If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election

But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.
Because the popular vote doesn't elect the President. The Electoral College does. The fraud influenced the States to send the wrong electors, but their results were done legitimatly.
No it didn't. Good god, you people are embarrassing yourselves.
LOLLOOLLOL. Even (R) members in AZ are saying enough is enough of the fraud investigation.
Running scared???? Of what.....a FAKE audit claiming fraud......that would be Rich
It’s your therapy huh?
If you could type a sentence that a 7th grader could comprehend, it would be easier for the intelligent people to understand what you are 'trying' to say.
You mean, if you knew how to read you would understand! Gotcha troll
OK, I'll bite.

What is my therapy?
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
They have to impeach him now it's too late
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?

Your point and that of your fellow deranged loons is moot because nobody cheated. Have a nice day.
Go fuck yourself, asswipe. Have a horrible day dickhead.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election

But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.
Because the popular vote doesn't elect the President. The Electoral College does. The fraud influenced the States to send the wrong electors, but their results were done legitimatly.
Now that makes sense. Sort of.
I don't believe anyone ever experienced this so that is why I asked the question. Funny (not) how some think I am a super duper MAGA just by doing the asking.

If this happened with Trump winning over Hillary, then he should have never sat in the WH and removed once it was proven that is what happened. I loathe Hillary, but if cheating is involved, that's another whole story.

It will happen again if something isn't done. Hence, ASKING what happens if such a thing IS proven. If not, well...........
Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
You know you are right so there is no harm in letting them do the audit.
Unfortunately, that is 100% wrong in a society infected with the disease of post-truth Trumpism. There is plenty of harm to be done with this dog and pony show.
The only harm will be proving fraud happened. That will not harm me.

The harm is in the implication that the results aren't fair, and that the election can be rigged. Why bother to vote if the outcome is predetermined.

When nations lose faith that their elections are fair, they are ripe for take-over by anti-democratic forces, and right now, the Republican Party is utterly and completely opposed to the concept of free and fair elections.

Depending on what poll you look at half the population or more already believe that there was election fraud. The audit could dispel that belief. A falsified audit would be easy to demonstrate.

No, it wouldn't. People who believe in voter fraud at this point believe it despite 2 previous audits in this particular county. They believe it despite countless people on both sides that are actually involved in administering the election saying it was fair. They believe it despite no credible challenges being filed asserting actual fraud last election cycle. They believe it long after any reasonable person would have long since given up believing.

These people aren't interested in facts, they aren't interested in what's being demonstrated. They will and have rejected any demonstration that doesn't fit the narrative.
you do not understand the difference between an audit and a recount
Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?

You know you are right so there is no harm in letting them do the audit.
Unfortunately, that is 100% wrong in a society infected with the disease of post-truth Trumpism. There is plenty of harm to be done with this dog and pony show.
The only harm will be proving fraud happened. That will not harm me.

The harm is in the implication that the results aren't fair, and that the election can be rigged. Why bother to vote if the outcome is predetermined.

When nations lose faith that their elections are fair, they are ripe for take-over by anti-democratic forces, and right now, the Republican Party is utterly and completely opposed to the concept of free and fair elections.

Depending on what poll you look at half the population or more already believe that there was election fraud. The audit could dispel that belief. A falsified audit would be easy to demonstrate.

No, it wouldn't. People who believe in voter fraud at this point believe it despite 2 previous audits in this particular county. They believe it despite countless people on both sides that are actually involved in administering the election saying it was fair. They believe it despite no credible challenges being filed asserting actual fraud last election cycle. They believe it long after any reasonable person would have long since given up believing.

These people aren't interested in facts, they aren't interested in what's being demonstrated. They will and have rejected any demonstration that doesn't fit the narrative.
you do not understand the difference between an audit and a recount
As stated before, Gracie is an old idiot. Better yet, Gracie is an old woman, a bitter woman.

You want to debate? Old Woman Gracie?
There is no legal mechanism allowing for the election results to be overturned following them being certified by Congress. If Biden was found to have cheated the best that could happen is him being impeached over it but even if Harris and Biden we're both impeached that would mean that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would become president it wouldn't allow Trump to Simply take the office of President by default
Joe Biden: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics".
There is no legal mechanism allowing for the election results to be overturned following them being certified by Congress. If Biden was found to have cheated the best that could happen is him being impeached over it but even if Harris and Biden we're both impeached that would mean that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would become president it wouldn't allow Trump to Simply take the office of President by default
I still find it amazing that the most important office in our nation, may be compromised with no penalty of jailtime, punishment, or ousting of the person that benefitted from it.

If this is the case, then why was Bernie Madoff imprisoned? Is it different if it comes to $ vs power?
There is no legal mechanism allowing for the election results to be overturned following them being certified by Congress. If Biden was found to have cheated the best that could happen is him being impeached over it but even if Harris and Biden we're both impeached that would mean that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would become president it wouldn't allow Trump to Simply take the office of President by default
If evidence is uncovered in the AZ recount, Biden should be removed from office.
Except we held a fair and transparent election...

Just like we had “mostly peaceful protests”.

Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
His presidency is crippled now. It will be totally crippled. They know they cheated.

And they know that we know that they cheated. Too much happened too close to plain view to deny it.
Just like we had “mostly peaceful protests”.

Most of them were peaceful.

Did they burn anything of yours down, Mormon Bob?

Me neither.

And they know that we know that they cheated. Too much happened too close to plain view to deny it.

The guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear thinks that elections were stolen because his guy didn't win, even though all the polls said he was going to lose.

Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
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And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
That and do not forget in real audits members from both parties are present. Not the case in this fraudit. This fraudit is almost as big a joke as the q thing.

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