If republicans would let go of the fringe right, that would pull a large amount of black people away from democrats...

There is a large number of black people that don't agree with abortion and a lot of the LGBT laws than most may think. Republicans could keep their core values and get those black people, forcing democrats to really work for their vote. Is that fringe right really worth it?
Ummm.... Blacks are already fleeing from Democrats In droves....notto mention Latinos.

Crimimal treasonous Democrats have gone insane and are not trying to hide who they are as they continue to try to destroy the country.

Illegals, btw, have not been trying to make it to the US to take advantage of insane, country-destroying, social insanity, godless agendas. Freedom, economic opportunity...and free sh!t.

It has nothing to do with the insane beliefs that males can have babies, biological gender has everything to do with feelings, separate laws for criminal piticians, 'everything' is 'racist',, & constitutionally-protected freedom of speech is a concept only for white males...

....and Intelligent human beings with a spoonful of common sense don't need a propaganda department to try to convince them the Democrats are officially f*ed up and a threat to Americans ... and reality.
The notion that black people have no idea why they vote the way they do is a racist one.

Many African Americans believe they are voting to help their community, but few can point to specific Democratic polices that help them in the long run. Another interesting tidbit is that many African Americans are Christian and would not agree with the vast majority of the policies of the left, but they have been made to believe that their morals and their religion should take a back seat to the falsely perceived rampant racism of the Republican Party. That is why white Democrats talk about racism incessantly. It is a huge deception that they must keep in in the forefront if they want their party to succeed and to retain the African American vote.

It's the progtards that lack brains. :p

How many black people actually are (or consider themselves to be) progressives, I don't know. I "guess", that true progness would be a stretch for some - I suspect there are plenty of traditional-leaning Democrats in the mix.

But WTF do I know, SuperBadBrutha could probably tell us more about it.

What I know is, black people are definitely not homogeneous. My best bud from college runs a food bank, he's actually quite conservative in many ways but still votes Democrat. If I had to categorize I'd call him a traditional Democrat.
I'm Black and progressive, what exactly is it about progressivism that makes you think we lack brains?
Many African Americans believe they are voting to help their community, but few can point to specific Democratic polices that help them in the long run. Another interesting tidbit is that many African Americans are Christian and would not agree with the vast majority of the policies of the left, but they have been made to believe that their morals and their religion should take a back seat to the falsely perceived rampant racism of the Republican Party. That is why white Democrats talk about racism incessantly. It is a huge deception that they must keep in in the forefront if they want their party to succeed and to retain the African American vote.
You know who also talks about racism in America? Black people.
If Democrats weren't so bat shit crazy Left Wing shitheads they wouldn't be considered the scum of this country and maybe they wouldn't destroy everything they touched.
If Democrats weren't so bat shit crazy Left Wing shitheads they wouldn't be considered the scum of this country and maybe they wouldn't destroy everything they touched.
That's ironic considering the flag in your Avatar. Democrats from the 1800s who fought to keep black people in human bondage are okay, it's today's Democrats who are scum. 😂
The notion that black people have no idea why they vote the way they do is a racist one.

What's racist about it? If they know what they are voting on, WTF did they overwhelmingly vote for the most racist candidate against blacks in our lifetime? Why are they voting for a party that's ruining our country will illegals that are taking manual labor jobs most black people work for? Why did the majority vote against the candidate that restored funding for historic black colleges, prison reform that gave early prison release to non-violent offenders many which were black, the candidate that presided with the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept, offered federal help to cities where black murder rates were skyrocketing, that of course the Democrat Mayors refused his offer?

You mean to tell me this is a politically informed group of people?
That's ironic considering the flag in your Avatar. Democrats from the 1800s who fought to keep black people in human bondage are okay, it's today's Democrats who are scum. 😂
I post that avatar to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. Thanks for playing.
This explains how the filthy Democrats have moved to the bat shit crazy Left.

You know who also talks about racism in America? Black people.

I wonder how many experience actual racism vs how many have the false perception that if things don’t go their way, it must be racism? That is what the Democratic Party preaches. I am not saying racism doesn’t exist. All kinds of prejudices exist around the world against all races. While wrong, that is life. In the US, there are far too many examples to the contrary to believe that racism is a major obstacle to success.
I'm Black and progressive,


what exactly is it about progressivism that makes you think we lack brains?

Because progressivism is a political aberration, just like the Neo-Cons were. Its assumptions are self-contradictory, and when implemented this results in hypocrisy.

Plus there's the political awareness part - stepping on children and their parents is never a good idea.
What's racist about it?
Its obviously racist to assume black people don't know why they are voting, i shouldn't have to explain to you why it's racist to believe blacks can't think for ourselves.
If they know what they are voting on, WTF did they overwhelmingly vote for the most racist candidate against blacks in our lifetime?
I initially voted for Bernie Sanders, i begrudgingly voted for Biden because Donald Trump is incredibly stupid, narcissistic and a wanna be dictator and shouldn't be anywhere near power.
Why are they voting for a party that's ruining our country will illegals that are taking manual labor jobs most black people work for?
This of course is not true. Democrats do not support illegal immigration. What I support is legal immigration and a lot more of it.
Why did the majority vote against the candidate that restored funding for historic black colleges, prison reform that gave early prison release to non-violent offenders many which were black, the candidate that presided with the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept?
The funding for historic black colleges and prison reform where bi-partisan bills passed by both Democrats and Republicans in the House (where such bills originate) and the Senate before being signed by Trump. And then Trump went and threatened to cut federal funding to any school that teaches the 1619 Project which is exactly the sort of education HBCUs were created to give their students.

As for the unemployment rate I don't think Trump or any president is responsible for black people or anyone going out there and finding a job, that credit goes to them.
You mean to tell me this is a politically informed group of people?
I'm telling you we have different perspectives on the issues you just listed.
I post that avatar to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. Thanks for playing.
I'm not triggered, Im questioning whether you support slave owning Democrats while calling today's Democrats scum. Do you have an answer or are you too triggered to manage one?
Then you don't know your history. Black Americans were staunch Republicans after the Civil War for obvious reasons (the Confederates were Democrats). But as the Democratic Party started adopting social policies to help the poor after the Great Depression they started drifting towards the Democratic Party even though those policies and the help they provided were not evenly distributed between black and white communities. Black Americans vote democratic for economic reasons, it's poor whites who are the ones who've been convinced to accept nothing but trickle down economics in exchange for policies that treat people they hate with cruelty.
What you really mean is that we were a low tax nation with a fiat currency and the continuing pressure of radicals invading the political structure. We are not low tax anymore and the fiat currency is getting tired. The Progs in power smell blood. And they have outed themselves since Obama.
I wonder how many experience actual racism vs how many have the false perception that if things don’t go their way, it must be racism? That is what the Democratic Party preaches. I am not saying racism doesn’t exist. All kinds of prejudices exist around the world against all races. While wrong, that is life. In the US, there are far too many examples to the contrary to believe that racism is a major obstacle to success.
What do you mean by actual racism? Do you think we're all making it up?
I'm not triggered, Im questioning whether you support slave owning Democrats while calling today's Democrats scum. Do you have an answer or are you too triggered to manage one?
You are triggered. You just are too dishonest to admit it. Again, thanks for playing. I love to expose you idiot Moon Bats.
Because I believe we should spend more on the welfare of the American people than on defense spending and subsidizing of big business. Because I believe medical care should be a human right. That drugs should be legal, that gays should be allowed to marry, adopt children and receive the same tax breaks as hetero couples. Because I believe in sensible gun laws, public education, combating climate change and restorative justice. Because I believe in prison reform with an emphasis on rehabilitation rather than cruel and brutal system that we have now.
Because progressivism is a political aberration, just like the Neo-Cons were. Its assumptions are self-contradictory, and when implemented this results in hypocrisy.
Can you explain this with an example?
Plus there's the political awareness part - stepping on children and their parents is never a good idea.
Segregationists parents didn't want to allow black people in their schools either. Sometimes parents are just wrong.
Not all of it. Unfortunately, racism has become the fallback for every failure.
No. This has just become the standard taking point for those who don't actually want to discuss the inequalities in this country.

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