Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

for the record if god exists I think its a women scientist that created what amounted to an ant farm where the males are the heavy lifters and do all the hard work and all the women have to do is stay home and have babies,, and cook a little,,,
I personally am glad I don't have to have babies. Maybe I'm a wimp.

If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect​

Like a fine wine... perfection takes time....

If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself​

Perhaps he/she/it isn't.
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
Th gospel is not my idea, it's his idea.
eventually that will take place
We will be perfect
King James Bible Isaiah 45:9
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?

God knew all from the beginning.

He knew He would create us perfect. He knew Adam would fall, bringing sin into us all.

He already had the perfect Sacrifice lined up to save us.

He saw it all and decided: it's worth it.
King James Bible Isaiah 45:9
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?
Isiah was a well known alcoholic as you doubtless know , and under the influence his English soon turned into nonsense .
What is your best attempt at turning his pot gibberish into something of possible interest ?
he did,,

I see all that as making excuses for short comings and regretted acts,,
and yet the bible tells people they are inherently flawed, marked with the sin of long dead ancestors

So this perfect god made imperfect humans then on pain of punishment orders them to be perfect
Why is it an excuse? If God is all powerful, then wouldn't he have the power to create us perfect like himself? If God is all knowing, then wouldn't have the know how to create us perfect like himself? If God is all loving, then wouldn't he love us enough to create us perfect like himself? How is it an excuse?

If He did create us perfect, how is it that we make imperfect decisions and have short comings?

It only make sense that this god has perfect free will so if we are made in that image we would have perfect free will and never freely choose the "wrong" path.

But then again the god of the bible exercised its free will by murdering countless people so what can be expected of the imperfect humans it created?
remember god didnt create you and me,, he created adam and eve,,
we are a product of gods creation,,

what sense does it make for him to make a universe full of robots??
but didn't this god create your soul and gift it to you? And your soul is the thing that makes you who you are is it not?
Lucifer's plan was that we would all be perfect, have no free will, and would only do what was right, and that not one of us would be lost.

But that also would have denied us the opportunity to learn and advance to to become all that God meant for us to eventually become.
but the god of the bible made Lucifer

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