If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?
majority of what?

i'd say a majority of people:
are not gay
are not trannies
are not illegal aliens
are not violent criminals
and do not wear pussy hats.

The majority of people are not left handed either.. That doesn't mean left handed people can't share their political goals.
im left handed.

is wearing a pink pussy hat sharing a goal?
A) you said 'liberals are cowards'. That means ALL of them are cowards.

I will ask you again, please provide a link to unbiased proof that all liberals are cowards.
I guarantee that you cannot.

Which means your statement is nonsense.

B) why are you fixated on the head of my penis? Some sort of homosexual fantasy or something?
A.) abortion is cowardly and ALL Democrats want to kill babies.
B. ) judging by your avatar if you have a penis it would be the size of and look like a pop rivet.:21:

“All democrats want to kill babies."

Whaddya say Mac1958, is this guy PC?
Um, well, no. Obviously.

My goodness. Get me out of your head.

You failed again. If you ever decide to apply your standards across the spectrum, you might convince someone that you are interested in making improvements to the level of discourse.

As an aside, how did you like the way Eddie Glaude and Rebecca Traister put a damper on Bill Maher's anti-PC rant last night? Did you actually listen to.what they were saying, or were you deafened due to outrage over someone feeling the need to issue an apology?
I'm sure that's all very interesting.

Thanks so much.

Please get me out of your head.

Sorry. I'm here for you, pal. Through good times and bad. I feel obliged to help you in your struggle.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

The only people I see getting killed or murdered here are Democrats and left wingers - by radical right wingers. And yet as usual, the right is crying "Victim".

For a generation, sexual assault statistics have shown that 1 in 3 women experience a sexual assault, in their lifetime. Most are assaulted by men they know, and yet they don't report it. Who are the "real victims", men who are accused without iron clad evidence. Not the women who have been assaulted or raped. Not according to right wingers. In the court of "he said/she said", even multiple similar accusations by unconnected women aren't sufficient evidence. It took 60 women to stop Bill Cosby. 19 women have accused Donald Trump and he was elected President.

But it wasn't the 60 women who were drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby who are the victims. It's poor old Bill, having his life ruined by these women who signed non-disclosure agreements.

I don't support anybody who comes out with crimes committed against them by somebody 5, 10, 15, 36 years ago. Sorry.

I also don't support people who say they have been violated with zero evidence to prove so. But that's the way our country works. A personal example:

Several years back I heard my address being called out on the police scanner. By the time I got my shoes on and went outside, I had five squad cars around my house. There was a guy in my driveway I never seen before. Apparently he was there to pick up his kids that my tenant (their uncle) was baby sitting. He refused to give the father his daughters because he was stone drunk, so the drunk refused to move his car.

The cops asked if he could park his car in my parking lot. I was not happy about it and asked the cop why this guy isn't going to jail for DUI? The officer replied because they have no evidence he was driving drunk; it would never hold up in court. Public intoxication was out of the picture too since when they came, he was on private property--mine. He was not trespassing because he came there to pickup his children.

There was only one way he could have got to my house, and that was by driving there drunk as a skunk. But in our justice system, we protect the guilty even if we have 99% proof they were guilty of something.

What state was this? In some states all that's needed for DUI is have the keys on your person. The car could be parked. You could be passed out drunk in your living room. If the keys are on you that's enough.

My state of Ohio of course. The officer told me that unless the keys were in the ignition, they couldn't charge him with a DUI. The keys were on his person which is one of the reasons they couldn't do anything. I'm sure he was unaware of those standards, but I"m sure he took the keys out of the ignition when he went inside of the apartment to get his daughters.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

The only people I see getting killed or murdered here are Democrats and left wingers - by radical right wingers. And yet as usual, the right is crying "Victim".

For a generation, sexual assault statistics have shown that 1 in 3 women experience a sexual assault, in their lifetime. Most are assaulted by men they know, and yet they don't report it. Who are the "real victims", men who are accused without iron clad evidence. Not the women who have been assaulted or raped. Not according to right wingers. In the court of "he said/she said", even multiple similar accusations by unconnected women aren't sufficient evidence. It took 60 women to stop Bill Cosby. 19 women have accused Donald Trump and he was elected President.

But it wasn't the 60 women who were drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby who are the victims. It's poor old Bill, having his life ruined by these women who signed non-disclosure agreements.
Keep your head in the sand much? You watch Maddow don’t you?:auiqs.jpg:

Republicans are the ones with their heads in the sand. I'm watching a criminal administration violating human rights on the board - the rights of CHILDREN. One that criminally abuses the public purse, and one which operates to the detriment of the US government - cutting taxes increasing the deficit, starting trade wars, and trashing all previously negotiated agreements and treaties.
Come here legally...”legally”being the optimum word here.
I'm ill? You have the guts to say that with such poor comprehension skills? It's only the last sentence for crying out loud I hope it never comes to that. Now if you still don't understand it, let somebody explain it to you.
The liberals are ill. Soros financed Black Lives Matter to get out black vote for Hillary. Promoted violence against police. Cops died as a result.
Snipers shoot 11 officers, killing 5 during Dallas protest

They will never see it that way just like the current group we have here doesn't see violence talk out of their leaders.

You are going to get kooks on either side of the aisle, but the difference is our people don't promote it. We denounce it on every level on the right.
But when leftist turn violent...law and order must be restored and self defense must be allowed. This is how Antifa violence should be handled...scatter them like cockroaches.

That’s the truth of it :21: liberals are cowards.

You must have been inspired when Cadet Bonespurs said he would run into a school, unarmed, to confront a school shooter. Now that's bravery!
The liberals are ill. Soros financed Black Lives Matter to get out black vote for Hillary. Promoted violence against police. Cops died as a result.
Snipers shoot 11 officers, killing 5 during Dallas protest

They will never see it that way just like the current group we have here doesn't see violence talk out of their leaders.

You are going to get kooks on either side of the aisle, but the difference is our people don't promote it. We denounce it on every level on the right.
But when leftist turn violent...law and order must be restored and self defense must be allowed. This is how Antifa violence should be handled...scatter them like cockroaches.

That’s the truth of it :21: liberals are cowards.

You must have been inspired when Cadet Bonespurs said he would run into a school, unarmed, to confront a school shooter. Now that's bravery!

Attacking a 74 year old man. Very brave indeed. This cowardly liberal scum needs to be eliminated with extreme prejudice.
Driver, 74, says he meant no harm, just wanted to get away from 'angry mob'
The liberals are ill. Soros financed Black Lives Matter to get out black vote for Hillary. Promoted violence against police. Cops died as a result.
Snipers shoot 11 officers, killing 5 during Dallas protest

They will never see it that way just like the current group we have here doesn't see violence talk out of their leaders.

You are going to get kooks on either side of the aisle, but the difference is our people don't promote it. We denounce it on every level on the right.
But when leftist turn violent...law and order must be restored and self defense must be allowed. This is how Antifa violence should be handled...scatter them like cockroaches.

That’s the truth of it :21: liberals are cowards.

You must have been inspired when Cadet Bonespurs said he would run into a school, unarmed, to confront a school shooter. Now that's bravery!

Whereas a douche like you doesn't want anyone in the school to have the ability to defend himself and his students.

That’s the truth of it :21: liberals are cowards.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that all 'liberals are cowards'?

I guarantee you cannot provide even one.

Attacks on Kavanaugh and his family were cowardly. Give me a second...I will post one for you dick head.

A) you said 'liberals are cowards'. That means ALL of them are cowards.

I will ask you again, please provide a link to unbiased proof that all liberals are cowards.
I guarantee that you cannot.

Which means your statement is nonsense.

B) why are you fixated on the head of my penis? Some sort of homosexual fantasy or something?

A.) abortion is cowardly and ALL Democrats want to kill babies.
B. ) judging by your avatar if you have a penis it would be the size of and look like a pop rivet.:21:

So, after repeatedly asking you to prove your points...you fail to post even one link.
So...just as I guaranteed...your statements are unproven and thus, utter nonsense. Just blathering, simplistic insults to huge groups of people from a hate-filled, stupid-sounding, uneducated, lonely old man who is reduced to penis jokes and blanket assumptions he first picked up from the school yard.

So noted.

A little advice there old timer? If you don't want to look uneducated, senile and useless..try and make your negative comments sound something other then ones you heard 40 years ago.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
The Left keeps pushing, sooner or later the right will push back...
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.
Punch him, beat them, smashed their head, these are all things Trump said. Why blame that on Democrats?
You've predicted a shooting war so many times. What will you do if you are disappointed again?

You Nazis become ever more violent.

At the rate of escalation seen in you, it is inevitable.

Could you be more ridiculous? No injuries there, compared to a woman killed by a nutjob in Charlottesville. Escalation must have a meaning exclusive to nutters.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.
Punch him, beat them, smashed their head, these are all things Trump said. Why blame that on Democrats?

Because it's the Democrats that instigated it. It's like if you called some woman a smelly skank in public and her husband punched you in the face, and then you say he was the violent one. How can you complain when you got what you asked for?
The Left keeps pushing, sooner or later the right will push back...

Nothing would please the left more than a civil war. They've been promoting it since Trump took over. They've been attacking Republicans by the hundreds, and as you stated, it will only take one time where a victim kills an attacker with a gun to get the ball rolling.
You've predicted a shooting war so many times. What will you do if you are disappointed again?

You Nazis become ever more violent.

At the rate of escalation seen in you, it is inevitable.

Could you be more ridiculous? No injuries there, compared to a woman killed by a nutjob in Charlottesville. Escalation must have a meaning exclusive to nutters.

You know Nazi, Americans roundly condemned that moron. I personally called for the death penalty for him.

But you Nazis DEFEND the violence of your Brown Shirts, you PROMOTE it

We Americans realize that there can be fringe elements in any group. When a violent fringe arises we condemn them. Anyone marching under a swastika is a scumbag.

But you Nazis embrace the ANTIFA brown shirts, who ONLY exist to perpetrate violence against Americans.
You've predicted a shooting war so many times. What will you do if you are disappointed again?

You Nazis become ever more violent.

At the rate of escalation seen in you, it is inevitable.

Could you be more ridiculous? No injuries there, compared to a woman killed by a nutjob in Charlottesville. Escalation must have a meaning exclusive to nutters.

You know Nazi, Americans roundly condemned that moron. I personally called for the death penalty for him.

But you Nazis DEFEND the violence of your Brown Shirts, you PROMOTE it

We Americans realize that there can be fringe elements in any group. When a violent fringe arises we condemn them. Anyone marching under a swastika is a scumbag.

But you Nazis embrace the ANTIFA brown shirts, who ONLY exist to perpetrate violence against Americans.


Jesus, what an idiot.
The Left keeps pushing, sooner or later the right will push back...

Nothing would please the left more than a civil war. They've been promoting it since Trump took over. They've been attacking Republicans by the hundreds, and as you stated, it will only take one time where a victim kills an attacker with a gun to get the ball rolling.

They have been pimping for a Civil war since Bush denied Algore the presidency by daring to win Florida.

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