If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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whether or not she thinks gays are fags or not, the fag lobby are the leftist pushing gays down our throats. a fag lobby is a group of leftists pushing gay material. again, it isn't referencing gays. you lose again.

Yes- because the 'fag lobby' of course doesn't have anything to do with gays......

Remember- you were the one who said that her post was 'accurate'

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
it doesn't. it has to do with a lobby. people who push an agenda. a gay agenda. it is made up of leftists pushing their agenda.

Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
well sure it does. never said it didn't. I merely pointed out who the lobby consists of which are leftists pushing an agenda. and again, the reference was the lobby, the people who make it up. leftists.

Yep- and if she had said the '**** lobby'- you would be defending as not being anti-semitic too.
dudette, if you wish not learn what a lobbyist does, stay stoopid. I fking don't care. just stop lying about what someone wrote.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.

Tell me again why I have no evidence to support someone who calls for the death of all gays- a bigot?

I notice you still have not disagreed with that asshole yet.
because you made it up. I just posted your error. Kosher was referencing leftists you lying fk. you misrepresented what was in the thread trail you were in. typical for you to show your bias of hatred. if you knew how to follow along a discussion thread you'd be educated.

That's what they do.
They've turned lying into a strategy.
But it's also a flashing neon sign that signifies mental illness. They don't perceive they have no function except as mindless lie generators.

Still waiting for any quote of mine to be shown to be a lie.

Still pointing out that you are the one saying that 'leftists' and 'the fag lobby' deserve to die.

Holy FUCK!!!

What a spoiled little shit. Throwing a goddamn tantrum. Either that or she's missing a few screws. Or both.

I will bet her condition is treatable with proper medication and counseling, but it is a sad state of affairs if people like her vote frequently.

She was arrested, she is a product of our state welfare system. She's the child of some nut, has been in state custody forever, spent her formative years in state approved foster homes...a complete dingbat, as most of the kids raised by the state are. The state encourages and rewards stupidity and insanity, and this is true among the children they breed and rear as well.

At the time of court she was homeless and very sad, very confused. She is a danger to herself and others on the street, that's pretty obvious. No amount of medication fixes insanity at this level. That was a lie told us by the leftist politicians and *researchers* in the 70s. Their *plan* was to get the hospitals shut down, and have all that money funneled into their pockets, and then they would medicate all the fools turned out into the streets.

This poor girl is the result of that.

Crazy people need to be behind bars. That's the moral of the story. Otherwise they are a menace. And they breed.

She was remanded to the state, I think...I don't remember the particulars. I think her criminal sentence was diverted provided she obtain treatment. But she needs residential, permanent treatment. I don't know if that was indicated as a part of her diversion. It might have been, though. I had guys whose legal stuff was kind of permanently put on hold indefinitely provided they remained in residential/secure care.
Who gives a shit what pedophiles and faggots say?

As everybody knows, as we've always known except for a brief and glorious couple of decades which are blessedly drawing to a close now, fags and baby rapers are CRAZY. They're MENTALLY ILL. If they can't make it in our world without forcing other people to kowtow to them and their depravity, then institutionalize them. Problem solved.
First off, what in the motherfuck?

Secondly, I was responding to the guy who said that homosexual desire is a choice. The test is to determine whether hetero is a choice. Having pedo desires is probably not a choice.
Yes- because the 'fag lobby' of course doesn't have anything to do with gays......

Remember- you were the one who said that her post was 'accurate'

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
it doesn't. it has to do with a lobby. people who push an agenda. a gay agenda. it is made up of leftists pushing their agenda.

Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
oh and right gun lobby is a group pushing an agenda for guns. Gun owners aren't necessarily in it, it's people who push an agenda. people who believe in guns.

Yep- because if I say that the gun lobby all deserve to die- I am not talking about gun owners at all.....
nope you're not. gun owners aren't a lobby. they're american citizens with guns. gun lobbyist represent the gun owners. you perhaps should learn what a lobbyist does.

Oh i know what they do.

I am just enjoying you dance around to defend Kosher's statement about how 'leftists' and 'fags' deserve to death.
Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.

Tell me again why I have no evidence to support someone who calls for the death of all gays- a bigot?

I notice you still have not disagreed with that asshole yet.
because you made it up. I just posted your error. Kosher was referencing leftists you lying fk. you misrepresented what was in the thread trail you were in. typical for you to show your bias of hatred. if you knew how to follow along a discussion thread you'd be educated.

That's what they do.
They've turned lying into a strategy.
But it's also a flashing neon sign that signifies mental illness. They don't perceive they have no function except as mindless lie generators.

Still waiting for any quote of mine to be shown to be a lie.

Still pointing out that you are the one saying that 'leftists' and 'the fag lobby' deserve to die.
now that was factual.
Yes- because the 'fag lobby' of course doesn't have anything to do with gays......

Remember- you were the one who said that her post was 'accurate'

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
it doesn't. it has to do with a lobby. people who push an agenda. a gay agenda. it is made up of leftists pushing their agenda.

Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
well sure it does. never said it didn't. I merely pointed out who the lobby consists of which are leftists pushing an agenda. and again, the reference was the lobby, the people who make it up. leftists.

Yep- and if she had said the '**** lobby'- you would be defending as not being anti-semitic too.
dudette, if you wish not learn what a lobbyist does, stay stoopid. I fking don't care. just stop lying about what someone wrote.
Still waiting for you to quote a single lie that I wrote.

Still pointing out that you are the one defending the 'accuracy' of her post- when she said that 'leftists and the 'fag lobby' deserve to die.

But keep dancing- it amusing.
it doesn't. it has to do with a lobby. people who push an agenda. a gay agenda. it is made up of leftists pushing their agenda.

Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
well sure it does. never said it didn't. I merely pointed out who the lobby consists of which are leftists pushing an agenda. and again, the reference was the lobby, the people who make it up. leftists.

Yep- and if she had said the '**** lobby'- you would be defending as not being anti-semitic too.
dudette, if you wish not learn what a lobbyist does, stay stoopid. I fking don't care. just stop lying about what someone wrote.
Still waiting for you to quote a single lie that I wrote.

Still pointing out that you are the one defending the 'accuracy' of her post- when she said that 'leftists and the 'fag lobby' deserve to die.

But keep dancing- it amusing.
I did, it went over your head as expected. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Leaving the door open to child marriages, coerced marriages , and incest.

Notice how PP is trying to deny this “right” to others by using fear and misstatements?

Remind you of anything else?
What right am I trying to deny to who, Bubba? You wouldn't be suggesting that people have the right to marry children, now would you?

Marriage is a contract, the law prohibits children into entering into a contract of that sort.

You are trying to deny people who want to Marry more than one person at a time, or those that want multiple licence from doing so, using the same methods and reasoning that you claimed to detest in the pre legalized same sex marriage debates.

Where does he say that?

Actually marriage law is wierd in that it does allow children into entering into that contract under specific circumstances and in some states- as young as 12 in some states with judges approval.

You think that marriage should include more than 2 people- then you have the same right to pursue your dream as the gay couples who sued to pursue what they considered to be their rights- you can work to change it legislatively or you can go to court arguing you should be able to marry your sister wives.

go for it.

I have never advocated for plural marriage. However, since Obergfell, it appears there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny this, or several other types of marriage that are not desirable.
The legal ban on plural marriage has not been tested in court as far as I know, so neither you nor I can say if advocates for it would prevail. But as I said, there are different issues.....different social and legal implications since the whole marriage concept and legal structure is predicated on a union of two people. It is more of a leap away from "traditional" marriage. It is idiotic to claim that there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny. If you read the Obergefell decision, you would know that same sex couples were granted the same rights as heterosexual couples-nothing more or less. Since hetero couples cannot legally marry a third person, it is clear that there does indeed remain some legal obstacles. In addition, same sex couples were able to claim discrimination because they were being treated differently from others who were essentially the same as them. It might be more difficult for those seeking plural marriage to claim discrimination, since no one is able to marry more than one person at a time. But, hey. who knows? A creative legal argument may emerge
Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
oh and right gun lobby is a group pushing an agenda for guns. Gun owners aren't necessarily in it, it's people who push an agenda. people who believe in guns.

Yep- because if I say that the gun lobby all deserve to die- I am not talking about gun owners at all.....
nope you're not. gun owners aren't a lobby. they're american citizens with guns. gun lobbyist represent the gun owners. you perhaps should learn what a lobbyist does.

Oh i know what they do.

I am just enjoying you dance around to defend Kosher's statement about how 'leftists' and 'fags' deserve to death.
that she never said. sorry liar.

Feel free to try to prove it.

We have already established that you agree that what she said was accurate- which means you agree with her that they deserve to die.
She was arrested, she is a product of our state welfare system. She's the child of some nut, has been in state custody forever, spent her formative years in state approved foster homes...a complete dingbat, as most of the kids raised by the state are. The state encourages and rewards stupidity and insanity, and this is true among the children they breed and rear as well.
An argument for abortion.

And they breed.
oh and right gun lobby is a group pushing an agenda for guns. Gun owners aren't necessarily in it, it's people who push an agenda. people who believe in guns.

Yep- because if I say that the gun lobby all deserve to die- I am not talking about gun owners at all.....
nope you're not. gun owners aren't a lobby. they're american citizens with guns. gun lobbyist represent the gun owners. you perhaps should learn what a lobbyist does.

Oh i know what they do.

I am just enjoying you dance around to defend Kosher's statement about how 'leftists' and 'fags' deserve to death.
that she never said. sorry liar.

Feel free to try to prove it.

We have already established that you agree that what she said was accurate- which means you agree with her that they deserve to die.
already did. I see you lost and now entered circular jerk mode. how bout we get back to the OP?
Who gives a shit what pedophiles and faggots say?

As everybody knows, as we've always known except for a brief and glorious couple of decades which are blessedly drawing to a close now, fags and baby rapers are CRAZY. They're MENTALLY ILL. If they can't make it in our world without forcing other people to kowtow to them and their depravity, then institutionalize them. Problem solved.
First off, what in the motherfuck?

Secondly, I was responding to the guy who said that homosexual desire is a choice. The test is to determine whether hetero is a choice. Having pedo desires is probably not a choice.

Being crazy isn't a choice.

That doesn't mean that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. It's a sexual PERVERSION. It's a psychiatric disorder.

It's an indication that there is something terribly wrong with a person's ability to function safely as an adult in society, and is sufficient cause to lock someone away forever.
Because the 'fag lobby' of course has nothing to do with gays.

Just like the '****' lobby- is of course not a reference to Jews.

Or the gun lobby is not a reference to gun owners.

Or the evangelical lobby is not a reference to Christians.
well sure it does. never said it didn't. I merely pointed out who the lobby consists of which are leftists pushing an agenda. and again, the reference was the lobby, the people who make it up. leftists.

Yep- and if she had said the '**** lobby'- you would be defending as not being anti-semitic too.
dudette, if you wish not learn what a lobbyist does, stay stoopid. I fking don't care. just stop lying about what someone wrote.
If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...
I did, it went over your head as expected. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Dance away, dance away
She was arrested, she is a product of our state welfare system. She's the child of some nut, has been in state custody forever, spent her formative years in state approved foster homes...a complete dingbat, as most of the kids raised by the state are. The state encourages and rewards stupidity and insanity, and this is true among the children they breed and rear as well.
An argument for abortion.

And they breed.

No. The argument is to lock them up before they breed.

You pukes think it's funny to turn crazy people out onto the streets, to terrorize, kill, be killed, to rape, to have babies..who they torture and kill...

Because that gives you a good group of people to perform abortions on.

And you think it's funny. I think that should be sufficient evidence that you are mentally ill, and a danger to society..and thus should be locked up alongside those mutants you're responsible for breeding.
Yep- because if I say that the gun lobby all deserve to die- I am not talking about gun owners at all.....
nope you're not. gun owners aren't a lobby. they're american citizens with guns. gun lobbyist represent the gun owners. you perhaps should learn what a lobbyist does.

Oh i know what they do.

I am just enjoying you dance around to defend Kosher's statement about how 'leftists' and 'fags' deserve to death.
that she never said. sorry liar.

Feel free to try to prove it.

We have already established that you agree that what she said was accurate- which means you agree with her that they deserve to die.
already did. I see you lost and now entered circular jerk mode. how bout we get back to the OP?
Nothing preventing you from addressing the OP rather than defending KG's hate.
Notice how PP is trying to deny this “right” to others by using fear and misstatements?

Remind you of anything else?
What right am I trying to deny to who, Bubba? You wouldn't be suggesting that people have the right to marry children, now would you?

Marriage is a contract, the law prohibits children into entering into a contract of that sort.

You are trying to deny people who want to Marry more than one person at a time, or those that want multiple licence from doing so, using the same methods and reasoning that you claimed to detest in the pre legalized same sex marriage debates.

Where does he say that?

Actually marriage law is wierd in that it does allow children into entering into that contract under specific circumstances and in some states- as young as 12 in some states with judges approval.

You think that marriage should include more than 2 people- then you have the same right to pursue your dream as the gay couples who sued to pursue what they considered to be their rights- you can work to change it legislatively or you can go to court arguing you should be able to marry your sister wives.

go for it.

I have never advocated for plural marriage. However, since Obergfell, it appears there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny this, or several other types of marriage that are not desirable.
The legal ban on plural marriage has not been tested in court as far as I know, so neither you nor I can say if advocates for it would prevail. But as I said, there are different issues.....different social and legal implications since the whole marriage concept and legal structure is predicated on a union of two people. It is more of a leap away from "traditional" marriage. It is idiotic to claim that there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny. If you read the Obergefell decision, you would know that same sex couples were granted the same rights as heterosexual couples-nothing more or less. Since hetero couples cannot legally marry a third person, it is clear that there does indeed remain some legal obstacles. In addition, same sex couples were able to claim discrimination because they were being treated differently from others who were essentially the same as them. It might be more difficult for those seeking plural marriage to claim discrimination, since no one is able to marry more than one person at a time. But, hey. who knows? A creative legal argument may emerge
But, hey. who knows? A creative legal argument may emerge
What about this?

Marriage is a contract. Nothing more.

She was arrested, she is a product of our state welfare system. She's the child of some nut, has been in state custody forever, spent her formative years in state approved foster homes...a complete dingbat, as most of the kids raised by the state are. The state encourages and rewards stupidity and insanity, and this is true among the children they breed and rear as well.
An argument for abortion.

And they breed.

And you think it's funny. I think that should be sufficient evidence that you are mentally ill, and a danger to society..and thus should be locked up alongside those mutants you're responsible for breeding.

Now KG thinks that if you find what she posts funny- you should be locked up.

More and more fascist with every post.
nope you're not. gun owners aren't a lobby. they're american citizens with guns. gun lobbyist represent the gun owners. you perhaps should learn what a lobbyist does.

Oh i know what they do.

I am just enjoying you dance around to defend Kosher's statement about how 'leftists' and 'fags' deserve to death.
that she never said. sorry liar.

Feel free to try to prove it.

We have already established that you agree that what she said was accurate- which means you agree with her that they deserve to die.
already did. I see you lost and now entered circular jerk mode. how bout we get back to the OP?
Nothing preventing you from addressing the OP rather than defending KG's hate.
I was defending gays from you.
What right am I trying to deny to who, Bubba? You wouldn't be suggesting that people have the right to marry children, now would you?

Marriage is a contract, the law prohibits children into entering into a contract of that sort.

You are trying to deny people who want to Marry more than one person at a time, or those that want multiple licence from doing so, using the same methods and reasoning that you claimed to detest in the pre legalized same sex marriage debates.

Where does he say that?

Actually marriage law is wierd in that it does allow children into entering into that contract under specific circumstances and in some states- as young as 12 in some states with judges approval.

You think that marriage should include more than 2 people- then you have the same right to pursue your dream as the gay couples who sued to pursue what they considered to be their rights- you can work to change it legislatively or you can go to court arguing you should be able to marry your sister wives.

go for it.

I have never advocated for plural marriage. However, since Obergfell, it appears there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny this, or several other types of marriage that are not desirable.
The legal ban on plural marriage has not been tested in court as far as I know, so neither you nor I can say if advocates for it would prevail. But as I said, there are different issues.....different social and legal implications since the whole marriage concept and legal structure is predicated on a union of two people. It is more of a leap away from "traditional" marriage. It is idiotic to claim that there is no longer a sound legal reason to deny. If you read the Obergefell decision, you would know that same sex couples were granted the same rights as heterosexual couples-nothing more or less. Since hetero couples cannot legally marry a third person, it is clear that there does indeed remain some legal obstacles. In addition, same sex couples were able to claim discrimination because they were being treated differently from others who were essentially the same as them. It might be more difficult for those seeking plural marriage to claim discrimination, since no one is able to marry more than one person at a time. But, hey. who knows? A creative legal argument may emerge
But, hey. who knows? A creative legal argument may emerge
What about this?

Marriage is a contract. Nothing more.

it is a contract. as such is binding.

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