If the government can tell us we can't go to church...

When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.
Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime.

We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power, happening right now, that only a few years ago, most of us would have been sure would never happen in our lifetimes. We are now not nearly as far as having government raid our homes and take away published material that it doesn't like; as we thought we were only a year ago from having them violate our freedoms of religion and assembly, our right to work to earn an honest living, and now our freedoms of speech and the press. In just the past few months, they've taken much bigger steps against our Constitutional rights, and against the rule of law under the Constitution, than it would take from where we are now, to get to the point that you are so sir won't happen in your lifetime. We're almost to that point, now.

Sorry for the heart eye homo emoji.
Signed:No Homo
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
Maybe they wanted them to get sick and die?

Or they know the threat is vastly overrated.
Why arent you guys attacking the government? I thought you were patriots?
Churches aren't above the law. Also - make them pay taxes! America is ruled by its Constitution - not religion!

Government isn't supposed to be above the law either, and yet here we have government blatantly and inexcusably violating the highest law in the nation, and ignorant cretins such as yourself defending this corruption and lawlessness.

It's always funny when you useful idiots try to play the “rule of law” card in defense of lawlessness and corruption on the part of government, completely and mindlessly oblivious to the irreconcilable contradiction in your position that is vividly obvious to every sane person. It's like Orwell's Doublethink on steroids.
When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.
Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime.

We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power, happening right now, that only a few years ago, most of us would have been sure would never happen in our lifetimes. We are now not nearly as far as having government raid our homes and take away published material that it doesn't like; as we thought we were only a year ago from having them violate our freedoms of religion and assembly, our right to work to earn an honest living, and now our freedoms of speech and the press. In just the past few months, they've taken much bigger steps against our Constitutional rights, and against the rule of law under the Constitution, than it would take from where we are now, to get to the point that you are so sir won't happen in your lifetime. We're almost to that point, now.

Sorry for the heart eye homo emoji.
Signed:No Homo
Come on out the closet dude. Obviously youre a homo.
It's like Orwell's Doublethink on steroids.

And here's another example, of a similar principle in action.

If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN.
That much stupidity ought to be painful. If, every time someone said something that stupid, they experienced excruciating agony, perhaps they'd eventually wise up.
It's like Orwell's Doublethink on steroids.

And here's another example, of a similar principle in action.

If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN.
That much stupidity ought to be painful. If, every time someone said something that stupid, they experienced excruciating agony, perhaps they'd eventually wise up.
Whats stupid about that statement? I dont know of one mosque thats open now.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
The Muslims shut down their Friday prayers in mid-March, told Muslims nationwide to follow the CDC guidelines. If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN..

Not what I've heard.
Please share. I'd be interested in that.
They did not have a god reason,

Not killing people isn't a good reason?


Trump cultists actually seem to think that acting like homicidal spoiled brats is going to endear them to their fellow Americans.

What is unbelievable to me is that there are so many people like you, who are so unimaginably stupid that you actually believe this, that exercising our Constitutional rights in such a manner will kill people. And that the remedy for it is not only to illegally take these rights away, but to willfully create an economic disaster that really will kill people, in far greater numbers than this virus ever could have.

Really, I just cannot comprehend that level of stupidity.
They did not have a god reason,

Not killing people isn't a good reason?


Trump cultists actually seem to think that acting like homicidal spoiled brats is going to endear them to their fellow Americans.

What is unbelievable to me is that there are so many people like you, who are so unimaginably stupid that you actually believe this, that exercising our Constitutional rights in such a manner will kill people. And that the remedy for it is not only to illegally take these rights away, but to willfully create an economic disaster that really will kill people, in far greater numbers than this virus ever could have.

Really, I just cannot comprehend that level of stupidity.
What makes you think going to church will keep people from catching the virus and dying?

You probably cant comprehend that type of thinking because youre stupid.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

It wouldnt be so obvious they were against Christians if they hadnt let muslimes continue to worship.
The Muslims shut down their Friday prayers in mid-March, told Muslims nationwide to follow the CDC guidelines. If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN..

Not what I've heard.
Please share. I'd be interested in that.
He probably read it on a Facebook meme.
Whats stupid about that statement? I dont [sic] know of one mosque thats [sic] open now.

If you cannot clearly see what is so stupid about the statement, “If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN.”, then there's nothing I can do to explain it to you, that you would have any hope of understanding. By all evidence, you're no more intelligent than the retard who made that statement, if you're even that intelligent.
Whats stupid about that statement? I dont [sic] know of one mosque thats [sic] open now.

If you cannot clearly see what is so stupid about the statement, “If you haven't seen any mosques being shut down it is because THEY AREN'T OPEN.”, then there's nothing I can do to explain it to you, that you would have any hope of understanding. By all evidence, you're no more intelligent than the retard who made that statement, if you're even that intelligent.
So IOW youre an idiot that cant answer the question. Gotcha.
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When they raid your home, take away all your books, magazines, and newspapers, you will see that as a great loss.
Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime.

We are seeing unprecedented abuses of power, happening right now, that only a few years ago, most of us would have been sure would never happen in our lifetimes. We are now not nearly as far as having government raid our homes and take away published material that it doesn't like; as we thought we were only a year ago from having them violate our freedoms of religion and assembly, our right to work to earn an honest living, and now our freedoms of speech and the press. In just the past few months, they've taken much bigger steps against our Constitutional rights, and against the rule of law under the Constitution, than it would take from where we are now, to get to the point that you are so sir won't happen in your lifetime. We're almost to that point, now.
.Ever hear of the illegal drug war? Ruby Ridge and Waco? During the 1990's I knew many vets and active duty that were going to start a revolution and were stealing weapons and ammo from their units and the motto was,"kill 'em all and let God sort them out" is as close I have seen the people in the US get riled up..Today people just talk, just like before about rising up to throw off our capitalis masters...I have given up on living the thrill of a revolution and know that six months from now it will be a bedtime story or smack at coffee houses.
I personally have been defying the govt. and playing tax avoison for thirty years, before that I spoke against our govt. and the rising tide of fascism that was once plutocracy...I have rebelled to the point of being incarcerated, now tell me again how you all is gonna rise up, yet again. What a disappointment Americans have become..The last decent ones was during Nam.

That lady could have gotten food at a pantry or cut hair at her home like my inlaws did in the 1970's to earn extra dough. There are so many ways to beat the system, but standing on a corner crying is not one of them...
What makes you think going to church will keep people from catching the virus and dying?

...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
So IOW youre and idiot that cant answer the question. Gotcha.

The answer is obvious to everyone with better than a room-temperature IQ. That clearly leaves you out.

If you're so unimaginably stupid that you cannot see what is wrong with the statement in question, then there is no explanation that anyone can give to allow you to understand.

The cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing would seem apropos, here.
So IOW youre and idiot that cant answer the question. Gotcha.

The answer is obvious to everyone with better than a room-temperature IQ. That clearly leaves you out.

If you're so unimaginably stupid that you cannot see what is wrong with the statement in question, then there is no explanation that anyone can give to allow you to understand.

The cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing would seem apropos, here.
The only thing that obvious is that you lack the skill to defend your positions and claims. Its ok but just know I know.

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