If republicans would let go of the fringe right, that would pull a large amount of black people away from democrats...

You are triggered. You just are too dishonest to admit it. Again, thanks for playing. I love to expose you idiot Moon Bats.
You're the one talking like a child. Do you support the Confederacy or not?
No. This has just become the standard taking point for those who don't actually want to discuss the inequalities in this country.

What keeps the average black man down that does not keep the average white man down? Keep in mind, there are plenty of white people that are not born into money or have any contacts.
You're the one talking like a child. Do you support the Confederacy or not?
This is your third post about my avatar on a thread discussing partisan politics.

You are triggered big time Moon Bat. You Moon Bats are fucking idiots.
What keeps the average black man down that does not keep the average white man down? Keep in mind, there are plenty of white people that are not born into money or have any contacts.
Well let's talk money. Did you know for instance that the average middle class white family has more wealth than the average high income black family and ten times the wealth of middle income black families? And that poor white families have more wealth on average than middle income black families? If we take into account the historical affects of slavery and segregation we can understand how these disparities came about, remember segregation only ended around 57 years ago and the inequities in those policies are long lasting. Red lining and segregation housing policies drove black Americans into higher density, lower income and less valuable land. They had to pay higher interest rates on average for the homes they did buy and when the sold their homes were routinely undervalued which means they saw less equity from their investment. It was home ownership that helped grow the white middle class and black Americans were largely excluded from it.
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This is your third post about my avatar on a thread discussing partisan politics.

You are triggered big time Moon Bat. You Moon Bats are fucking idiots.
You're the one who can't seem to hold a discussion beyond childish insults.
You're the one who can't seem to hold a discussion beyond childish insults.
Because you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats deserve to be ridiculed. You are the scum of this country and do everything you can to destroy it. Even letting this Potatohead clown steal an election and destroy the economy.

You don't deserve respect.

You got triggered with my avatar because you, like all Moon Bats, are sick in the head with hate of anything that doesn't fit into your vile Left narrative.

Grow up Moon Bat.
Because you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats deserve to be ridiculed. You are the scum of this country and do everything you can to destroy it. Even letting this Potatohead clown steal an election and destroy the economy.

You don't deserve respect.

You got triggered with my avatar because you, like all Moon bats, are sick in the head with hate of anything that doesn't fit into your vile Left narrative.

Grow up Moon Bat.
You're the one who seems triggered just because I asked you if you knew that the Democrats in your Avatar actually went to war with America and literally tried to destroy it. 😂
What do you mean by actual racism? Do you think we're all making it up?

Most of it, yes you are. I was just in a discussion in another topic when I asked a black participant to give me examples how banks use racism to support her claim. She gave me two stories: One was where a black guy handed a note to a teller stating to give him over 10K in cash from his account very discretely. Another was trying to cash a check from a person who's account information didn't line up with the check writer. In both cases, it was the computer that alerted the tellers something was very wrong, so they did the right thing by alerting police.

She made a race story that was never racial to begin with. Computers don't know skin color. All the computer does is alert employees to a potential or likely problem. In the second story, the teller herself was black as well.

So by actual racism it's meant as a legitimate story, not something happened to somebody because they were black while totally ignoring 90% of what actually happened.
Most of it, yes you are. I was just in a discussion in another topic when I asked a black participant to give me examples how banks use racism to support her claim. She gave me two stories: One was where a black guy handed a note to a teller stating to give him over 10K in cash from his account very discretely. Another was trying to cash a check from a person who's account information didn't line up with the check writer. In both cases, it was the computer that alerted the tellers something was very wrong, so they did the right thing by alerting police.

She made a race story that was never racial to begin with. Computers don't know skin color. All the computer does is alert employees to a potential or likely problem. In the second story, the teller herself was black as well.

So by actual racism it's meant as a legitimate story, not something happened to somebody because they were black while totally ignoring 90% of what actually happened.
Yes, this one person proves racism doesn't actually exist. That's how logic works.
Its obviously racist to assume black people don't know why they are voting, i shouldn't have to explain to you why it's racist to believe blacks can't think for ourselves.

I initially voted for Bernie Sanders, i begrudgingly voted for Biden because Donald Trump is incredibly stupid, narcissistic and a wanna be dictator and shouldn't be anywhere near power.

This of course is not true. Democrats do not support illegal immigration. What I support is legal immigration and a lot more of it.

The funding for historic black colleges and prison reform where bi-partisan bills passed by both Democrats and Republicans in the House (where such bills originate) and the Senate before being signed by Trump. And then Trump went and threatened to cut federal funding to any school that teaches the 1619 Project which is exactly the sort of education HBCUs were created to give their students.

As for the unemployment rate I don't think Trump or any president is responsible for black people or anyone going out there and finding a job, that credit goes to them.

I'm telling you we have different perspectives on the issues you just listed.

We were not discussing you directly, we were discussing the black race in general. You didn't vote for Dementia because of Trump. You would have voted for any Democrat candidate against any Republican like most all blacks do.

Yes, the Communists do support illegals entering the country. What's the first thing Dementia did when taking office? He stopped the border wall. It's costing our country a fortune because not only did we have to pay the contractors we signed a contract with, but all that material requires 24/7 security. Dementia got rid of the stay in Mexico policy, the agreement with the Mexican government to stop people from crossing their country to get to ours, he brought back catch and release, and the border patrol is reporting the border is in the worst shape it's been in 20 years. Later this month, he is ending Title 42 which the border patrol predicts will make matters ten times worse as if the problem we have isn't enough.

Before Dementia's buddies in China sent us their disease, we had over a million more jobs than Americans who could work them. This opened up opportunities to blacks along with every other American. There were no policies that targeted blacks because Trump's policy (and Republicans in general) is that a rising tide lifts all boats.
Yes, this one person proves racism doesn't actually exist. That's how logic works.

I was merely giving you an example. When we ask for examples of this so-called systemic racism that exists all blacks provide are stories that don't compare apples to apples or leave out critical information.
Well let's talk money. Did you know for instance that the average middle class white family has more wealth than the average high income black family and ten times the wealth of middle income black families? And that poor white families have more wealth on average than middle income black families? If we take into account the historical affects of slavery and segregation we can understand how these disparities came about, remember segregation only ended around 57 years ago and the inequities in those policies are long lasting. Red lining and segregation housing policies drove black Americans into higher density, lower income and less valuable land. They had to pay higher interest rates on average for the homes they did buy and when the sold their homes were routinely undervalued which means they saw less equity from their investment. It was home ownership that helped grow the white middle class and black Americans were largely excluded from it.

Perfect example of what I was talking about in my last post. Just site results without including details and then claim racism.
We were not discussing you directly, we were discussing the black race in general. You didn't vote for Dementia because of Trump. You would have voted for any Democrat candidate against any Republican like most all blacks do.
I vote against Republicans because I'm largely opposed to Republican policy.
Yes, the Communists do support illegals entering the country. What's the first thing Dementia did when taking office? He stopped the border wall.
The border wall did nothing to stop illegal immigration and is a giant waste of money.
It's costing our country a fortune because not only did we have to pay the contractors we signed a contract with, but all that material requires 24/7 security.
Well you should of thought about that before you believed Trump when he told you Mexico would pay for it.
Dementia got rid of the stay in Mexico policy, the agreement with the Mexican government to stop people from crossing their country to get to ours,
For asylum seekers which aren't the same thing as illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants sneak into the country, asylum seekers are requesting legal asylum at our borders.
he brought back catch and release, and the border patrol is reporting the border is in the worst shape it's been in 20 years. Later this month, he is ending Title 42 which the border patrol predicts will make matters ten times worse as if the problem we have isn't enough.
The statistics showed that over 90% of immigrants released showed up for their scheduled hearings. Housing these people uncessarily costs a lot of money.
Before Dementia's buddies in China sent us their disease, we had over a million more jobs than Americans who could work them. This opened up opportunities to blacks along with every other American. There were no policies that targeted blacks because Trump's policy (and Republicans in general) is that a rising tide lifts all boats.
China didn't send the disease here. They are currently dealing with it themselves.
I was merely giving you an example. When we ask for examples of this so-called systemic racism that exists all blacks provide are stories that don't compare apples to apples or leave out critical information.
Every single black huh? You honestly looked throughout American history and couldn't find a single credible instance of systemic racism?
Perfect example of what I was talking about in my last post. Just site results without including details and then claim racism.
I did include details of America's discriminatory housing and lending policies. Would you like links? Don't ask for them if you're just going to embarrass yourself with dismissive rather than detailed counter points.
Well let's talk money. Did you know for instance that the average middle class white family has more wealth than the average high income black family and ten times the wealth of middle income black families? And that poor white families have more wealth on average than middle income black families? If we take into account the historical affects of slavery and segregation we can understand how these disparities came about, remember segregation only ended around 57 years ago and the inequities in those policies are long lasting. Red lining and segregation housing policies drove black Americans into higher density, lower income and less valuable land. They had to pay higher interest rates on average for the homes they did buy and when the sold their homes were routinely undervalued which means they saw less equity from their investment. It was home ownership that helped grow the white middle class and black Americans were largely excluded from it.
This is not an example of racism today. It is no different than a poor white kid from West Virginia claiming he can't make it in this country because he started with no money. Do you think Kobe Bryant's kids are going to struggle due to their race?
This is not an example of racism today. It is no different than a poor white kid from West Virginia claiming he can't make it in this country because he started with no money. Do you think Kobe Bryant's kids are going to struggle due to their race?
It is one example and those policies absolutely have repercussions that are felt today. I have more that tie back into these racist housing policies but what I was showing you wasn't that white people can't be poor but rather why the rate of poverty between the white and black families is so large and continues to increase. Kobe Bryant's family is the exception not the rule. Again, and these are statistical facts, poor white families like the ones from West Virginia in your example, have more wealth on average than even middle income black families.
I did include details of America's discriminatory housing and lending policies. Would you like links? Don't ask for them if you're just going to embarrass yourself with dismissive rather than detailed counter points.

Sure. Post them. I want to see how banks discriminated against anybody of race and never got sued for it or fined by the federal government.

Banks have criteria for loans. The problem is many blacks didn't meet that criteria, or they wanted to purchase homes in areas where they were lowering property value. What do you think happened with the housing bubble and burst? They lowered qualifications so more blacks could get home loans because they didn't meet the minimum standards for prime loans.
Every single black huh? You honestly looked throughout American history and couldn't find a single credible instance of systemic racism?

Have you? Let me give you an example:

One of the instances blacks bring up is a complaint about our justice system. A black and a white get busted with an ounce of cocaine. The white guy gets probation and the black goes to jail. RACISM!

Forget the fact the cases were heard by different judges in different states. Forget the fact that a judge bases his or her decisions on many other things, such as past criminal history, the suspects interaction with police. Yes, police do talk to the judge about the arrest. The suspects interaction with jail guard, the conduct of the suspect in court, the attire they wear, a whole host of things.

They only state the arrest and the sentencing, that's it.

In the meantime the white guy has no criminal history, not even an outstanding parking ticket, he cooperated and didn't run or struggle with police, he followed all orders by the guards at the jail, he dressed appropriately for court and didn't roll his eyes or shake his head while the case was presented, he or she showed remorse for their infraction.

Yes, these two people will likely get different sentences, not because of race, but because of criminal history and conduct. That's what I mean by an apples to apples comparison.

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