If Hobby Lobby wins...

Tell me how paying a portion of insurance costs either A makes a law respecting the establishment of religion or B prohibits the free exercise of religion.

BTW it doesn't.


I'm an employer
Supporting abortion in any way is contrary to my religion.
The law forces me to pay my money which I labored for to pay for abortion contrary to my religious beliefs.
Being forced to pay for arbotion takes away my ability to freely oppose supporting abortion.

No it's about religion and arguments based on religious beliefs don't hold up.

Yeah cause murder isn't murder if the law approves of the act. :cuckoo:

The law says abortion isn't murder just like the law says killing in self defense isn't murder.

The whole "sin" thing falls apart because even the most religious of you people can't tell me you live a life free from sin and you only want to cherry pick the sins you don't want to be party to.

Abortifacient - that which will cause a miscarriage. If you give an abortifacient to a pregnant woman against her will, watch how fast you get charged with murder or attempted murder.

The law permitting a woman to kill her child by will alone is against the constitutional rights of the unborn child, why does the mother get to be the judge, jury, and conviction-er of the helpless child. What evil did the child commit? What jury ruled that the child is guilty of harming the mother and thus must be put to death? Where is the due process for the unborn child?

Tell me how paying a portion of insurance costs either A makes a law respecting the establishment of religion or B prohibits the free exercise of religion.

BTW it doesn't.

You kidding?

Really? You make the argument for their case and ask why they have a case.

I am trying to explain to you people why the religious argument is not a good one.
Forget it, edge. All he ever does is post an article from another leftist blog (the New York Times) saying the same thing he says, which also doesn't provide any actual scientific evidence.

He seems to be hoping that repeating a lie often enough, makes it the truth. :cuckoo:

That blog is the health section of the New York Times. Thanks for admitting I provided proof and then you scampered away before truth can get into your bubble
Not what I would consider proof.

Again what you consider or believe doesnt change what is true and real. Thats the entire issue here.

If you dont believe the scientists then who do you believe and why? Thats the question you refuse to answer
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We want to bring back discrimination because we oppose you discriminating against religious people?

Oh, please climb down from your cross. Blacks were not forced to eat at lunchcounters.

What on earth are you talking about? No one mentioned Blacks or lunch counters.

We are talking about you discriminating against religious people. (Not really a shocker though is it since you are the same people who didn't let blacks eat at lunch counters).

you equated discrimination to health insurance allowing women to access contraception if they choose. further, employers are not denied a right to "sit at the lunchcounter" or do anything else.

It may or may not be a good law, but you still need to climb down off your cross before complaining the govt denies you something others may have.
Yeah cause murder isn't murder if the law approves of the act. :cuckoo:

The law says abortion isn't murder just like the law says killing in self defense isn't murder.

The whole "sin" thing falls apart because even the most religious of you people can't tell me you live a life free from sin and you only want to cherry pick the sins you don't want to be party to.

Abortifacient - that which will cause a miscarriage. If you give an abortifacient to a pregnant woman against her will, watch how fast you get charged with murder or attempted murder.

The law permitting a woman to kill her child by will alone is against the constitutional rights of the unborn child, why does the mother get to be the judge, jury, and conviction-er of the helpless child. What evil did the child commit? What jury ruled that the child is guilty of harming the mother and thus must be put to death? Where is the due process for the unborn child?

This is not an argument on abortion.

Personally I don't care if a woman has an abortion or not.
No it's about religion and arguments based on religious beliefs don't hold up.

Yeah cause murder isn't murder if the law approves of the act. :cuckoo:

Abortifacient - that which will cause a miscarriage. If you give an abortifacient to a pregnant woman against her will, watch how fast you get charged with murder or attempted murder.

Yeah it's the "against her will" part that makes it illegal

The employers are not giving or being forced to give anyone a pill now are they?
In fact, they are being forced to pay someone else to give them that pill, aren't they?

What is wrong with an individual just going out and getting the extra coverage for things not covered by the employee?

And please, don't say a fucking word about why should they be inconvenienced by having to expend effort on their own behalf......
The law says abortion isn't murder just like the law says killing in self defense isn't murder.

The whole "sin" thing falls apart because even the most religious of you people can't tell me you live a life free from sin and you only want to cherry pick the sins you don't want to be party to.

Abortifacient - that which will cause a miscarriage. If you give an abortifacient to a pregnant woman against her will, watch how fast you get charged with murder or attempted murder.

The law permitting a woman to kill her child by will alone is against the constitutional rights of the unborn child, why does the mother get to be the judge, jury, and conviction-er of the helpless child. What evil did the child commit? What jury ruled that the child is guilty of harming the mother and thus must be put to death? Where is the due process for the unborn child?

This is not an argument on abortion.

Personally I don't care if a woman has an abortion or not.

But the Constitution -- as written -- does care.
Tell me how paying a portion of insurance costs either A makes a law respecting the establishment of religion or B prohibits the free exercise of religion.

BTW it doesn't.

You kidding?

Really? You make the argument for their case and ask why they have a case.

I am trying to explain to you people why the religious argument is not a good one.

It's a constitutional one. The only good argument
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

Actually better questions are?

WHY should the US government compel a private company to do anything?

If you don't like your employer's policy why the fuck don't you resign?


You mean like dumping garbage in the river? Throwing used medical supplies into the nearest playground?

Yeah, why should govt do anything? *fog horn*

Yeah cause not wanting to kill children is the same as illegally polluting water ways.
Tell me how paying a portion of insurance costs either A makes a law respecting the establishment of religion or B prohibits the free exercise of religion.

BTW it doesn't.


I'm an employer
Supporting abortion in any way is contrary to my religion.
The law forces me to pay my money which I labored for to pay for abortion contrary to my religious beliefs.
Being forced to pay for arbotion takes away my ability to freely oppose supporting abortion.


I've given you the perfect rationalization for that. Religious people rationalize all the time and cherry pick the sins they wish to take a stand on.

The employee premium contributions more than cover the "sinful" coverage so the employer is not funding them the employee is.

If an employer has no issue with paying a gay adulterer money that supports his life style why would that employer have a problem letting the employee's premium contribution pay for the sinful coverage?
Yeah cause murder isn't murder if the law approves of the act. :cuckoo:

Abortifacient - that which will cause a miscarriage. If you give an abortifacient to a pregnant woman against her will, watch how fast you get charged with murder or attempted murder.

Yeah it's the "against her will" part that makes it illegal

The employers are not giving or being forced to give anyone a pill now are they?
In fact, they are being forced to pay someone else to give them that pill, aren't they?

What is wrong with an individual just going out and getting the extra coverage for things not covered by the employee?

And please, don't say a fucking word about why should they be inconvenienced by having to expend effort on their own behalf......

If the employee is contributing to the premium payments which I am sure they are then why can't you just say the employee's money not the employer's money is paying for the sinful coverage?
As I have said more than once now the employee contribution for insurance premiums most likely more than pays for the itemized insurance costs of the "sinful" coverage so again the argument falls apart.

Again, lying will not salvage your assault on civil liberty.

You have no legal authority to force a private company to pay for abortion. I don't care how much you love abortion, I don't care if you think Obama is god - you have no legal authority to force your beliefs on Hobby Lobby.
Tell me how paying a portion of insurance costs either A makes a law respecting the establishment of religion or B prohibits the free exercise of religion.

BTW it doesn't.


I'm an employer
Supporting abortion in any way is contrary to my religion.
The law forces me to pay my money which I labored for to pay for abortion contrary to my religious beliefs.
Being forced to pay for arbotion takes away my ability to freely oppose supporting abortion.


I've given you the perfect rationalization for that. Religious people rationalize all the time and cherry pick the sins they wish to take a stand on.

The employee premium contributions more than cover the "sinful" coverage so the employer is not funding them the employee is.

If an employer has no issue with paying a gay adulterer money that supports his life style why would that employer have a problem letting the employee's premium contribution pay for the sinful coverage?

Wage vs employer contribution insurance coverage. Apples and oranges
No one can force beliefs on employees because no one is obligated to become the employee of someone else.

Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

You are stupid, you realize the constitution applies to government and not private life, right? Which is why a business can ban a gun while the government cant.

Well see it works the other way as well, the govt cant impose religion while a private company can.

For example why would a christain bookstore hire an atheist?

still waiting
As I have said more than once now the employee contribution for insurance premiums most likely more than pays for the itemized insurance costs of the "sinful" coverage so again the argument falls apart.

Again, lying will not salvage your assault on civil liberty.

You have no legal authority to force a private company to pay for abortion. I don't care how much you love abortion, I don't care if you think Obama is god - you have no legal authority to force your beliefs on Hobby Lobby.

They are not paying for abortion. They are paying for insurance. The employee is also paying for that insurance.

Therefore the employee is funding the extremely small portion of the policy that provides coverage for abortion.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

Actually better questions are?

WHY should the US government compel a private company to do anything?

If you don't like your employer's policy why the fuck don't you resign?


You mean like dumping garbage in the river? Throwing used medical supplies into the nearest playground?

Yeah, why should govt do anything? *fog horn*

That's exactly the question we need to ask ourselves as a nation, and answer with solid consensus. Right now, it's murky as hell. In my view, coercive government is justified only to protect our rights. Beyond that, its use should be sharply limited, and only indulged when there is very little cost (both in terms of freedom and financially) and when there is solid agreement on the policy being mandated (90%+).

I'm an employer
Supporting abortion in any way is contrary to my religion.
The law forces me to pay my money which I labored for to pay for abortion contrary to my religious beliefs.
Being forced to pay for arbotion takes away my ability to freely oppose supporting abortion.


I've given you the perfect rationalization for that. Religious people rationalize all the time and cherry pick the sins they wish to take a stand on.

The employee premium contributions more than cover the "sinful" coverage so the employer is not funding them the employee is.

If an employer has no issue with paying a gay adulterer money that supports his life style why would that employer have a problem letting the employee's premium contribution pay for the sinful coverage?

Wage vs employer contribution insurance coverage. Apples and oranges

Not if part of the employee's wage is used to pay for the "sinful" part of the policy.
Actually better questions are?

WHY should the US government compel a private company to do anything?

If you don't like your employer's policy why the fuck don't you resign?


You mean like dumping garbage in the river? Throwing used medical supplies into the nearest playground?

Yeah, why should govt do anything? *fog horn*

Yeah cause not wanting to kill children is the same as illegally polluting water ways.

Concession noted. So please stop saying silly shit. It makes you look silly

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