If republicans would let go of the fringe right, that would pull a large amount of black people away from democrats...

There is a large number of black people that don't agree with abortion and a lot of the LGBT laws than most may think. Republicans could keep their core values and get those black people, forcing democrats to really work for their vote. Is that fringe right really worth it?
how does that work? explain how a party can stop someone from voting for their policies. Aren't policies what are supposed to attract the voters?
Politicians caused the 2008 home ownership crash. Tens of millions of people playing by the rules were screwed over. Many knew it was coming and could do nothing do to family concerns. By 2010 most of the politicians involved got out. They deserve to hang. The games these morons play. We are having more fun with the games right now.
Acorn!!!!!!! all demofks, everyone of them then. Freddie and Fanny
Politicians caused the 2008 home ownership crash. Tens of millions of people playing by the rules were screwed over. Many knew it was coming and could do nothing do to family concerns. By 2010 most of the politicians involved got out. They deserve to hang. The games these morons play. We are having more fun with the games right now.
Politicians didn't do it by themselves, it was an amalgamation of bad actors in the government, banks, investors, credit rating agencies, all who got bailed out while those homeowners got foreclosed on.
Politicians didn't do it by themselves, it was an amalgamation of bad actors in the government, banks, investors, credit rating agencies, all who got bailed out while those homeowners got foreclosed on.
it was bad loans, and that was encouraged by demofks. bad loans are bad loans.
it was bad loans, and that was encouraged by demofks. bad loans are bad loans.
Who gave out those bad loans? Who bundled them and sold them as investment assets? Who rated those assets? You obviously have an elementary understanding of the housing market crash.
I actually did read it because unlike you I educate myself on the subjects I talk about. If course you have no data whatsoever for your racist claims.


What's racist about it? It's been going on for a long time from coast to coast. People don't want to live around blacks because of what they do to any area they move into. The less desirable the neighborhood, the less value of your property.

Even the articles you posted talk about it. Banks only care about one color--green. They could care less if they make green off of whites, blacks, or purple people with pink poka dots. All they care about is making a profit and not putting themselves in a position of losing money.
Who gave out those bad loans? Who bundled them and sold them as investment assets? Who rated those assets? You obviously have an elementary understanding of the housing market crash.

The banks gave out those bad loans. Banks lend money on guidelines from Fanny and Freddy. The boss of F&F is HUD.

If you follow the guidelines, you can sell those loans to other people, so why would banks give a shit about making loans they are going to get rid of anyway? They don't make money holding loans, they make their money on the paperwork to lend the money.

The government knew those loans were bad, but gave them an A+ rating as they always have in the past. The bundled loans went to the market and were bought by unsuspecting buyers.
What's racist about it? It's been going on for a long time from coast to coast. People don't want to live around blacks because of what they do to any area they move into. The less desirable the neighborhood, the less value of your property.

Even the articles you posted talk about it. Banks only care about one color--green. They could care less if they make green off of whites, blacks, or purple people with pink poka dots. All they care about is making a profit and not putting themselves in a position of losing money.
Post the portion in my article that says black people caused white home values to depreciate because of their actions rather than the racist attitudes and assumptions about black homeowners.
The banks gave out those bad loans. Banks lend money on guidelines from Fanny and Freddy. The boss of F&F is HUD.

If you follow the guidelines, you can sell those loans to other people, so why would banks give a shit about making loans they are going to get rid of anyway? They don't make money holding loans, they make their money on the paperwork to lend the money.

The government knew those loans were bad, but gave them an A+ rating as they always have in the past. The bundled loans went to the market and were bought by unsuspecting buyers.
You have proven yourself to be an ignorant moron who doesn't have the first clue of the subjects he's talking about so how about you post some evidence that proves your assertions? Fanny and Freddy might of helped exacerbate the crisis but it didn't cause the crisis.
I told you and quoted it for you you fucking moron, it's plain as day for everyone to see. Page 10.

No you fucken moron, page 10 didn't say anything different than the article. Page 11 said the same thing, that police officers use more force against black suspects than white. That doesn't prove anything. If black suspects are more aggressive to police than whites, then police have to be more aggressive with blacks to bring them under control. See why I didn't waste my time?
You have proven yourself to be an ignorant moron who doesn't have the first clue of the subjects he's talking about so how about you post some evidence that proves your assertions? Fanny and Freddy might of helped exacerbate the crisis but it didn't cause the crisis.

No you fucken moron, page 10 didn't say anything different than the article. Page 11 said the same thing, that police officers use more force against black suspects than white. That doesn't prove anything. If black suspects are more aggressive to police than whites, then police have to be more aggressive with blacks to bring them under control. See why I didn't waste my time?
Since you lie constantly, because you're a coward who can't just admit you're a racist, I'll post the portion again so everyone can see how you lie. 😄

Despite the overwhelming disproportionality of force used by MPD officers against Black community members, some City and MPD leaders, as well as some MPD officers, claim that disproportionality in policing in Minneapolis is due to factors other than race. Therefore, to further determine if race is the likely reason that MPD officers use higher rates of force against Black individuals, and to control or account for common justifications for this disproportionality, a comparison of use of force incidents against Black and white individuals in similar circumstances was completed. This statistical analysis was also coupled with review of MPD’s use of force files and body worn camera footage. To complete this racial disparity analysis, MPD’s use of force incidents from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2020, involving Black and white individuals were
compared. To ensure the analysis compared individuals in similar situations, use of force incidents were compared only if MPD officers recorded the same justification for the force (i.e., the individual’s recorded behavior, such as whether the individual tensed) and where the same primary offense was recorded (i.e., the alleged crime or event that led to the overall police interaction, or the alleged crime that ultimately occurred. This analysis and review of use of force files and body worn camera footage demonstrate that race is the likely reason that

MPD officers use higher rates of more severe force against Black individuals compared to white individuals in similar circumstances. MPD officers use higher rates of neck restraints or chokeholds against Black individuals than white individuals in similar circumstance. Prior to June 2020, MPD policy permitted the use of neck restraints, 22 even to render someone unconscious. In June 2020, after an MPD officer murdered George Floyd, the temporary court order requested by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights required MPD to ban the use of neck restraints, without exception.
MPD’s data shows that during the time neck restraints were permitted under MPD policy, MPD officers were almost twice as likely to use neck restraints against Black individuals than white individuals who MPD officers recorded as behaving in the same way when interacting with police and whose police interaction stemmed from the same alleged offense or event.

And I'll repeat the most damning portion regarding your lie here, MPD officers were almost twice as likely to use neck restraints against Black individuals than white individuals who MPD officers recorded as behaving in the same way when interacting with police and whose police interaction stemmed from the same alleged offense or event.

Behaving in the same way...

Go sell your ignorant shit to the only people stupid enough to fall for it, ignorant whites miraculously even stupider than you are.
The fringe IS the party now. MTG is the base. QAnon and holy warriors are welcome. The party has its very own separate reality in which it operates. Those who don't fall in line within the party are on the outside looking in and largely impotent.

The minorities that the Dems have taken for granted for so long don't exactly have a great choice here. But the Dems have done enough spectacularly dumb things to make minorities at least consider other options.

If minorities are willing to move towards the party of QAnon and Autocratic White "Christian" Nationalism, that doesn't say much for the Dems.

We desperately need a strong third party.
I believe that fringe is really less than 10% of the republican party. If they drop them they would like make up for that lose with black americans.
I believe that fringe is really less than 10% of the republican party. If they drop them they would like make up for that lose with black americans.
I guess that would depend on the definition of "fringe":

I know the fringe is always going to be the loudest part of either party, but that ^^^ is a pretty big portion.
There is a large number of black people that don't agree with abortion and a lot of the LGBT laws than most may think. Republicans could keep their core values and get those black people, forcing democrats to really work for their vote. Is that fringe right really worth it?
Democrats want to deprive blacks their right to self-defense
I vote against Republicans because I'm largely opposed to Republican policy.

The border wall did nothing to stop illegal immigration and is a giant waste of money.

Well you should of thought about that before you believed Trump when he told you Mexico would pay for it.

For asylum seekers which aren't the same thing as illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants sneak into the country, asylum seekers are requesting legal asylum at our borders.

The statistics showed that over 90% of immigrants released showed up for their scheduled hearings. Housing these people uncessarily costs a lot of money.

China didn't send the disease here. They are currently dealing with it themselves.

I highlighted your blatant lies in red for you.
It is one example and those policies absolutely have repercussions that are felt today. I have more that tie back into these racist housing policies but what I was showing you wasn't that white people can't be poor but rather why the rate of poverty between the white and black families is so large and continues to increase. Kobe Bryant's family is the exception not the rule. Again, and these are statistical facts, poor white families like the ones from West Virginia in your example, have more wealth on average than even middle income black families.

Another lie?
The trouble with the left is that they have no idea of what "fringe" means in a political sense. If you disagree with the negligent murder of a baby who survives a late term abortion, by leaving it on a cold stainless table until it expires is a bad thing, you must be in the right wing fringe. If you think that stabbing a full term infant in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out while it is inches away from birth is a bad thing you must be a fringe right winger. If you think there is something basically wrong for a transfreakazoid teacher to groom a kindergartner into a homosexual lifestyle you must be in the right wing fringe.

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