stupid moron in the oval office a success when he's been a colossal failure. Obamatard no sooner proclaims ISIS no threat to America at home, while mocking anyone who disagrees, then ISIS kills 14 Americans in California. Then liberals and the liberal media freak out trying to somehow spin that. And its been total crickets from the White House.

they won't ever admit they put a Muslim sympathize and an enemy to the rest of us in the country as President. thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people saw it soon enough to cut him down to size before he could do us anymore damage with his loyalties that were NOT WITH US

Its nothing that devious, you just have an idiot in the oval office who thinks he knows better than anyone else in spite of having no experience. Leaders in his own Democratic party in 2008 WARNED us Obama's ideas on foreign policy were "naïve" and "dangerous" and now we see the result of his incompetence.
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are

No the problem with liberals is they will go to any lengths to paint the stupid moron in the oval office a success when he's been a colossal failure. Obamatard no sooner proclaims ISIS no threat to America at home, while mocking anyone who disagrees, then ISIS kills 14 Americans in California. Then liberals and the liberal media freak out trying to somehow spin that. And its been total crickets from the White House.

they won't ever admit they put a Muslim sympathize and an enemy to the rest of us in the country as President. thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people saw it soon enough to cut him down to size before he could do us anymore damage with his loyalties that were NOT WITH US

Its nothing that devious, you just have an idiot in the oval office who thinks he knows better than anyone else in spite of having no experience. Leaders in his own Democratic party in 2008 WARNED us Obama's ideas on foreign policy were "naïve" and "dangerous" and now we see the result of his incompetence.

I agree.
It's more about him refusing to listen to and ignore the advice of the ones who know more than him.
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are

No the problem with liberals is they will go to any lengths to paint the stupid moron in the oval office a success when he's been a colossal failure. Obamatard no sooner proclaims ISIS no threat to America at home, while mocking anyone who disagrees, then ISIS kills 14 Americans in California. Then liberals and the liberal media freak out trying to somehow spin that. And its been total crickets from the White House.

they won't ever admit they put a Muslim sympathize and an enemy to the rest of us in the country as President. thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people saw it soon enough to cut him down to size before he could do us anymore damage with his loyalties that were NOT WITH US

Its nothing that devious, you just have an idiot in the oval office who thinks he knows better than anyone else in spite of having no experience. Leaders in his own Democratic party in 2008 WARNED us Obama's ideas on foreign policy were "naïve" and "dangerous" and now we see the result of his incompetence.

well, I'd like to believe that's all it is. But everything I've seen done by him. Has not made me feel he is on OUR SIDE. so we'll leave it that. :thup:
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are

No the problem with liberals is they will go to any lengths to paint the stupid moron in the oval office a success when he's been a colossal failure. Obamatard no sooner proclaims ISIS no threat to America at home, while mocking anyone who disagrees, then ISIS kills 14 Americans in California. Then liberals and the liberal media freak out trying to somehow spin that. And its been total crickets from the White House.

they won't ever admit they put a Muslim sympathize and an enemy to the rest of us in the country as President. thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people saw it soon enough to cut him down to size before he could do us anymore damage with his loyalties that were NOT WITH US

He does have a bad habit of bad mouthing America.
Its nothing that devious, you just have an idiot in the oval office who thinks he knows better than anyone else in spite of having no experience. Leaders in his own Democratic party in 2008 WARNED us Obama's ideas on foreign policy were "naïve" and "dangerous" and now we see the result of his incompetence.

well, I'd like to believe that's all it is. But everything I've seen done by him. Has not made me feel he is on OUR SIDE. so we'll leave it that. :thup:
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

* Insisted that we leave no residual force in Iraq, which led to the creation of the Islamic State in the first place.

* Refuse to acknowledge the self-evident fact that the more Muslims a Western/pro-Western nation has, the greater its chances of being attacked at some point.

* Not only refuse to acknowledge the above reality but now want to allow over 100,000 more Muslims into the country, even though several of our intel officials, including the FBI Director and the assistant director in charge of such screening, have said we cannot properly screen them. (By the way, Farook's wife passed her "vetting." In fact, she passed her Homeland Security "vetting." Yeah, liberals, tell me how we should feel safe that we can screen tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.)

* Refuse to admit that France's very strict gun laws, which include absolute bans on automatic weapons, did NOTHING to prevent the two recent horrendous terrorist attacks in Paris. Instead, they have gone to the sick extreme of mocking Republicans for praying for the victims' families and claim that Republicans have no business praying for the families until they support tougher gun laws. That's just sick.

* Have defended the disastrous, misguided decision of two potential life-saving witnesses who opted not to contact authorities about their suspicions regarding Farook and his wife because they did not want to engage in "profiling" (racial or otherwise). As Rudy Giuliani pointed out in a recent interview, he was personally involved with two cases where attacks were prevented because witnesses chose to say something rather than stay silent.

* Refuse to even call Muslim/Islamic terrorism by name, and their choice for president has gone to the idiotic extreme of saying that Muslims have "nothing whatsoever" to do with jihad.

So if anyone is aiding and abetting the terrorists, it is American liberals.

If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

And unarmed security guards at all targets, soft or otherwise.

Unarmed security guard was on duty during San Bernardino mass shooting

An unarmed security guard was on duty at the San Bernardino social services center where terrorism suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik drove up in a black SUV, exited the vehicle equipped with masks and rifles and killed 14 people at an office holiday party, a spokeswoman for the center said Friday.
Now we see how easy an American can become a nazi

Once again you conflate Americans, with those who reject the Principles that define America... but who reside within the borders of the United States.

The way that THEY become Nazis is that they just Register with the Democrat Party. This because the Democrats feign loyalty to nation and hatred of capitalism, while rejecting all traits common to loyalty to nation and sponging off of the capitalist, therein, embodying all of the elements common to National Socialism.
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Problem is, he isn't the only one. A 3rd of the party is progressive in ideas, and believe if we just withdraw, play nice, and speak softly, the middle east radicals will leave us alone. They believe America has created most of the problems in the world, because of our success, and freedoms, and belief in self determination.
Hillary is of the same philosophy.
And I believe the only reason they have gone after Assad is because they know he does have wmd.
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are

No the problem with liberals is they will go to any lengths to paint the stupid moron in the oval office a success when he's been a colossal failure. Obamatard no sooner proclaims ISIS no threat to America at home, while mocking anyone who disagrees, then ISIS kills 14 Americans in California. Then liberals and the liberal media freak out trying to somehow spin that. And its been total crickets from the White House.

they won't ever admit they put a Muslim sympathize and an enemy to the rest of us in the country as President. thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people saw it soon enough to cut him down to size before he could do us anymore damage with his loyalties that were NOT WITH US
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

You just articulated my double standard point over again. Thanks but I already laid that out.
The fact is this perp IS a native-born American. Your babbling on and on about "borders" has squatso to do with a native citizen born in freaking Chicago.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

You guys who watch that TV thing --- what do you do, just sit and stare at it until it tells you what to think and then go "yes.. master...... I ... hear... and .... obey...."?

How culpable then is Fox Noise and its associated blogosphere for inciting Robert Dear to spend the afternoon shooting up Colorado Springs?
Humm, it turns out that Tashfeen Malik (Farook's wife) passed her "extensive" State Department vetting and her Homeland Security vetting, which included two face-to-face interviews! Yes, and a short time later she helped murder 14 Americans just after proclaiming her allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook.

So, liberals, are you still gonna tell us that we can properly vet the 170,000 Syrian Muslims whom Obama wants to let into the country?


By the way, Farooks's wife, Tashfiq Malik, passed her Homeland Security counterterrorism vetting ( Obama Administration's Much-Touted Counterterrorism Screening Fails, by Jim Geraghty, National Review ).

And here we go again with the pathetic comparisons to the Colorado and South Carolina shootings carried out by nominal, non-church-attending so-called "Christians" followed the by the idiotic argument that, "Gee, we don't blame Christianity for those acts!" Well, uh, the last time I checked, there is no "Christian" holy war movement that is blowing up buildings, beheading victims, selling women into prostitution, murdering people for leaving the faith, and calling for a global holy war to overthrow democratic governments.

"Having it both ways -- Priceless"
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are



Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

* Insisted that we leave no residual force in Iraq, which led to the creation of the Islamic State in the first place.

* Refuse to acknowledge the self-evident fact that the more Muslims a Western/pro-Western nation has, the greater its chances of being attacked at some point.

* Not only refuse to acknowledge the above reality but now want to allow over 100,000 more Muslims into the country, even though several of our intel officials, including the FBI Director and the assistant director in charge of such screening, have said we cannot properly screen them. (By the way, Farook's wife passed her "vetting." In fact, she passed her Homeland Security "vetting." Yeah, liberals, tell me how we should feel safe that we can screen tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.)

* Refuse to admit that France's very strict gun laws, which include absolute bans on automatic weapons, did NOTHING to prevent the two recent horrendous terrorist attacks in Paris. Instead, they have gone to the sick extreme of mocking Republicans for praying for the victims' families and claim that Republicans have no business praying for the families until they support tougher gun laws. That's just sick.

* Have defended the disastrous, misguided decision of two potential life-saving witnesses who opted not to contact authorities about their suspicions regarding Farook and his wife because they did not want to engage in "profiling" (racial or otherwise). As Rudy Giuliani pointed out in a recent interview, he was personally involved with two cases where attacks were prevented because witnesses chose to say something rather than stay silent.

* Refuse to even call Muslim/Islamic terrorism by name, and their choice for president has gone to the idiotic extreme of saying that Muslims have "nothing whatsoever" to do with jihad.

So if anyone is aiding and abetting the terrorists, it is American liberals.
The Obama Administration has been busy charging Americans with hate crimes specifically against Muslims. This is either designed or has resulted in a fear to prevent possible reporting of terrorist activity.

James Barrett
December 4, 2015
10659 Comments 376967
The day after a horrific shooting spree by what appears to be a radicalized Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used "anti-Muslim rhetoric" that "edges toward violence."

Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates' 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her "greatest fear" is the "incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric" in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech.

"The fear that you have just mentioned is in fact my greatest fear as a prosecutor, as someone who is sworn to the protection of all of the American people, which is that the rhetoric will be accompanied by acts of violence," she said.

"Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric—or, as we saw after 9/11, violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but perceived to be Muslims, and they will suffer just as much—when we see that we will take action," said Lynch.

After touting the numbers of "investigations into acts of anti-Muslim hatred" and "bigoted actions" against Muslims launched by her DOJ, Lynch suggested the Constitution does not protect "actions predicated on violent talk" and pledged to prosecute those responsible for such actions.

Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Also, the Obama Administration has streamlined the K-1 Visa process, which allowed Sayeed Raghead to bring his Muslim wife into the United States even though she gave an address that doesn't exist in Saudi Arabia. Only a short time after she arrived, they murdered 14 people in San Bernadino CA.

Yeah... what you're witnessing there, is the down the middle demonstration of TREASON against the United States.

Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

Actually Chicago is part of THIS country, Dumbass. It's in a state we call "Illinois" in a region we call the "midwest".
California's part of it too.
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

Complete non sequitur.
What the fuck is "Kumbaya" anyway?
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

Complete non sequitur.
What the fuck is "Kumbaya" anyway?

It is a great song that lefties (older lefties, lol) sing.

I bet you don't know what Shang-Ri-La is either, lol.
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

Complete non sequitur.
What the fuck is "Kumbaya" anyway?

It is a great song that lefties (older lefties, lol) sing.

I bet you don't know what Shang-Ri-La is either, lol.

I see a lot of references to "Kumbaya" on the internet. I've never actually experienced a song like that. Didn't know if it's a real thing. I do remeber Shangri-la though. I can even spell it.
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

Complete non sequitur.
What the fuck is "Kumbaya" anyway?

It is a great song that lefties (older lefties, lol) sing.

I bet you don't know what Shang-Ri-La is either, lol.

I see a lot of references to "Kumbaya" on the internet. I've never actually experienced a song like that. Didn't know if it's a real thing. I do remeber Shangri-la though. I can even spell it.

Your spelling is correct, the one I use is soley to tweak some lefties I am friends with. (inside joke)

The song is real also. When political chat rooms 1st came into vogue, the joke song for the left was the "Coke" song, "I want to teach the world how to..........." something, something, "perfect harmony."

For some reason, it changed. I actually liked the Coke song. Kumbaya, not so much, lol.
the problem with the liberal. is they want to be so PC correct they refuse to see the bad in anyone or anything. they think that makes and shows them as "compassionate" and that's alright when it's not costing people their lives.

but then again in certain TIMES, it makes them just as dangerous to us.
It beats the hell out of me WHY they won't see things as they are



So just bomb the terrorists into oblivion...

Oh wait, you might leave women and orphans if you take out the "Baby's Daddy" who is a member of ISIS...

Thanks, Obama.. .

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