If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
They didn't delete any databases. They turned the database over to the frauditors. Imagine that? The frauditors have no clue what they're doing.

Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC, which is working on the audit, said he had retrieved all the data he needs from Arizona's largest county, which President Biden won in November. The remark came a day after county officials said auditors could not find the information because they did not know where it was located.

This is your thread, shouldn't you know about the topic? That story broke before you posted this.

Seems the auditors are honest and went so far as to correct a republican who spoke in error. Can't wait to see the final audit result.

They've already leaked two discrepancies and both were debunked.

They're not off to a good start.

Transparency works, which proves that no one should be afraid of the audit's final result.

Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
They didn't delete any databases. They turned the database over to the frauditors. Imagine that? The frauditors have no clue what they're doing.

Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC, which is working on the audit, said he had retrieved all the data he needs from Arizona's largest county, which President Biden won in November. The remark came a day after county officials said auditors could not find the information because they did not know where it was located.

This is your thread, shouldn't you know about the topic? That story broke before you posted this.

Seems the auditors are honest and went so far as to correct a republican who spoke in error. Can't wait to see the final audit result.

They've already leaked two discrepancies and both were debunked.

They're not off to a good start.

Transparency works, which proves that no one should be afraid of the audit's final result.

There's nothing transparent about this crazy times nonsense.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
His presidency is crippled now. It will be totally crippled. They know they cheated.

And they know that we know that they cheated. Too much happened too close to plain view to deny it.

There was so much cheating, you couldn't find any of it?
You're not being too bright there Skippy. The audit isn't over yet so how do you know???....Cnn told you right?
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
His presidency is crippled now. It will be totally crippled. They know they cheated.

And they know that we know that they cheated. Too much happened too close to plain view to deny it.

There was so much cheating, you couldn't find any of it?
You're not being too bright there Skippy. The audit isn't over yet so how do you know???....Cnn told you right?
Nope, I care not what CNN says. But this is how I know...

Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
They didn't delete any databases. They turned the database over to the frauditors. Imagine that? The frauditors have no clue what they're doing.

Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC, which is working on the audit, said he had retrieved all the data he needs from Arizona's largest county, which President Biden won in November. The remark came a day after county officials said auditors could not find the information because they did not know where it was located.

This is your thread, shouldn't you know about the topic? That story broke before you posted this.

Seems the auditors are honest and went so far as to correct a republican who spoke in error. Can't wait to see the final audit result.

They've already leaked two discrepancies and both were debunked.

They're not off to a good start.

Transparency works, which proves that no one should be afraid of the audit's final result.

There's nothing transparent about this crazy times nonsense.

Sure there is and when the audit is finished you will have the privilege of showing the world that you were right and the rest of us will acknowledge your greatness.

Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
They didn't delete any databases. They turned the database over to the frauditors. Imagine that? The frauditors have no clue what they're doing.

Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC, which is working on the audit, said he had retrieved all the data he needs from Arizona's largest county, which President Biden won in November. The remark came a day after county officials said auditors could not find the information because they did not know where it was located.

This is your thread, shouldn't you know about the topic? That story broke before you posted this.

Seems the auditors are honest and went so far as to correct a republican who spoke in error. Can't wait to see the final audit result.

They've already leaked two discrepancies and both were debunked.

They're not off to a good start.

Transparency works, which proves that no one should be afraid of the audit's final result.

There's nothing transparent about this crazy times nonsense.

Sure there is and when the audit is finished you will have the privilege of showing the world that you were right and the rest of us will acknowledge your greatness.

Been there about a dozen times so far since the election.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
The original audits (3 times) by Republican and independent officials will certainly
rule the day as opposed to the fufnick, obtuse, partizan "ninga" outfit "audit" chosen by trumptydump supporters which will have bearing on anything because it isn't anything except in your twisted minds.
HEHE. Watching you slaves to a miserable boss twist on this....lolol

OMG. No wonder conservatives have to screw your women to impregnate them...lol
Great analysis, but typical non-comment from a trumptydumpty.
What flavor paint chips do you prefer? Glidden, Dutch Boy, or Sherwin Williams.?
Another comment by a 5th-grade education, yes?
Arizona auditors recovered the deleted information from the deleted databases. Yet another question: if there was no cheating...WHY DID THEY DELETE THE DATABASES?
They didn't delete any databases. They turned the database over to the frauditors. Imagine that? The frauditors have no clue what they're doing.

Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC, which is working on the audit, said he had retrieved all the data he needs from Arizona's largest county, which President Biden won in November. The remark came a day after county officials said auditors could not find the information because they did not know where it was located.

This is your thread, shouldn't you know about the topic? That story broke before you posted this.

Seems the auditors are honest and went so far as to correct a republican who spoke in error. Can't wait to see the final audit result.

I don't care about the "final" result because it means nothing, nada, kaputsky, nyet and is nothing more than another farce in the era of Trump.

I'm sure that there are many people who would be interested to see the final result of the audit. I am one of those people. Not that I don't believe that your opinion is important but I do believe that we can accommodate more than just one person's opinion in our society.

This audit is being conducted by a partisan, fufnick, unnofficial "ninja" group chosen by partisan people.
What should I expect--a fair and non-politicized result?
God you people. I smelt fraud on election night at 11pm. You would have to be a paint chip eating fool not to see it...lol
All those states so confused they had to shut down all at once.......lolol

A week later enough ballots were cast......................LOLOL
You smelled the loss that was on the horizon? That was the smell of fraud?
Gosh, you are a true thinker---with your nose.
Decus said:
I'm sure that there are many people who would be interested to see the final result of the audit. I am one of those people. Not that I don't believe that your opinion is important but I do believe that we can accommodate more than just one person's opinion in our society.
I think the call by the Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to end the farce is a compelling indication of the stark distinction between the legitimate audits that have been conducted and the Cyber Ninjas' Big Bamboozle clown show.

Only fanatics would embrace the laughable caper if its "findings" comported with their self-pleasuring delusion.
God you people. I smelt fraud on election night at 11pm. You would have to be a paint chip eating fool not to see it...lol
All those states so confused they had to shut down all at once.......lolol

A week later enough ballots were cast......................LOLOL
You smelled the loss that was on the horizon? That was the smell of fraud?
Gosh, you are a true thinker---with your nose.
Sure. 44 states all accounted for by midnight except 6 swing states with Trump leading them all..Then all shut down because a urinal backed up.....lolol...............It took 6 states a week to count votes....lololololol. Trump losing all of them...lolololol......................And you slave to a miserable job your whole life and I didn't.........True thinker huh dust breather????.BAWWWWWWHHAHA
fraud is not important for you huh?
You cant expect everyone to like fraud as much as you Trumpers do.
Then you want voter IDs right
Nah, no need. Significant in person voter fraud only exists in your mind, planted there by people who are smarter than you so that they can get your help to suppress voter turnout.
so fraud is ok with you. I bet you want to know if I got a vaccine or not. right? want an ID for that do you? you're a sleeze bucket. will always be a sleeze bucket.
Decus said:
I'm sure that there are many people who would be interested to see the final result of the audit. I am one of those people. Not that I don't believe that your opinion is important but I do believe that we can accommodate more than just one person's opinion in our society.
I think the call by the Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to end the farce is a compelling indication of the stark distinction between the legitimate audits that have been conducted and the Cyber Ninjas' Big Bamboozle clown show.

Only fanatics would embrace the laughable caper if its "findings" comported with their self-pleasuring delusion.
still worried huh?
On November 3rd a call was made to five swing states, all 5 states stopped counting ballots then resumed in secret in the early morning hours on November 4th. Who gave the order?
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election

But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.
Because the popular vote doesn't elect the President. The Electoral College does. The fraud influenced the States to send the wrong electors, but their results were done legitimatly.
Now that makes sense. Sort of.
I don't believe anyone ever experienced this so that is why I asked the question. Funny (not) how some think I am a super duper MAGA just by doing the asking.

If this happened with Trump winning over Hillary, then he should have never sat in the WH and removed once it was proven that is what happened. I loathe Hillary, but if cheating is involved, that's another whole story.

It will happen again if something isn't done. Hence, ASKING what happens if such a thing IS proven. If not, well...........

I get where you're coming from, but our laws simply don't have a provision for undoing an entire election, no matter how fraudulent it proves to be over time, because our Founding Fathers considered the continuation of our system of government to be more important than who holds which office. Worse comes to worst, they figured our system could survive four years of a shitty President, even a fraudulent one. Of course, if I remember correctly, they also originally provided more time between the election and the transition of power, which would have provided more time to look into issues like this (they also had a much more simple method of election to work with).

If we didn't have Democrats in power in both houses of Congress, we could theoretically impeach Biden and Harris. But even aside from the fact that the Democrats would never do that, even if God Almighty appeared before them and told them unequivocally that Biden and Harris personally rigged the vote with their own hands, that would just put Nancy Pelosi in the White House.

Our only real option at this point is to power through this, treat Biden like the illegitimate nursing home fugitive that he is, and demand that a better job be done in the future to secure our elections.
There is no legal mechanism allowing for the election results to be overturned following them being certified by Congress. If Biden was found to have cheated the best that could happen is him being impeached over it but even if Harris and Biden we're both impeached that would mean that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would become president it wouldn't allow Trump to Simply take the office of President by default
I still find it amazing that the most important office in our nation, may be compromised with no penalty of jailtime, punishment, or ousting of the person that benefitted from it.

If this is the case, then why was Bernie Madoff imprisoned? Is it different if it comes to $ vs power?

I don't think anyone said "No penalty, no jail time, no punishment." The problem is always going to be gaining sufficient proof to satisfy a court of law that a specific person or group of people is guilty. And the fact that the cheating benefited Biden isn't sufficient proof that Biden himself is guilty of it, or even knew about it, not legally.

As both Leviticus and I have said, ouster IS legally possible, by way of impeachment, but not politically feasible with the Democrats in control of Congress, nor practically beneficial, with Nancy Pelosi next in line.

We can certainly revisit that question if the Republicans were to gain control in 2022.

And no, it's not just about money or power. It's about the law, which isn't always the same as what we perceive as fair. Our laws simply do not have a provision for overturning an election, because they were written with a higher goal than just THIS election, THIS officeholder. And as much as it sucks at the moment, I don't know that changing that focus is ultimately the best choice.
There is no legal mechanism allowing for the election results to be overturned following them being certified by Congress. If Biden was found to have cheated the best that could happen is him being impeached over it but even if Harris and Biden we're both impeached that would mean that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would become president it wouldn't allow Trump to Simply take the office of President by default
If evidence is uncovered in the AZ recount, Biden should be removed from office.

Okay, how? Point us to the legal remedy for the situation, and we'll discuss it.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
All registered Democrats will lose the right to vote for the next five years, the Supreme Court will be forced to turn over all the evidence they've been shown , Biden will be removed from office and Trump will be President.

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