If the government can tell us we can't go to church...

...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
Maybe they wanted them to get sick and die?

Or they know the threat is vastly overrated.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
Maybe they wanted them to get sick and die?

Or they know the threat is vastly overrated.
Of course it is but with US leaders that are very old what did you expect them to do?
If the government can tell us we can't go to church...
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

They did not have a god reason, this time. Not nearly a good enough reason to come anywhere close to justifying the blatantly anti-Constitutional policies to which we've been subjected, including,most prominently, he violations of our First Amendment rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of religion; and the denial of many of us, the right to work to make our livings.

I textified the following from a graphic meme that was going around on Facebook…

Just remember what the government attacked first in a time of crisis:
  • Churches
  • Gun stores
  • Freedom to run your business
  • Freedom to assemble
Every single one of these rights is protected by the Constitution.

If we are to preserve our country, then we, the people, need to declare loudly and firmly, with one voice, that this time, government went way too far, that they will not be allowed to continue with it, and that they will never again be allowed to go this far, in violating our rights, no matter what kind of fake crisis they cook up as an excuse for it.
I think people are wising up. We thought we were doing the right thing, but we've since seen the overreach of our "great" leaders. Fool me once.....

In this case, I think those who allowed themselves to be fooled, even once, should be deeply ashamed. Certainly, those who continue to allow themselves to be fooled.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
Maybe they wanted them to get sick and die?

Or they know the threat is vastly overrated.
Of course it is but with US leaders that are very old what did you expect them to do?

Not persecute Christians?
No great loss
When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.

Left Wrong-wing cretins have no problem agreeing with, and supporting all manner of partisan abuses of power, because inexplicably, they are incapable of grasping that power that they think they are giving to those who would abuse it in ways that they agree with, can easily fall into the hands of those who would abuse in i ways that these cretins don't agree with.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

Churches aren't above the law. Also - make them pay taxes! America is ruled by its Constitution - not religion!
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
The Muslims shut down their Friday prayers in mid-March, told Muslims nationwide to follow the CDC guidelines. If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN..
The state has always had the authority to set occupancy limits on any sort of venue. Churches are no exception. Usually, the maximum occupancy is set based on fire codes to assure occupants are able to get out in case of fire. However, fire codes are not the only thing that can determine maximum occupancy. Anything that could be a hazard to the public can be used to set maximum occupancy. The only requirements are that the determination be made equally for all venues. and you have to be pursuing an important government interest and pursuing it in a way that is tailored to achieve that interest,

There are those who sacrifice...................and then there are those who demand.

This is America.

Nobody has any legitimate authority to demand that we sacrifice any of our essential Constitutional rights, and we absolutely have a right and a duty to demand that we be allowed to exercise them, no matter what bullshit hoaxes you subhuman shit on the left wrong come up with as excuses to demand that we sacrifice these rights.

Go f••• yourself. You and every other piece of shit that hates the freedoms that our ancestors fought and died to establish. Just go f••• yourself.

Pieces of shit like you are what we have the Second Amendment for; specifically so that you cannot take away these rights.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
The Muslims shut down their Friday prayers in mid-March, told Muslims nationwide to follow the CDC guidelines. If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN..

Not what I've heard.
Nope...you can’t go to church
Cant sit in a classroom
Can’t go to the movies
Can’t go to a concert

Churchgoers are so discriminated against

The First Amendment to the Constitution…

Congress [And by incorporation, under the Fourteenth Amendment, this now applies to all parts of every level of government] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is absolutely no excuse, whatever, for government to be violating these rights. None at all. Every single corrupt criminal that is infesting any position in government, and who is abusing the powers of that position in order to violate these rights, belongs in prison, or dead.

And now, in some places, they are now going after freedoms of speech and the press as well.

Lines have been crossed,that we never should have allowed even to be approached.

The Tree of Liberty is thirsty, and long-overdue for a good watering. Shamefully, our generation has grown too complacent and too cowardly to do what now very much needs to be done.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
Youre aren't prohibited from attending church. You can do that online. Youre prohibited from killing people because you want to have company while you pray.
Nope...you can’t go to church
Cant sit in a classroom
Can’t go to the movies
Can’t go to a concert

Churchgoers are so discriminated against

The First Amendment to the Constitution…

Congress [And by incorporation, under the Fourteenth Amendment, this now applies to all parts of every level of government] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is absolutely no excuse, whatever, for government to be violating these rights. None at all. Every single corrupt criminal that is infesting any position in government, and who is abusing the powers of that position in order to violate these rights, belongs in prison, or dead.

And now, in some places, they are now going after freedoms of speech and the press as well.

Lines have been crossed,that we never should have allowed even to be approached.

The Tree of Liberty is thirsty, and long-overdue for a good watering. Shamefully, our generation has grown too complacent and too cowardly to do what now very much needs to be done.

The state has always been able to set maximum occupancy limits for safety . You didn't know that?
If the government can tell us we can't go to church...
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

They did not have a god reason, this time. Not nearly a good enough reason to come anywhere close to justifying the blatantly anti-Constitutional policies to which we've been subjected, including,most prominently, he violations of our First Amendment rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of religion; and the denial of many of us, the right to work to make our livings.

I textified the following from a graphic meme that was going around on Facebook…
Just remember what the government attacked first in a time of crisis:
    • Churches
    • Gun stores
    • Freedom to run your business
    • Freedom to assemble

Every single one of these rights is protected by the Constitution.

If we are to preserve our country, then we, the people, need to declare loudly and firmly, with one voice, that this time, government went way too far, that they will not be allowed to continue with it, and that they will never again be allowed to go this far, in violating our rights, no matter what kind of fake crisis they cook up as an excuse for it.
That meme was meant to rile up the idiots. Thats why they used emotive words like "attacked" and "freedom"
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
"Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church. "

Why do think that?
When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.
Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime.

We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power, happening right now, that only a few years ago, most of us would have been sure would never happen in our lifetimes. We are now not nearly as far as having government raid our homes and take away published material that it doesn't like; as we thought we were only a year ago from having them violate our freedoms of religion and assembly, our right to work to earn an honest living, and now our freedoms of speech and the press. In just the past few months, they've taken much bigger steps against our Constitutional rights, and against the rule of law under the Constitution, than it would take from where we are now, to get to the point that you are so sir won't happen in your lifetime. We're almost to that point, now.
When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.
Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime.

We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power, happening right now, that only a few years ago, most of us would have been sure would never happen in our lifetimes. We are now not nearly as far as having government raid our homes and take away published material that it doesn't like; as we thought we were only a year ago from having them violate our freedoms of religion and assembly, our right to work to earn an honest living, and now our freedoms of speech and the press. In just the past few months, they've taken much bigger steps against our Constitutional rights, and against the rule of law under the Constitution, than it would take from where we are now, to get to the point that you are so sir won't happen in your lifetime. We're almost to that point, now.
"We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power "

See what happens when you elect an incompetent fuckup like Drumpf?

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