If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

I'm one who doesn't make predictions about what will happen in November but this doesn't bode well for the illiterate sudafed addict.

If you play re runs of his speech last night and watch it a few times he had a hard time breathing a few times and looks sick himself.

I said in another thread that I first heard his speech last night on the radio and my first thought was he sounded sick. He had zero energy, lethargic, sniffy (I attributed this to snorting sudafed) and was taking deep breathes.

When I watched it on tv he didn't look sick so who knows. We do know that he's had a couple of potential exposures. Nothing to celebrate but if he did come down with it karma is alive and well.

He has changed his attitude towards the virus in the past few days and I can't believe his aides convinced him rather I think he (but could be wrong) is sick and now sees it just might be a tad worse than the flu.

Well, he's out and about, speaking now actually. So, I don't think he's sick, I do hope he got tested at least so he's at least not a carrier.

I think he took it seriously when the market crashed.

EDIT: Why is the press asking about the Democratic primary? Who gives a shit what Trump thinks about that right now?

Well two days ago he said he had not been tested but maybe he has since.

He probably lied. It would be criminal not to test the president when they potentially came into contact with a pandemic.
Don't pay attention to Winger. He sucked off the Govt tit his whole working life. He wouldn't know how to survive with out Govt. if his life depended on it.

Such a loser. LOL
I have had Government health insurance for over 40 years. You don’t know what you are missing.

I'm sure you did and we taxpayers paid for everything you got and are probably still paying.

You wouldn't know how to survive in the private sector without the nanny state to take care of your stupid ass.

I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch
Democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon.

"Leftist Denver councilwoman cheers idea of infecting Trump rallies with coronavirus."

Denver city councilwoman Candi CdeBaca was hit with calls to resign Tuesday after she showed support for a tweet floating the idea of attending Make America Great Again rallies to infect Trump supporters with the coronavirus.

Ms. CdeBaca tweeted “#solidarity Yaaas!!” in her Feb. 28 response to a Feb. 26 post from Susan Daniel, who tweeted, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.”

When one is as shitty a human being as Don is, what he puts out will come back around, yes. Some of us learned this at home as we were growing up, long before chronological adulthood. When you cheerlead it in one direction, don't be surprised of you lose control of the flow of direction.

Besides, CPACers have already spread it amongst themselves.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold
I have had Government health insurance for over 40 years. You don’t know what you are missing.

I'm sure you did and we taxpayers paid for everything you got and are probably still paying.

You wouldn't know how to survive in the private sector without the nanny state to take care of your stupid ass.

I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

When you have the same criteria for the people's subsidization of concentrated capital I might pay more attention to this tripe.
Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold
Cancerous Rush? He and the clownass that focked Stormy sans a condom.
Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold

Some of them have to be taking it seriously. I live in wingnuttia and you can't find toilet paper to save your life.
I have had Government health insurance for over 40 years. You don’t know what you are missing.

I'm sure you did and we taxpayers paid for everything you got and are probably still paying.

You wouldn't know how to survive in the private sector without the nanny state to take care of your stupid ass.

I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.
Never earned it?
I was a lead test engineer for the government for decades. I tested, improved and deployed multiple systems for the Army that saved thousands of lives.
I am proud of my Government service. As are most Government employees.
I have had Government health insurance for over 40 years. You don’t know what you are missing.

I'm sure you did and we taxpayers paid for everything you got and are probably still paying.

You wouldn't know how to survive in the private sector without the nanny state to take care of your stupid ass.

I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.
Yeah and I'd bet you never felt any of the recession the rest of us felt.

You live in a bubble where you always had a job. You never got laid off. You never got fired and you sure as shit were never on UE.

Why because you were being payed with the never ending flood of tax dollars.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector and you would have had to earn your retirement. Not had it handed to you.
I'm sure you did and we taxpayers paid for everything you got and are probably still paying.

You wouldn't know how to survive in the private sector without the nanny state to take care of your stupid ass.

I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.

No. You eat a dick. No one depends on the Govt. for anything and rightly so. I'd bet its the private sector that comes up with a cure. Not the Govt. They are here to help. Yeah right.

Carry on you dick eater you.
Yeah and I'd bet you never felt any of the recession the rest of us felt.

You live in a bubble where you always had a job. You never got laid off. You never got fired and you sure as shit were never on UE.

Why because you were being payed with the never ending flood of tax dollars.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector and you would have had to earn your retirement. Not had it handed to you.[/QUOT

You sound jealous. It suits you.
I provided a good service for the wages and benefits I was provided.
That is how capitalism works

Most of my 33 years working for the Government, I did not see private sector employees knocking on the door looking for Government jobs. Now they whine over what they missed out on.

LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold

Some of them have to be taking it seriously. I live in wingnuttia and you can't find toilet paper to save your life.

Perhaps someone should get word to the stock "free" marketeers. Concentrated capital is shatting itself.

Not having the forethought for a potential need to do mass population RNA extractions to be able to test for a/an/any emerging RNA viral pandemic is a jr high level mistake. Utterly bipartisan over time; the hubris of empire and the elsewise resourcing of bombing the planet, at a rate of one bomb every 12 minutes for years. National and economic security is why we bomb endlessly, bogusly, illegally, unconstitutionally?

Blowback works in mysterious ways.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold

Some of them have to be taking it seriously. I live in wingnuttia and you can't find toilet paper to save your life.

If you can believe the sun right of off Drudge

Brazilian aide tests positive for coronavirus days after Trump visit
Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.

That is why 6 GOP self quarantined first after maybe having some contact with someone at CPAC. Yep, they feed shit to the base and then run like a bunch of crotch crickets being sprayed with lysol.
Anyone who has seen the reporting and lack of reporting from the RW media over the last month should be amazed.

They literally laughed at the overreaction. They mocked those who were taking it seriously. Rush Limbaugh compared it to the common cold

Hell just look around the forum his base they still are, look around FB they still are. Just like the chumps believed in his bigly, fantastic will cover all health insurance plan to replace o care. WTH when are these fucking people going to wake up?
LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.

Sure we do. Only because we have no choice. Oh and you insulted me first.

You bag of dicks you. LOL
LMAO Govt. workers are over payed, at tax payers expense, and seldom work at all.

Your a joke who sucked of the Govt. tit your whole life. You wouldn't last two seconds in the private sector where you would be expected to work.

Kiss off you loser.
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.

The military. The police. Postal Service. It goes on and on. I submit to you he can't insult you, knows so, and he's quite triggered by that. Some of our poor misguided fellow citizens got bamboozled in the Reaganeering sloganry intended to demonize the concept of a representative govt of, by, for the people in leiu of a govt run by concentrated capital who they feel can do a better job of it that we the people. Quite the mindfuck.
Yeah and I'd bet you never felt any of the recession the rest of us felt.

You live in a bubble where you always had a job. You never got laid off. You never got fired and you sure as shit were never on UE.

Why because you were being payed with the never ending flood of tax dollars.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector and you would have had to earn your retirement. Not had it handed to you.

That’s what I told people I tried to hire while working for the Government. They laughed at the pay scale I was offering. Best I could do was tell them about the job security, the flexibility in jobs available, the Government pension......all they cared about was the pay they were making in the private sector.

I had the last laugh
If that were the case, why did the government have such a hard time recruiting workers from the private sector?
Get paid more and you don’t have to do anything. Seems people would knock down your doors for Government jobs.

Up until 2008, private sector employees laughed at the wages and benefits I was offering to work for the government.
Now, I am 63, have a wicked assed pension and top rate health insurance.

Life is good

Sure you do and we tax payers are paying for it. You made good wages but never earned any of them.

Life should be good. After all we tax payers are funding your good life.

You wouldn't last five minutes in the private sector because they would expect you to earn your pay. Unlike the Govt. that payed you very will for doing nothing.

Carry on you Govt. tit sucker you.

Eat a dick. We're relying on many of those government workers (and private sector) to get us through what we are dealing with now.

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.

Sure we do. Only because we have no choice. Oh and you insulted me first.

You bag of dicks you. LOL

Don's family is grifting off of taxpayers, why aren't you as tweaked up about that?

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