If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.

You probably aren't going to make it.

I wouldn't expect you to take this seriously.
Failed like trumps speech last night and all his policy.

You really are a lefty loon. Trumps speech was great and his policies have worked so far.

In fact he's been one good POTUS so far. To bad your such a lefty loon you will never see it.

Carry on ya whiny little shit.
Worked? We have trillion dollar deficits, tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves. His tariffs hurt manufacturing. Market down over 1700 since his great speech. Gdp growth hasn’t hit 3% for a year. Everything a failure.

Right, the lowest unemployment in 50 years is a failure. New high in median household income is a failure. Over a million more jobs than Americans to work them is a failure.
Unemployment was declining for years before trump. It followed that trend. Trump did noting to lower it.

wages are weak.

obama created more jobs, and again they followed the same trend.

tax cuts were trump policy, we have trillion dollar deficits.

tariffs trump policy, manufacturing declined.

trump did everything in the republican economic playbook and hasn’t hit 3% with trillion dollar deficits. Failure.

Such a stupid statement. Employment always grows slower past the full employment line. It's like going to an Easter egg hunt, and saying you got more easter eggs than the person that joined the game half way through. It's DumBama that didn't create any job gaining polices. Trump created several. Jobs are much easier to be gained when unemployment is high, than it is when unemployment is low. The problem we have now is more jobs than workers. It doesn't get much better than that.

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. That's why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.
Obama created more jobs and lowered unemployment more. Those trends continued for trump. Trump policy has failed. Trillion dollar deficits...
Cause we don’t have lots of bailouts and corporate welfare? Funny.

We do.
Because pukes like you, think that it is Government's job to pick winners and losers and control everything.
The Private sector would be fine left to it's own ability to perform and not being regulated to death, prior to being resuscitated.
Me? Trump was the one at Foxconn talking up all the corporate welfare. He’s the one bailing out the big corporate farms. The right are the kings of corporate welfare.

So uninformed.
Yes you are.
President Trump's Foxconn Promise, So Far Unfulfilled


I don't think that it says what you want it to say.
Sorry that you didn’t know the right were champions of corporate welfare. Especially trump.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.

It was a little over 300 last Friday. So what's your point? If you don't think this is an undercount I have swamp land for you. Only 8000 or so tested here? Wait until they have tested 50,000. How many people are walking around with mild cases that won't get tested. If you wish to put your head in the sand go right ahead.
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
We do.
Because pukes like you, think that it is Government's job to pick winners and losers and control everything.
The Private sector would be fine left to it's own ability to perform and not being regulated to death, prior to being resuscitated.
Me? Trump was the one at Foxconn talking up all the corporate welfare. He’s the one bailing out the big corporate farms. The right are the kings of corporate welfare.

So uninformed.
Yes you are.
President Trump's Foxconn Promise, So Far Unfulfilled


I don't think that it says what you want it to say.
Sorry that you didn’t know the right were champions of corporate welfare. Especially trump.

I know everything.
You are sorry simply because you are a sorry piece of shit.
That's all.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.

It was a little over 300 last Friday. So what's your point? If you don't think this is an undercount I have swamp land for you. Only 8000 or so tested here? Wait until they have tested 50,000. How many people are walking around with mild cases that won't get tested. If you wish to put your head in the sand go right ahead.
I've already debunked your fearmongering.
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.

It was a little over 300 last Friday. So what's your point? If you don't think this is an undercount I have swamp land for you. Only 8000 or so tested here? Wait until they have tested 50,000. How many people are walking around with mild cases that won't get tested. If you wish to put your head in the sand go right ahead.
I've already debunked your fearmongering.

You will be one that spreads the virus just like that attorney in N.Y. which btw will get sued since he knew he had it and traveled. This has only just begun the liability will be enormous.
My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
We ARE testing. There is no need to test everyone.

There are specific patterns to the vector spread of these kinds of things. We are the best at determining them.

We should be testing those who have a credible circumstance in which they came into contact with a person who is infected.

Testing needs to be effective, targeted and strategic.
Me? Trump was the one at Foxconn talking up all the corporate welfare. He’s the one bailing out the big corporate farms. The right are the kings of corporate welfare.

So uninformed.
Yes you are.
President Trump's Foxconn Promise, So Far Unfulfilled


I don't think that it says what you want it to say.
Sorry that you didn’t know the right were champions of corporate welfare. Especially trump.

I know everything.
You are sorry simply because you are a sorry piece of shit.
That's all.
Somebody doesn’t like being proven wrong. Now as a trumper you have to follow along and love corporate welfare.
My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response

Not to mention on the tracking charts they used to put the counties where people are positive and it seems like either the govt or each state has changed that so you don't really know if someone around you tests positive.
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.

It was a little over 300 last Friday. So what's your point? If you don't think this is an undercount I have swamp land for you. Only 8000 or so tested here? Wait until they have tested 50,000. How many people are walking around with mild cases that won't get tested. If you wish to put your head in the sand go right ahead.
I've already debunked your fearmongering.

You will be one that spreads the virus just like that attorney in N.Y. which btw will get sued since he knew he had it and traveled. This has only just begun the liability will be enormous.
I won't be speading it to anyone.

You see, unlike Democrats, I have made a life long habit of washing my hands frequently, taking care of my hygiene, and staying healthy.

Go wash your hands.
Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.

It was a little over 300 last Friday. So what's your point? If you don't think this is an undercount I have swamp land for you. Only 8000 or so tested here? Wait until they have tested 50,000. How many people are walking around with mild cases that won't get tested. If you wish to put your head in the sand go right ahead.
I've already debunked your fearmongering.
Wasn’t it just a couple days ago trump was tweeting how much more dangerous the flu was and we had no worries?
My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
LOL. Good one.


I don't think that it says what you want it to say.
Sorry that you didn’t know the right were champions of corporate welfare. Especially trump.

I know everything.
You are sorry simply because you are a sorry piece of shit.
That's all.
Somebody doesn’t like being proven wrong. Now as a trumper you have to follow along and love corporate welfare.

You're an idiot.
unlike dipshit RW's, the rest of the country takes the virus seriously, and errs with caution.

public events across the country are being postponed - from rodeos to basketball.

better safe than sorry.


I don't think that it says what you want it to say.
Sorry that you didn’t know the right were champions of corporate welfare. Especially trump.

I know everything.
You are sorry simply because you are a sorry piece of shit.
That's all.
Somebody doesn’t like being proven wrong. Now as a trumper you have to follow along and love corporate welfare.

You're an idiot.
President Trump's Foxconn Promise, So Far Unfulfilled
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response

Not to mention on the tracking charts they used to put the counties where people are positive and it seems like either the govt or each state has changed that so you don't really know if someone around you tests positive.

We are in the dark and the powers that be have decided that's the best course of action. China did that at first.
My focus is the virus and this could not have been handled more badly. It's disgusting, maybe when he gets it he might take it seriously.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

This has NOT been handled badly.

As of March 12, 2020 at 14:45 GMT, there have been 1364 confirmed cases and 38 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States.

Other nations are blowing up -- for want of a better word -- over this shit. Their infection rates are out of control.

Ours has not.

You, the people on this forum, and media here and around the world, are causing the largest problem we have, not the virus.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.

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