If Romney is Elected he Will be a One term President

You may be right Publius. But I simply can't stand the thought of another four years of this hack in office, with nothing to lose and what he'll see as a mandate from the American people to continue pushing his radical policies. If Obama gets another term with his health tax plan, cap and trade, a fully liberal court and the unfathomable damage he will do to our relations with our allies and enemies alike, I don't think 2 decades of solid Republican leadership will matter much.

Well it seems that you understood my thesis. I was just playing with a thought rolling around in my head. An ADHD moment if you will. There is no way to predict things such as this but I still wanted to give it a go to see what others thought. It seems to be paying off as you went where I didn't. Foreign policy.
Your problem is you don't understand that Bush and Obama BOTH work for Goldman-Sachs. So does Romney, but the difference is Obama is in overdrive while Romney MIGHT be willing to downshift.

Which is why I said it may be too late already. You idiots with your Left/Right, Dem/Rep paradigm may have already fucked the rest of us out of our country.

I don't use the left/right paradgim myself, because I think it reductionsit and childish.

In any democracy there are 8 - 10 major fields of political thought, and even with only 2 parties there are more than 2 ways of looking at the world.

I totally agree that companies like Goldman Sachs have FAR too much influence on Washington, although I don't think it is fair to say Bush and Obama 'worked for them'.
So to summarize why Mitt Romney's hypothetical presidency is a miserable failure: The Fed! The Eurozone! China! Obama! The media! Mitt's secretly not a conservative! Mitt's a super-conservative but his brave agenda is "political suicidal work"! All these forces have conspired against brave Mitt and are responsible for his downfall.

But bad policy? Nah, couldn't be!
d the unfathomable damage he will do to our relations with our allies .

Um.....what the hell does this mean?

Afer 8 years in which Bush strained every international alliance the US has, you fear Obama might damage relationships?

We can all disagree about politics, but let's try and stay in touch with reality, eh?

Like Bush or loathe him, polls show that under his government the US had 14% support in Finland, under Obama he has more than 70%. That support does count if you want us to buy your products - or go to your wars.
d the unfathomable damage he will do to our relations with our allies .

Um.....what the hell does this mean?

Afer 8 years in which Bush strained every international alliance the US has, you fear Obama might damage relationships?

We can all disagree about politics, but let's try and stay in touch with reality, eh?

Like Bush or loathe him, polls show that under his government the US had 14% support in Finland, under Obama he has more than 70%. That support does count if you want us to buy your products - or go to your wars.

Respect and support are two different issues. I vote for the former. Obama doesn't get respect. Just support. One is good for diplomacy. The other is good for silly opinion polls. Sure you need a little of both in diplomacy but respect always wins the day. Respect doesn't require that you like the man or country your dealing with. Respect just means that if you step on their toes you had better watch your back. (begin sarcasm) I'm sure our nations enemies and foreign policy foes are shaking in their boots over Obama.

Furthermore, the wolves don't care what the sheep have to say. (I heard that for the first time today when a Navy Seal responded to the democrats calling him a coward for a political ad. What a great line!)
d the unfathomable damage he will do to our relations with our allies .

Um.....what the hell does this mean?

Afer 8 years in which Bush strained every international alliance the US has, you fear Obama might damage relationships?

We can all disagree about politics, but let's try and stay in touch with reality, eh?

Like Bush or loathe him, polls show that under his government the US had 14% support in Finland, under Obama he has more than 70%. That support does count if you want us to buy your products - or go to your wars.

"Bu, bu, but Bush was worser."

I'm talking about pulling the rug on missile defense out from under our Eastern European allies who had risked so much in agreeing to its installation, his snubs toward the Brits, leaving Netanyahu waiting and shit talking about him on a "hot mic", basically telling the Russians, "what I'm willing to do for you the American people will not approve of so hang tight for a minute", his failure to even visit our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth while flying over to meet with those sworn to their destruction, etc, etc, etc.

There's some reality you can stay in touch with...

Finland? Really?
Igetit -

Would I be right is guessing you don't spend a lot of time in Europe or the UK?

Obama is 10, 20 times more popular in both than Bush was. One can agree or disagree with the rection of Brits and Europeans here, but comparing Bush's popularity in the UK to Obama's is chalk to cheese. Bush was simply reviled right across the continent.

Obama is also much, much more popular in Africa (no surprise there), in Asia and Australasia....it's just a no brainer.

Any US president needs to be very, very careful with the increasingly despotic Putin, and let's face it - no one can stand Netanyahu. There is just no doing business with Israel while he is there. Ask Sakorzy!
Igetit -

Would I be right is guessing you don't spend a lot of time in Europe or the UK?

Obama is 10, 20 times more popular in both than Bush was. One can agree or disagree with the rection of Brits and Europeans here, but comparing Bush's popularity in the UK to Obama's is chalk to cheese. Bush was simply reviled right across the continent.

Obama is also much, much more popular in Africa (no surprise there), in Asia and Australasia....it's just a no brainer.

Any US president needs to be very, very careful with the increasingly despotic Putin, and let's face it - no one can stand Netanyahu. There is just no doing business with Israel while he is there. Ask Sakorzy!

Didn't I give you a list here >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/5829779-post12.html

In the world of diplomacy, respect beats popularity every time. In fact, popularity diminishes respect. Bush wasn't as popular as Obama. But then again popularity in the diplomatic realm is reserved for those everyone gets away with stepping on. Is Obama popular among the international community? Sure. Especially among our enemies who regularly priase him. You really know your popular when you receive praise from Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, the FARC, and Mahmood Ahmadinijad, and Vladamir Putin. (Or when they attack the GOP nominee on your behalf). I'm sure Obama is popular among the Talaban who see Obama buckleing under pressure and negotiating with them. However, none of them RESPECT Obama. And thats the real problem.

good size picture here >>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/sully_aka__wstera2/4521278027/
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Igetit -

Would I be right is guessing you don't spend a lot of time in Europe or the UK?

Obama is 10, 20 times more popular in both than Bush was. One can agree or disagree with the rection of Brits and Europeans here, but comparing Bush's popularity in the UK to Obama's is chalk to cheese. Bush was simply reviled right across the continent.

Obama is also much, much more popular in Africa (no surprise there), in Asia and Australasia....it's just a no brainer.

Any US president needs to be very, very careful with the increasingly despotic Putin, and let's face it - no one can stand Netanyahu. There is just no doing business with Israel while he is there. Ask Sakorzy!

Ever think that maybe the reason so many foreigners love Obama might be because Obama is so intent on destroying America's prosperity to the point those said foreigners might finally have an opportunity to spite the very country they envy, and loathe? Nah... That possibility never occurred to you.
Ever think that maybe the reason so many foreigners love Obama might be because Obama is so intent on destroying America's prosperity to the point those said foreigners might finally have an opportunity to spite the very country they envy, and loathe? Nah... That possibility never occurred to you.

No, I never thought that....and neither did anyone else.

Come on, man, let's try to keep this at a resonably adult level.
Publius -

Can you think of ANY country in the world in which Bush was respected....?
If Romney is Elected he Will be a One term President

To begin with, the only reason why I care about this election is because of a possible Supreme Court nomination/s. Justice Ginsburg has conveyed her intent on retiring in 2015 and Kennedy might step down as well. Obviously, a Romney White House could restore the Court from the almost 65-70 years of damage done by the left. The magically ever changing U.S. Constitution that makes socialism possible through unrestrained federal power has almost always been the majority of the court ever since “The Switch in Time That Saved the 9.”

Now on to Romney

Romney isn’t going to get the same treatment as Obama did on the economy. With quantitative easing, a practice never before successfully attempted in economic history, the potential for economic turmoil and inflation is no doubt a growing threat. Furthermore, with similar but worse situations in Europe, the failure other continents and economic systems are no doubt going to play a heavy negative role in our economy. Likewise, China is currently attempting to cool down their much overheated command economy without falling on its face. If their performance on building ghosts cities is any indicator of their incompetence, were in for a wild ride. Romney faces all of this.

Once again Romney is not going to get the same treatment in the media as Obama did. The potential for economic disaster is great and any attempt by Romney to implement his policies (Conservative policies I hope, but hey, it’s Romney so well never know) will be viewed as failures no matter if they fail or not. Furthermore, Romney is not the best rhetorician on conservatism, well, because deep down inside he is not a conservative and he can’t defend basic misconceptions about conservative policy. Any plan that he comes up with or implement will hopefully be a cross between Ryan’s plan with a Romney twist and not the other way around. Even then we don’t know if he will listen to and implement Ryan on fiscal policy. Once again the potential for outside disaster is great and Obama has done absolutely nothing with respect to advancing our economy, so Romney has nothing to work with upon inauguration day.

With this in mind, a voice in the back of my head is telling me that this election really isn’t all that important for Conservatives. We know that Obama is wrecking the country, but we also know that cleaning up the Obama economy will be much worse now than if conservative principles were applied immediately after the crash in 2008 and carried on up until now. Romney is walking in to a fiscal and economic trap that has the potential to ruin the conservative name for years to come. The media certainly won’t blame Obama for his failed economic policies in a Romney era as they still blame Bush today. Therefore, in the name of true conservative government, perhaps it would be better to let Obama continue to implement liberalism and destroy this economy and the America sought by our founders rather than waste our one chance to properly fix it.

You see, a second Obama term will effectively turn America away from liberalism for decades to come. After all of the failures, all of the unconstitutional acts, all of the lack of transparency, all of the ignoring the rule of law, and all of the using the Justice Department as a political wing of the White House, can you imagine what Obama will do in a second term with no incentive to play straight amidst the public eye?

Liberals deep down know that their utopian welfare state cannot exist the way it has for years as we pull ourselves out of this recession. They know their ideas defy fiscal sanity so they want the Republicans to be the ones to change them. They are ready to pass the torch. They’re asking for programs they know we can’t afford for political gain and telling their constituency that they want to give them other people’s money. They know that they are going to lose the Senate and the White House. And when Romney enters the White House, implements the necessary reforms, does all the hard political suicidal work of reforming entitlements, and sets the economy on the right track, with the support of both houses of congress, liberals will be foaming out their mouths claiming that greedy Republicans took their government goodies away and they, the Democrats, want to restore them.

No, I believe that conservatism will be far more popular after Obamas’ second term where he can show America what true liberalism is. Romney and Ryan will no doubt do what is necessary to fix this economy to the extent that government can fix it. However, what's necessary is not what’s popular unless the people understand why it's necessary. That lack of understanding is what will kill Romney in his re-election effort. That’s why it would be best for Obama to teach them why with a second term. To forever show what true liberalism is and why it doesn’t work. Else Romney/Ryans unpopular but necessary policies will limit him to one term.

Publius, your idea of letting Obama destroy this nation to prove to Americans that liberalism is not the way to go is too dangerous. I would set us back for decades to undo the damge he could reap. I love America and feel we have to take back or nation from the grips of an unknowing, uncaring president who's pushing entitlements and spending through the roof.

I feel Romney is more the conservative you consider him to be and will surround himself with the best conservative thinkers we have available to us today. He has already expressed this with his frst selection of Ryan for his VP.
An Obama second term will be the coup de grace for America's destruction. If there is to be ANY hope of a nation as envisioned by the men who created it the madness must stop NOW.

ETA: It may already be too late...

You have to laugh, don't you?

After eight years of Bush's overspending and mismanagement the entire global economy meltsdown - and you wonder if Obama will destroy America.

When I see these posts I wonder if the poster doesn't remember 2008, or somehow thinks the President has no impact on the conomy. In which case - why moan about Obama?

Seriously.... Bush did not start the global economic meltdown... much as certain people might want it to be true... it simply is not.
If Romney is Elected he Will be a One term President

To begin with, the only reason why I care about this election is because of a possible Supreme Court nomination/s. Justice Ginsburg has conveyed her intent on retiring in 2015 and Kennedy might step down as well. Obviously, a Romney White House could restore the Court from the almost 65-70 years of damage done by the left. The magically ever changing U.S. Constitution that makes socialism possible through unrestrained federal power has almost always been the majority of the court ever since “The Switch in Time That Saved the 9.”

Now on to Romney

Romney isn’t going to get the same treatment as Obama did on the economy. With quantitative easing, a practice never before successfully attempted in economic history, the potential for economic turmoil and inflation is no doubt a growing threat. Furthermore, with similar but worse situations in Europe, the failure other continents and economic systems are no doubt going to play a heavy negative role in our economy. Likewise, China is currently attempting to cool down their much overheated command economy without falling on its face. If their performance on building ghosts cities is any indicator of their incompetence, were in for a wild ride. Romney faces all of this.

Once again Romney is not going to get the same treatment in the media as Obama did. The potential for economic disaster is great and any attempt by Romney to implement his policies (Conservative policies I hope, but hey, it’s Romney so well never know) will be viewed as failures no matter if they fail or not. Furthermore, Romney is not the best rhetorician on conservatism, well, because deep down inside he is not a conservative and he can’t defend basic misconceptions about conservative policy. Any plan that he comes up with or implement will hopefully be a cross between Ryan’s plan with a Romney twist and not the other way around. Even then we don’t know if he will listen to and implement Ryan on fiscal policy. Once again the potential for outside disaster is great and Obama has done absolutely nothing with respect to advancing our economy, so Romney has nothing to work with upon inauguration day.

With this in mind, a voice in the back of my head is telling me that this election really isn’t all that important for Conservatives. We know that Obama is wrecking the country, but we also know that cleaning up the Obama economy will be much worse now than if conservative principles were applied immediately after the crash in 2008 and carried on up until now. Romney is walking in to a fiscal and economic trap that has the potential to ruin the conservative name for years to come. The media certainly won’t blame Obama for his failed economic policies in a Romney era as they still blame Bush today. Therefore, in the name of true conservative government, perhaps it would be better to let Obama continue to implement liberalism and destroy this economy and the America sought by our founders rather than waste our one chance to properly fix it.

You see, a second Obama term will effectively turn America away from liberalism for decades to come. After all of the failures, all of the unconstitutional acts, all of the lack of transparency, all of the ignoring the rule of law, and all of the using the Justice Department as a political wing of the White House, can you imagine what Obama will do in a second term with no incentive to play straight amidst the public eye?

Liberals deep down know that their utopian welfare state cannot exist the way it has for years as we pull ourselves out of this recession. They know their ideas defy fiscal sanity so they want the Republicans to be the ones to change them. They are ready to pass the torch. They’re asking for programs they know we can’t afford for political gain and telling their constituency that they want to give them other people’s money. They know that they are going to lose the Senate and the White House. And when Romney enters the White House, implements the necessary reforms, does all the hard political suicidal work of reforming entitlements, and sets the economy on the right track, with the support of both houses of congress, liberals will be foaming out their mouths claiming that greedy Republicans took their government goodies away and they, the Democrats, want to restore them.

No, I believe that conservatism will be far more popular after Obamas’ second term where he can show America what true liberalism is. Romney and Ryan will no doubt do what is necessary to fix this economy to the extent that government can fix it. However, what's necessary is not what’s popular unless the people understand why it's necessary. That lack of understanding is what will kill Romney in his re-election effort. That’s why it would be best for Obama to teach them why with a second term. To forever show what true liberalism is and why it doesn’t work. Else Romney/Ryans unpopular but necessary policies will limit him to one term.

Excellent post but Publius I glazed over by the second paragraph. Most won't get past that.
Most libs won't even understand what a paragraph is.

Well done though. Quite eloquent and from the heart.
Bravo. Your heart is in the right place.

Thank you very much. I'm flattered because I didn't put too much time in to it and I hate crappy work! . I could have done better with a thesis statement, more merited/qualified partisan comments , more developed body, better transitions (They are horrible), and a solid conclusion. But hey, I'm not writing academia for a message board if you know what I mean. I guess, sense you were nice enough to take the time to read it, I want you to know that I can do better. However, people here don’t like to read anything, so it is what it is.

Thanks again

Holy shit! Do you know how desperate for approval that post makes you seem?
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Igetit -

Would I be right is guessing you don't spend a lot of time in Europe or the UK?

Obama is 10, 20 times more popular in both than Bush was. One can agree or disagree with the rection of Brits and Europeans here, but comparing Bush's popularity in the UK to Obama's is chalk to cheese. Bush was simply reviled right across the continent.

Obama is also much, much more popular in Africa (no surprise there), in Asia and Australasia....it's just a no brainer.

Any US president needs to be very, very careful with the increasingly despotic Putin, and let's face it - no one can stand Netanyahu. There is just no doing business with Israel while he is there. Ask Sakorzy!

I don't know that your question matters much. I've gathered from your reading your posts in the past that you are well traveled. Good job, but unless you're running around the earth conducting approval rating polls. and why would you, your anecdotes will do nothing to sway my opinion of what I'm watching and listening to in person.
I've been following American politics including foreign relations for decades Saigon and I can assure you, regardless what Finland thinks or even what you consider to be the "guy on the street" opinion in London, Paris, or Phnom Penh, our current course of action is destabilizing long standing relationships, not to mention the sense of security many have always lived under due to their home nation's ties to the US.

Under a president who is set on making America just another nation at the world table, those who value their relationship with the US lose.
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If Romney is Elected he Will be a One term President

To begin with, the only reason why I care about this election is because of a possible Supreme Court nomination/s. Justice Ginsburg has conveyed her intent on retiring in 2015 and Kennedy might step down as well. Obviously, a Romney White House could restore the Court from the almost 65-70 years of damage done by the left. The magically ever changing U.S. Constitution that makes socialism possible through unrestrained federal power has almost always been the majority of the court ever since “The Switch in Time That Saved the 9.”

Now on to Romney

Romney isn’t going to get the same treatment as Obama did on the economy. With quantitative easing, a practice never before successfully attempted in economic history, the potential for economic turmoil and inflation is no doubt a growing threat. Furthermore, with similar but worse situations in Europe, the failure other continents and economic systems are no doubt going to play a heavy negative role in our economy. Likewise, China is currently attempting to cool down their much overheated command economy without falling on its face. If their performance on building ghosts cities is any indicator of their incompetence, were in for a wild ride. Romney faces all of this.

Once again Romney is not going to get the same treatment in the media as Obama did. The potential for economic disaster is great and any attempt by Romney to implement his policies (Conservative policies I hope, but hey, it’s Romney so well never know) will be viewed as failures no matter if they fail or not. Furthermore, Romney is not the best rhetorician on conservatism, well, because deep down inside he is not a conservative and he can’t defend basic misconceptions about conservative policy. Any plan that he comes up with or implement will hopefully be a cross between Ryan’s plan with a Romney twist and not the other way around. Even then we don’t know if he will listen to and implement Ryan on fiscal policy. Once again the potential for outside disaster is great and Obama has done absolutely nothing with respect to advancing our economy, so Romney has nothing to work with upon inauguration day.

With this in mind, a voice in the back of my head is telling me that this election really isn’t all that important for Conservatives. We know that Obama is wrecking the country, but we also know that cleaning up the Obama economy will be much worse now than if conservative principles were applied immediately after the crash in 2008 and carried on up until now. Romney is walking in to a fiscal and economic trap that has the potential to ruin the conservative name for years to come. The media certainly won’t blame Obama for his failed economic policies in a Romney era as they still blame Bush today. Therefore, in the name of true conservative government, perhaps it would be better to let Obama continue to implement liberalism and destroy this economy and the America sought by our founders rather than waste our one chance to properly fix it.

You see, a second Obama term will effectively turn America away from liberalism for decades to come. After all of the failures, all of the unconstitutional acts, all of the lack of transparency, all of the ignoring the rule of law, and all of the using the Justice Department as a political wing of the White House, can you imagine what Obama will do in a second term with no incentive to play straight amidst the public eye?

Liberals deep down know that their utopian welfare state cannot exist the way it has for years as we pull ourselves out of this recession. They know their ideas defy fiscal sanity so they want the Republicans to be the ones to change them. They are ready to pass the torch. They’re asking for programs they know we can’t afford for political gain and telling their constituency that they want to give them other people’s money. They know that they are going to lose the Senate and the White House. And when Romney enters the White House, implements the necessary reforms, does all the hard political suicidal work of reforming entitlements, and sets the economy on the right track, with the support of both houses of congress, liberals will be foaming out their mouths claiming that greedy Republicans took their government goodies away and they, the Democrats, want to restore them.

No, I believe that conservatism will be far more popular after Obamas’ second term where he can show America what true liberalism is. Romney and Ryan will no doubt do what is necessary to fix this economy to the extent that government can fix it. However, what's necessary is not what’s popular unless the people understand why it's necessary. That lack of understanding is what will kill Romney in his re-election effort. That’s why it would be best for Obama to teach them why with a second term. To forever show what true liberalism is and why it doesn’t work. Else Romney/Ryans unpopular but necessary policies will limit him to one term.

Yes SC picks..

Just what we need more big government justices... The side matters not
An Obama second term will be the coup de grace for America's destruction. If there is to be ANY hope of a nation as envisioned by the men who created it the madness must stop NOW.

ETA: It may already be too late...

What better to re-establish individual liberty, constitutional government, and fiscal responsibility than an Obama second term? They say you don't miss it until it's gone. But perhaps your right. The precedence Obama's setting is that of a third world dictator. Thats dangerous within itself. Plus the SCOTUS is on the line. I vote Judge Vinsen! Of course, if it is too late, it certainly supports the thesis of the op.

We've already reached the point you speak of and surpassed it. If the kenyan was to get a second term, nothing short of an armed revolution could undue his unchecked and unbridled abuse of power and unconstitutional tyranny.

We need a change NOW, if we're ever going to turn this country around PEACEFULLY.
I can't remember a campaign this disorganized, lacking in any and all purpose for being. The other day, Paul Ryan was bitching about a factory that Obama closed, which really would make Obama the Messiah, since Bush was President at the time.

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