IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
If that were true having Trump gone would fix it. The fact is YOU were the assholes and that means YOU will get what YOU have earned.
Trump isn’t gone. He’s giving press conferences and tweeting his nonsense about the election being stolen.

Hell, he claimed victory a few days ago and said all the electoral votes in a bunch of states were his.
Enjoy it mother fucker.
Yeah. It’s just too much to ask that some of you deplorable assholes be adults. We both know a bunch of you are never going to be rational human beings. I hope you are isolated and alone so that you don’t infect others with your insanity.
Colbert the False Catholic cried last night about the evil fascist Trump. Catholicism is put on the person when being taught. When you throw it away you become like Colbert, Pelosi and Biden. They forget about the rules because they in reality have no faith. And none have given up their wealth for their Prog Socialist beliefs. But the peasant may be getting ready for the great screwing again.
I don’t think Biden’s term alone will bring the country together but I do think his term could be the start of it in some ways.
Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization.

He was talking about an organization to prevent voter fraud you goof.

Several cities kept authorized poll watchers from witnessing the vote count, which is against the law. We need remedies.

Trump wants to throw out all those votes which is the most undemocratic thing I think I’ve ever heard him say. In reality, that never really happened.

This went badly for the last 4-years, paybacks are a bitch. No respect means no respect

Payback? Dude. The right gloated and lorded their victory over the left for four years. Who do you think didn’t show respect?
1. If Trump's lawyers make any progress on legal issues, it matters, if they don't, its over.
2. If the courts throw the illegal votes out, they deserve to be thrown out (for not following the election laws)
3. How did the right "gloat"? I missed that during the Russian collusion hoax, the illegal spying on Trump, the impeachment bullshit, the tearing up of the SOU speech, the constant harassment of admin people at restaurants and their homes, the constant "investigations" into nothing, the 95% negative MSM coverage, the suppression polls, and on and on....paybacks are coming, I'm hoping the FBI's money-laundering investigation finds something indictable.
1. If Trump's lawyers make any progress on legal issues, it matters, if they don't, its over.
2. If the courts throw the illegal votes out, they deserve to be thrown out (for not following the election laws)
I agree.

I recall a story about Trump battling a local group of Karens who took him to court for the main flag pole on one of his properties being too tall, it was in violation of the building code.

Trump asked them if he made the pole shorter to meet the requirements of the code would they drop the suit? They said they would, and so the papers were drawn up, signed, and made an official legally binding agreement.

So Trump took down the pole, had a HUGE mound built on the place, and put in the shorter pole, but the US flag ended up being like 20' higher than it was before.

THAT is how Trump trinks around these smooth brained ideologues and partisan hacks.

Observing that DHS has been involved in securing the ballots from forgery with hidden features of some kind, I think he has this covered.
Good lord no!

The country will remain divided, and will never again be what it once was.

It's now the white wokesters and minorities vs what's left of the rest of us.

In a few more decades, minorities with their palms out to the government will be instead the majority with their palms out to the government.

This country and what made us the greatest most poweful nation ever to rise up, is over.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?

This isn't really just about Trump or Biden, or how the Democrats treated anyone.

It's about the fact that "playing nice and getting along", in Democrat eyes, means that Republicans sit down, shut up, and wear their chains peacefully. I'm not interested in any sort of unity that comes from abject surrender, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that.

The two sides, idealogically speaking, agree on absolutely nothing. We have zero common ground. And the Democrats have been declaring for quite a while that they refuse to accept any situation in which we both simply work to convince people through debate.
Colbert the False Catholic cried last night about the evil fascist Trump. Catholicism is put on the person when being taught. When you throw it away you become like Colbert, Pelosi and Biden. They forget about the rules because they in reality have no faith. And none have given up their wealth for their Prog Socialist beliefs. But the peasant may be getting ready for the great screwing again.
As far as Colbert goes...

Enough idiots think he is a news source.
Enjoy it mother fucker.
Yeah. It’s just too much to ask that some of you deplorable assholes be adults. We both know a bunch of you are never going to be rational human beings. I hope you are isolated and alone so that you don’t infect others with your insanity.
Even if Trump is gone I hope he has a 24 hour a day 7 days a week of venom spewing if he has his own channel. I mean the goods on every pro entertainer, sports player, politician, media, them all. And their families. Bring out the dirt like they do. They will enjoy it. Get a taste of yourselves. And they will strike back. But the damage to them will be done. It is the cheating. We all know it. You can deny and get people to say things. But you cheated. Big time.
Biden winning the election through massive voter fraud isn't going to do jack shit to unite this country.

Of course even if the asshole had won legitimately his filthy ass far Left agenda was going to tear this country apart already so he can just go fuck a goat.
Don’t give him any ideas. ;)
Good lord no!

The country will remain divided, and will never again be what it once was.

It's now the white wokesters and minorities vs what's left of the rest of us.

In a few more decades, minorities with their palms out to the government will be instead the majority with their palms out to the government.

This country and what made us the greatest most poweful nation ever to rise up, is over.
Sorry, but I must disagree.

It is white wokesters and misguided anti-American minorities vs what's left of the rest of us who still love America and its promise.
If that were true having Trump gone would fix it. The fact is YOU were the assholes and that means YOU will get what YOU have earned.
Trump isn’t gone. He’s giving press conferences and tweeting his nonsense about the election being stolen.

Hell, he claimed victory a few days ago and said all the electoral votes in a bunch of states were his.
He doesn’t leave office until Jan 20th you moron.

as far as him claiming voter fraud WTF have you pricks done to deserve any trust? You did everything you could to undermine trust in you and NOW you’re wondering why?

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