IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
Funny that they are stealing the election from Trump, but they are keeping Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.

Dem scum spent over $100 million in out of state money trying to purchase Graham's senate seat and nearly as much trying to purchase McConnell's seat.
And this is voter fraud? Those were contributions.

Did I say it was voter fraud? No. Was it asshole Democrats blatantly trying to purchase a Senate seat, sure was. The funny part was they blew nearly half a billion dollars and got their ass kicked for their troubles. This is where I point to Texas, then point at you and laugh :auiqs.jpg:
Do democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they showed to Donald Trump?

Not in my opinion, no. Respect or the office, yes. For the man or the party, no.

IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare?

I guess it's possible, but IMHO highly doubtful. Too much rancor between the parties, if Biden wins then he'll make the usual overtures for bipartisanship but the hardcore Dems like Pelosi and Schumer will have none of that. Nor in all likelihood will the GOP, although maybe they'll agree on a few things cuz the Repubs have a few members like Romney, Murkowski, and Collins who might be persuaded to cross party lines. There weren't many democrats who did that when Trump was president, so I see no reason to suspect that will change much. A lot depends on whether the Dems can get to 50 seats in the Senate. If they do then all bets are off, as they end the filibuster and do whatever they want to without working with the GOP, outside of trying to peel off one or two and claiming bipartisanship.
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
Funny that they are stealing the election from Trump, but they are keeping Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.

Dem scum spent over $100 million in out of state money trying to purchase Graham's senate seat and nearly as much trying to purchase McConnell's seat.
And this is voter fraud? Those were contributions.

Did I say it was voter fraud? No. Was it asshole Democrats blatantly trying to purchase a Senate seat, sure was. The funny part was they blew nearly half a billion dollars and got their ass kicked for their troubles. This is where I point to Texas, then point at you and laugh :auiqs.jpg:
Try to stay on subject.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.
Fuck off.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
You ensured that with your behavior over the last four years. We told you cock suckers to knock it off. You should have listened.
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
Funny that they are stealing the election from Trump, but they are keeping Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.

Dem scum spent over $100 million in out of state money trying to purchase Graham's senate seat and nearly as much trying to purchase McConnell's seat.
And this is voter fraud? Those were contributions.

Did I say it was voter fraud? No. Was it asshole Democrats blatantly trying to purchase a Senate seat, sure was. The funny part was they blew nearly half a billion dollars and got their ass kicked for their troubles. This is where I point to Texas, then point at you and laugh :auiqs.jpg:
Try to stay on subject.

That I hate the left? I'm always on topic there.
Look for the return of the call for "Fiscal Responsibility" from the Republicans and a return to the brinkmanship with the Debt Ceiling.

Wall Street loves American Gridlock.

Trumpybear deserves no respect and has earn the denigration he regularly receives.
Biden has 47 years of earnings. You won't believe what's in store for the old political hack.

If the last week of the campaign is any indication of how low the Banana Republicans are willing to go, you're right I wont.
they go as low as the banana democrats go....

I wonder....

You ensured that with your behavior over the last four years. We told you cock suckers to knock it off. You should have listened.
Four years of Trump supporters talking about how much they enjoy liberal tears and you accuse us of being the problem?
Biden winning the election through massive voter fraud isn't going to do jack shit to unite this country.

Of course even if the asshole had won legitimately his filthy ass far Left agenda was going to tear this country apart already so he can just go fuck a goat.
You’re not getting any help covering your fraud.
All I’m asking is you stop making shit up. Too much to ask?
Like what? Russian dossiers, fake impeachment scams, calling everyone that disagrees with you a Nazi, racist, white supremacist.

yeah you can fuck off. Prove what’s made upor go fuck yourself.
Y’all claiming that a red wagon was full of ballots being smuggled in but it was just a cameraman from the local news outlet.
As long as Pelosi, McConnell, Rightwing Talk Radio and MSM can not come together then the divide will stay...

Better off having a Civil War than enduring this shit show much longer...
If the Socialists want to start a Civil War this how they can start a Civil War.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.
1. Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization.

2. Several cities kept authorized poll watchers from witnessing the vote count, which is against the law. We need remedies.

3. This went badly for the last 4-years, paybacks are a bitch. No respect means no respect.
You ensured that with your behavior over the last four years. We told you cock suckers to knock it off. You should have listened.
Four years of Trump supporters talking about how much they enjoy liberal tears and you accuse us of being the problem?
You’ve always been the problem. From day one you were pricks.
Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization.

He was talking about an organization to prevent voter fraud you goof.

Several cities kept authorized poll watchers from witnessing the vote count, which is against the law. We need remedies.

Trump wants to throw out all those votes which is the most undemocratic thing I think I’ve ever heard him say. In reality, that never really happened.

This went badly for the last 4-years, paybacks are a bitch. No respect means no respect

Payback? Dude. The right gloated and lorded their victory over the left for four years. Who do you think didn’t show respect?
1. FACT: Mr. Biden may be inaugurated on January 20.

2. FACT: Ms. Harris could possibly be inaugurated in his place.

3. FACT: There WAS electoral fraud, but it is impossible to ever know how much.

4. FACT: The Supreme Court does NOT want to get involved in this mess.

5. FACT: Many Americans will consider President Biden/Harris as illegitimate.

6. OPINION: I personally hope that the Republicans do everything possible that is peaceful & legal in order to upset the plans of the new administration.

7. OPINION: I personally hope that the pro-Republican elements of the Deep State will find ways to reveal embarrassing secrets about members of the new administration, just as the Dems did everything possible to denigrate President Trump (even discussing his private parts!).
You’ve always been the problem. From day one you were pricks.
Trump is and always has been an asshole. We didn’t do it to him. It’s how he started this. And y’all loved him for it.
If that were true having Trump gone would fix it. The fact is YOU were the assholes and that means YOU will get what YOU have earned.

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