If someone is committed or not?

she could be using you in order to get money from you.

simply tell her that as long as she's got another man in her life, she should be asking him for help. take yourself out of that equation pronto, unless you want to be more than hurt by her.

Oh trust me I'm going to call her on it. I knew that. If a man truly loves you he will show it not just say it. The fact that her whole security and situation is riding on paying for license says everything she needs to know about this guy. He's using her car as his just broke. He hardly makes anything and has a son. He is not giving her gas money because of that she's having to reduce her driving and freedom. Most of all she can't count on him to be there for her when she needs him the most. This entire time she's been talking to me and that proves she's not happy with him. However, she's testing me to see if I go on the offensive on her or being dependent on her and I'm not. That last part about finding another date probably showed her I past the test. Immediately after she wanted to me when 2 emails before she said she never wanted to meet me.

She changed tune very quickly. Every time I said womwe wanted to date me she got mad. I told her I was happy for them both and boy she got fucking pissed.
If your ex tries to rub in that she's with someone and lists what he's doing for her knowing you've done those things plus about 100 fold going above all that for her as reasons why shes happy is she truly happy?

If your truly happy why would you even need to think let alone justify why you are happy?

Yet shes talking to me every day telling me how happy she is.

Then I tested her the other night and said I'm so sorry for everything I hAve done that hurt you. That I'm so hurt that I don't think I can get through the night alive.

Then she looks at my fb and sees I'm doing pretty good. Then she contacts me and says I'm the worst man in the world that aparently I got through the night just fine.

She didn't need to go to my fb she should have responded through phone or email the method I used to send it to her. She's been checking on me.

She's playing games isn't she?
You both are playing games, which is fine if that is what you want.

Clearly you both miss each other. Maybe you two should get back together and see where it goes. BTW she is testing you as well.

LOL relationships, the fun part of life.

I told her I just asked someone out and she said yes. Then the next day she wants to meet and talk and she asks for 60 to get her license back. She told me her and this new bf were perfectly happy and they weren't dependent. Then I found out he lost his car and now she has to watch her gas. Umm if you go from 2 cars to 1 shouldn't you have the same if not excess gas?

She's testing me and trying to get back with me isn't she?
Yes she is and if you were NOT interested you would not be talking about her this way. I suggest you do some soul searching to see what you want and follow your heart-light wherever that may lead you..

I love her with everything I have. The fact she has to ask me and not her bf for money to get her license pisses me off. This guy is selfish. He knows she needs license to drive to work to take care of herself and to pay her bills. Yet shes asking me. Speaks volumes

Plus she has to watch her gas at all because they are down to 1 car hers? Wtf
She is not asking you for money in as much as security and whether you care about her. The guy she is with now she will forget in a heartbeat. That guy is there for you whether you realize it or not, he is there for you to get jealous, to act out and for her to see if you want her at all.

Not the greatest of tactics, but that is the way I see it.

She will mess with you, and poke at you and chase you as long as it takes for you to catch her.

That is called the game of Love. Life would be easier if it were not like this but it is and she sounds young. She also seems insecure.
marry her

What? Why you say that?
I am looking down the road of your relationship. You two seem like you belong together.

God you are so right about all of this. How do I handle tomorrow?

I want her now and I want her out of his life and with me living with me. We are perfect for each other. I do know I want to marry her.
Be a gentleman and a gentle man. Listen intently to what she has to say, not just with your ears but with your heart. I do believe she wants to you to be everything she has dreamed of, just let it happen, be yourself and let go of of any preconceived ideas. Be prepared to hear things that may not be pleasant, may be painful, may even be hurtful but the fact that you two will be together is what counts.

This is an opportunity to be the man you were always meant to be if that is what you choose. Let your heart speak and think with your mind. Just live in the moment and cherish every second you have with her and be gracious and dignified no matter what happens.
Be yourself.

People will love you for who you are or they won't.
If they keep wanting you to be different, leave.
I'd rather be alone then be with someone that made me feel lonely.
I'd rather be alone then be with someone that made me feel lonely.

Snuggle on couch on cold winters day.

Set in between my legs as i have my back to a tree, and enjoy a camp fire, in a secluded wooded area.

Lay on your side, me behind you with my nose in your neck, my arm around your waist. My chest against your back - your warm and you feel safe.

Candle light dinner - in the yard under the moon.

A night ride on a boat under a sky of stars.

:) :) :)

Shadow 355
I'd rather be alone then be with someone that made me feel lonely.

Snuggle on couch on cold winters day.

Set in between my legs as i have my back to a tree, and enjoy a camp fire, in a secluded wooded area.

Lay on your side, me behind you with my nose in your neck, my arm around your waist. My chest against your back - your warm and you feel safe.

Candle light dinner - in the yard under the moon.

A night ride on a boat under a sky of stars.

:) :) :)

Shadow 355
Put a chigger infestation on your easy chair.
Oh my god I'm getting wasted tonight.

My ex and I met today. She realized she was wrong about who I am and I destroyed her ammo. I asked her if her ex knew she was here said yes. I asked her if he knew she was asking for 30.00 to basically have a license and go to school, work, etc.. she said he has a kid and can't help her out any more. I said no excuses with the consequences of you not having a license he needs to make it happen. I said now you know you will come second always to his son emotionally, physically, and materialistically. Gave her the money and said now you know who will always put you first. Told her she came to me because she knows I put her first. I'm here and not him.

Afterwords she tells me that I was blaming him. Blah blah. I said no he should be putting his son first. I told her that she knew that and that's why she asked for me. I told her this will happen again and when it does your fucked. Took 1 month and she was deep in shit.

Then I texted her bf everything including her crazy past of physical abuse and said that she came to me and I asked her if she told you she was coming and posted photo of her suicidal threat because I was pulling back support. She's dependent. I told him no bf would allow his gf to ask her ex for help period.

Then I get final message from her saying leave my fiancee and me alone. They both hate me. Lol!!!

Oh and she was fucking me twice a week up till April 18th. Oh! And she didn't move in with him till April 20. She did it to get out of her mother's because she a pain in the ass.

She has been talking to this guy for 2 months prior to moving in the entire time having tons of unprotected sex knowing she could get pregnant.

Now I found out he's paying everything for her rent food gas. I also found out they are struggling financially and under lots of stress. She's saying she's getting a job.

Found out he didn't know she went to me. Found out she's now a weight on him to where he's having to chose his son over her.

2 possible things going on -

He's using her because she's insecure for sex and thinks she will contribute to save him money and is doing whatever he can to get her to stay. Found out she still has panic attacks and she says he's usually at work and not there for her.

2. - they are both fucked in the head. This guy to let this woman with this history of abuse and police report and family to back it all up around his son, while knowing how insecure she is and know he and his son need somebody who can commit.

I told her - 2 months? Yup rebound relationship. You were fucking me while you were with him. You lied to your family about you niece you took temp custody of that you weren't supporting her that I was so you were forced to drop case and give her back. Your family told me they are sick of your lies.

You have already lied to this guy about meeting your ex for help. Now he knows. You never told him about ticket or license and went behind his back. You were already unfaithful to him and now this. Told her that there's no chance this relationship will last and I said Wtf are you doing????!!! You are going to get so fucking hurt!!!!!!

Told her I'm done talking to her. Said when he kicks her out and she's in gutter to message me and I'll take her to church. Lol.

I need to get laid. Way overdue..fuck.

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