If everyone in the US had electric cars, 300 million cars in US currently, what would be the strain on the power grid?

Someone show us the math how electric vehicles can be charged via the home.
Just show the power needed and how it will be produced and distributed.

It depends on the level of charging which is affected by voltage and charging rates, but worse case scenario is about 30-32 amps per car at split phase 220VAC, or about 9 BILLION Amps nationwide if everyone were charging at once!

That adds up to about a TRILLION watts (volt/amperes) load dissipation just from charging cars + then all the other regular demands added on top of that.

Clearly, we cannot afford to do that and there will have to be restrictions on time and amount + probable brownouts.

To meet this goal, we need to build several nuclear generating stations and they can take decades to construct.

As usual: democrats a day late and a dollar short.
Hydro electric is an excellent way to generate power, if the resources are available.

And nuclear power plants will work as well.
Hydro electric is a severely limited resource. We need about 20 times more to power electric cars.
It depends on the level of charging which is affected by voltage and charging rates, but worse case scenario is about 30-32 amps per car at split phase 220VAC, or about 9 BILLION Amps nationwide if everyone were charging at once!

That adds up to about a TRILLION watts (volt/amperes) load dissipation just from charging cars + then all the other regular demands added on top of that.

Clearly, we cannot afford to do that and there will have to be restrictions on time and amount + probable brownouts.

To meet this goal, we need to build several nuclear generating stations and they can take decades to construct.

As usual: democrats a day late and a dollar short.

Now, if the lying sack of shit DEMS would committ to like 100 new reactors, then we are in business.

These dumb fucks want to run the planet on wind and sun…it will not work now, WE DO NOT HAVE THE TECH. POLLUTION WILL INCREASE.

The cult is stupid as fuck.
Tired talking point is tired. There is 180 BILLION tons of lithium in our oceans. No mining required.

Yeah, at .2 PARTS PER MILLION. You are truly a moron. The BIG GREEN (MARXIST) fraudsters are only trying to bankrupt the world 10 times over. This would certainly help.

Now, if the lying sack of shit DEMS would committ to like 100 new reactors, then we are in business. The cult is stupid as fuck.

What can you expect when an energy expert tells Buttigeig that 2030 is not a realistic time frame for getting the grid capable and Pete's glib answer was: "We'll just have to see that it is!"

I mean, has the ass done any kind of cost analysis? Where's all the money going to come from? Joe just going to print it? And who is going to build it? There is a worker shortage everywhere. Then there is the mining: aluminum in lighter and cheaper but not a great conductor. This means that potentially every electric transmission cable in the nation might need replacing and copper is expensive. Aluminum/Bauxite is cheaper but that means that an even larger gauge needs used to overcome internal resistance.

We'll have a 40 trillion dollar debt by the time all of this is done and how would it be paid for?

Obviously, BY RAISING ELECTRIC UTILITY RATES making electricity much more expensive to pay off all the vast wealth spent, thus,


Hydro electric is an excellent way to generate power, if the resources are available.

And nuclear power plants will work as well.
This country is 95% hydroed up. Almost all the rivers that can be dammed are.

With the Environmental Wackos being able to make the permitting of a nuclear power plant alone to be over a billion dollars before the first cent is spent on construction it is not likely that we will ever see another nuclear power plant built in this country.
Someone show us the math how electric vehicles can be charged via the home.

Just show the power needed and how it will be produced and distributed.

Catastrophic.........we use coal, natural gas and oil to create electricity........so we would have nation wide blackouts...
What can you expect when an energy expert tells Buttigeig that 2030 is not a realistic time frame for getting the grid capable and Pete's glib answer was: "We'll just have to see that it is!"

I mean, has the ass done any kind of cost analysis? Where's all the money going to come from? Joe just going to print it? And who is going to build it? There is a worker shortage everywhere. Then there is the mining: aluminum in lighter and cheaper but not a great conductor. This means that potentially every electric transmission cable in the nation might need replacing and copper is expensive. Aluminum/Bauxite is cheaper but that means that an even larger gauge needs used to overcome internal resistance.

We'll have a 40 trillion dollar debt by the time all of this is done and how would it be paid for?

Obviously, BY RAISING ELECTRIC UTILITY RATES making electricity much more expensive to pay off all the vast wealth spent, thus,


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They don't care about cost....

The problem we still have is this...... normal people think that the democrats and other leftists want cheap, efficient, plentiful energy and that they are just stupid to think that wind and solar will give us that supply..

That is a mistake...

The democrats know that wind, and solar won't give us cheap, efficient, plentiful energy, and that is the plan........they believe that the world is over populated, that humans are destroying the planet, and that if there were less people on the planet, it would be easier to implement their Utopia....

So wind and solar will create limits on how much energy we will have ..... and with less energy, we will have to have a lot less people.......and that is the goal...
Hydro electric is an excellent way to generate power, if the resources are available.

And nuclear power plants will work as well.
Be specific now and tell us the last time any nuclear power plant was allowed to be built in the US? then explain who will authorize them now?
........they believe that the world is over populated, that humans are destroying the planet

Well, there probably IS too many people and in many ways we are destroying the planet, so the sane solution is to begin curbing new birth rates so that over the next generation or two, we get it down to 6 billion or less naturally, which would go a long way of rectifying the climate too possibly, but the insane democrats want to cause a world crisis in a YEAR and cause world mayhem and mass starvation.
Well, there probably IS too many people and in many ways we are destroying the planet, so the sane solution is to begin curbing new birth rates so that over the next generation or two, we get it down to 6 billion or less naturally, which would go a long way of rectifying the climate too possibly, but the insane democrats want to cause a world crisis in a YEAR and cause world mayhem and mass starvation.

We aren’t over populated, we clean up our messes…at least the US does…
Tired talking point is tired. There is 180 BILLION tons of lithium in our oceans. No mining required.
It would the energy of all the fossil fuel and nuclear material on earth to extract a fraction of that lithium from the ocean.
It's cute, how you're always so very proud of being totally disconnected from reality.

Now, what else did the cult tell you to say?
Making you look stupid is too easy....


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