If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

it wouldn't explain why the ballots would be held for years then. If it was over, it would be over. Something is wrong with what did happen on election night when all five states stopped counting ballots. that is the fraud.

What's fraudulent about stopping the count for the night, and resuming in the morning?
why did they stop when no other states did? why did each state remove the monitoring rep from the opposing party? why did they then extend the count three extra days? never before. and only those five states reversed the count afterward. hmmmmmmmmmmm

oh and why weren't the buildings locked down?

I don't know. But questions don't prove anything.
Really? Then I guess we need to stop trials of perps, right?
Decus said:
I'm sure that there are many people who would be interested to see the final result of the audit. I am one of those people. Not that I don't believe that your opinion is important but I do believe that we can accommodate more than just one person's opinion in our society.
I think the call by the Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to end the farce is a compelling indication of the stark distinction between the legitimate audits that have been conducted and the Cyber Ninjas' Big Bamboozle clown show.

Only fanatics would embrace the laughable caper if its "findings" comported with their self-pleasuring delusion.

I see a "Big Bamboozle clown show" everytime Congress is in session.

You have an opinion and you are welcome to it, but you face no personal harm or loss if the audit moves forward. Relax and when the audit is finished you can proclaim victory in no uncertain terms.

it wouldn't explain why the ballots would be held for years then. If it was over, it would be over. Something is wrong with what did happen on election night when all five states stopped counting ballots. that is the fraud.

What's fraudulent about stopping the count for the night, and resuming in the morning?
why did they stop when no other states did? why did each state remove the monitoring rep from the opposing party? why did they then extend the count three extra days? never before. and only those five states reversed the count afterward. hmmmmmmmmmmm

oh and why weren't the buildings locked down?

I don't know. But questions don't prove anything.
Really? Then I guess we need to stop trials of perps, right?
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
You can not find such a party. What you can find and what has been found is a system that has members of both parties represented. A system where any challenges to the result are arbitrated by a judicial system that has people of both parties present. The problem is even then the results aren't being accepted.

Case and point... well this. An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
I don't think there would ever be a peaceful transfer of power to the legitimate winner, regardless of what is proven. If the commies went through the trouble to steal it, they will die before they surrender it.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
You can not find such a party. What you can find and what has been found is a system that has members of both parties represented. A system where any challenges to the result are arbitrated by a judicial system that has people of both parties present. The problem is even then the results aren't being accepted.

Case and point... well this. An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
Have PWC do it. There must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth

And "the truth" is that Trump won, right?
Never said that. And this is more for future elections not this one.
I will, Trump won.
Right. That's my point. And I suspect most of the election deniers are of a similar mindset. You *know* the truth is that Trump won and you won't accept anything that contradicts your conviction. In others words, you don't give a flying fuck about the truth - you're just going to hold your breath until Trump is declared the "winner".
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
You can not find such a party. What you can find and what has been found is a system that has members of both parties represented. A system where any challenges to the result are arbitrated by a judicial system that has people of both parties present. The problem is even then the results aren't being accepted.

Case and point... well this. An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
Have PWC do it. There must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.
You blew right past my point here, didn't you? This is a scenario in which the only "bias" is a bias that favors you. Yet you still aren't prepared to simply state you are willing to accept that result. Fuck neutral I'm talking bias in your favor, yet you aren't willing to concede even then.

By the way, this implies the previous two audits were biased. Can you tell me why you reached that conclusion?
Perhaps that is why these in power are purging the miliitary of “white supremacists” commonly known as Trump supporters.

stalin purged the Red Army of non communists in the 1930's got his ass kicked by tiny little Finland in 1939
Yes and if we purge our army of conservatives who supported Trump you can expect we will get our ass kicked by some small nation too. We better hope we don’t have a war with China or even Russia.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
You can not find such a party. What you can find and what has been found is a system that has members of both parties represented. A system where any challenges to the result are arbitrated by a judicial system that has people of both parties present. The problem is even then the results aren't being accepted.

Case and point... well this. An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
Have PWC do it. There must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.
You blew right past my point here, didn't you? This is a scenario in which the only "bias" is a bias that favors you. Yet you still aren't prepared to simply state you are willing to accept that result. Fuck neutral I'm talking bias in your favor, yet you aren't willing to concede even then.

By the way, this implies the previous two audits were biased. Can you tell me why you reached that conclusion?
When did I say anything was biased? You made a point?
When did I say anything was biased?
Well here.
here must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.

You made a point?
Yes, in particular, this one
An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
When did I say anything was biased?
Well here.
here must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.

You made a point?
Yes, in particular, this one
An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
They are biased? Investigation is over? Please post the final results.
When did I say anything was biased?
Well here.
here must be a way to find a 3rd party that would do it and do it fairly. I refuse to believe that everyone is biased.

You made a point?
Yes, in particular, this one
An audit conducted on the behest of the Arizona GOP conducted by a company that is demonstrably biased in favor of election fraud and you still can't simply state that that audit would be enough.
They are biased? Investigation is over? Please post the final results.
This is where my claim of bias comes from.
I agree, it is silliness. Just like it's silliness to call it a fallacy when attacking a source. In this case, the source is a company that was hired by the Arizona GOP and this is its mission statement. Services - Cyber Ninjas

You will note it doesn't have anything to do with elections or manual recounts.

Led by a guy who said this.https://twitter.com/Garrett_Archer/status/1377377069445750787?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1377377069445750787%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=
Two previous audits

So tell me why you feel these audits are insufficient for you? And again why you still won't commit to accepting the third one that has a demonstrable bias?
Last edited:
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth

And "the truth" is that Trump won, right?
Never said that. And this is more for future elections not this one.
I will, Trump won.
Right. That's my point. And I suspect most of the election deniers are of a similar mindset. You *know* the truth is that Trump won and you won't accept anything that contradicts your conviction. In others words, you don't give a flying fuck about the truth - you're just going to hold your breath until Trump is declared the "winner".
Maybe if fraudulent activity wouldn’t have been so transparent, there’d be a different mindset. But if it quacks like a duck
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth

And "the truth" is that Trump won, right?
Never said that. And this is more for future elections not this one.
I will, Trump won.
Right. That's my point. And I suspect most of the election deniers are of a similar mindset. You *know* the truth is that Trump won and you won't accept anything that contradicts your conviction. In others words, you don't give a flying fuck about the truth - you're just going to hold your breath until Trump is declared the "winner".
Maybe if fraudulent activity wouldn’t have been so transparent, there’d be a different mindset. But if it quacks like a duck
What fraudulent activity? Do you have any evidence of a conspiracy? I'm not saying it didn't happen. But you guys have no proof at all. All you have is results you don't like. And a never ending stream of what-abouts.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth

And "the truth" is that Trump won, right?
Never said that. And this is more for future elections not this one.
I will, Trump won.
Right. That's my point. And I suspect most of the election deniers are of a similar mindset. You *know* the truth is that Trump won and you won't accept anything that contradicts your conviction. In others words, you don't give a flying fuck about the truth - you're just going to hold your breath until Trump is declared the "winner".
Maybe if fraudulent activity wouldn’t have been so transparent, there’d be a different mindset. But if it quacks like a duck
What fraudulent activity? Do you have any evidence of a conspiracy? I'm not saying it didn't happen. But you guys have no proof at all. All you have is results you don't like. And a never ending stream of what-abouts.
Read my posts. You already asked and I already answered

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