If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Nope, that was happening, but they were not banging on the doors behind the barricaded door that Babbitt was trying to get through because her being shot stopped people from trying to get through. But you keep lying about that fact for some odd reason that I cannot understand.

Nothing I have said is untrue. You simply feel a need to create an argument for me.
Then you lied. The shot was 100% effective as it stopped the mob from getting to where they could do real damage and harm.

The area Ashli was crawling through the window to, is known as the Speaker's Lobby.
It is not a significant or relevant location except for the fact the House members were using that as their escape route, to the subways.

There were 3 armed cops holding that doorway and preventing anyone from crossing, until a certain point when they stepped aside.
That could only be due to the fact they were told by radio that everyone had left.
There was no longer anyone in the House.
So they were standing right next to Ashli when she entered, and could easily have been shot by accident from the irresponsible round fired by Bryne.

And no, everyone did finally get into the Speaker's Lobby anyway, because once all the House members were gone, all barricades were abandoned, and they got in from the other side.
Nothing was accomplished by killing Ashli.
It was a totally useless and senseless act of gratuitous violence.
The area Ashli was crawling through the window to, is known as the Speaker's Lobby.
It is not a significant or relevant location except for the fact the House members were using that as their escape route, to the subways.

There were 3 armed cops holding that doorway and preventing anyone from crossing, until a certain point when they stepped aside.
That could only be due to the fact they were told by radio that everyone had left.
There was no longer anyone in the House.
So they were standing right next to Ashli when she entered, and could easily have been shot by accident from the irresponsible round fired by Bryne.

She was shot coming through the window, no officers were standing beside her.

And no, everyone did finally get into the Speaker's Lobby anyway, because once all the House members were gone, all barricades were abandoned, and they got in from the other side.
Nothing was accomplished by killing Ashli.
It was a totally useless and senseless act of gratuitous violence.

But yet those gratuitous acts of violence are routinely justified by a large number of those who condemn this shooting.
I said it did not stop people from getting in. But even the words you put in my mouth, I really do not disagree with.

But it did stop people from getting in to the area being protected by officers....thus you lied
The police already are criminals that should have been disbanded long ago.
But it is NOT terrorism to demand to see our congressional representatives when we possess no weapons and pose absolutely no threat at all.
Like no knock raids of political opponents by the fbi? It’s the same thing
Most think you got that backwards.
I'm being Nice.

The backwards thoughts by Rigby5 are CT thoughts.
You Rigby5 want the police disbanded?
Just confirm. OK?

People have been charged and convicted of "Carrying a GUN" and they pled guilty. But you continue the LIE.

Why do you hate and despise the Constitution?
What a Traitor. Rigby5

My avatar can learn from you, poster Winco.
We've always admired diplomatic finesse.
A hat-tip.

She was part of the mob breaching.

Having watched the defensive shooting and the aftermath it is clear that one shot was enough. It really took the wind out of the insurrectionists' sails and brought them down to earth.

Maybe they thpught that they were above the law and couldnt be shot ?

Her behaviour wuld have seen her shot by all US police forces and the stupid cow deserved it.The officer who shot her is a hero who saved democracy from the mob.

Nice dodge.

So he just happened to bring zip tie restraints for no reason whatsoever.

You cult boys have really created your own reality.

The insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States and the consequent assault upon Congress while performing its Constitutional duties, incited by then-President Donald Trump and various family and minions, conducted by un-American, stupid, gullible Trump supporters whipped into a frenzy by Trump's con-man -caliber "Big Lie" of a stolen election that continues to bewilder both the naive and the intentionally myopic.


It's amazing that the Capitol Police only killed one of those traitorous phukks... they need automatic weapons and a "weapons-free" carte blanche next time.

The dead woman was an Air Force veteran and formerly a loyal American... it's tragic that she broke faith with the Republic and the Rule of Law and Peaceful Transfer of Power.

Assault ANY branch of government... Executive, Legislative or Judicial en masse and you risk winning a Toe-Tag... looks like Nature DE-selected one of the less-intelligent.

After the lawmakers were evacuated. Police pulled back with them.

At the time Babbitt was shot, many lawmakers still remained in the House Chamber.

Doesn't seem like that cop is going to be arrested though does it? Kind of seems shooting racist cuck Whites trying to subvert democracy is perfectly legal. Boo fucking hoo. :crying:

It matters, magafucktard.

Yes, you said the shot did no good, that is a lie.

She was shot coming through the window, no officers were standing beside her.

But yet those gratuitous acts of violence are routinely justified by a large number of those who condemn this shooting.

It makes me really happy to see that LefTards no longer require cops to positively identify a deadly threat before using deadly force….THAT’S AWESOME!
I can’t wait for the next jungle savage to get smoked in the hood by cops…we’ll be able to remind all the filthy tards of the Babbitt murder.

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