If the government can tell us we can't go to church...

You fail to answer another question about your claim huh?

...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
They can't legally tell you you can't go to church, it's just that so many sheeple let them and then let them get away with it. It's the way a nation destroys itself as have so many others throughout history have.
This is part of a fatwah (Islamic rule) that was determined by AMJA. They have been telling Muslims in America since March to follow their state's CDC and health experts about safe distancing and to stay home and close the mosques if so ordered.

Some states never restricted church congregations from meeting, so in those states, mosques may be open. However, in those states no Christian churches would be hassled either. In some countries, like Pakistan, they refused to close the mosques. There is a lot of tension over it in India. If you guys are talking about international religious tensions, you should specify that. Following is the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of AMERICA fatwah:

Third, the current circumstances resulting from the novel coronavirus pandemic have resulted in restrictions being placed on gatherings, as well as rules being set in place obligating people to maintain social distancing while wearing face masks in public. These guidelines were set in order to prevent contagion and to limit the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus. Based on these circumstances, we believe that everyone should follow the guidelines set by their specialized and reliable health and government agencies with regard to the number of people that may gather in one place and the manner in which they may gather. We should stick to these guidelines even if that were to result in being unable to host Taraweeh prayers in the mosque, or being permitted to do so while having to greatly limit the number of congregants allowed inside the mosque at any given time. The latter, if permitted, should be done in order to ensure that the mosques remain filled with the remembrance of Allah and the establishment of salat (prayer) in this blessed month, all the while following the guidelines set by the local authorities.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.

No one is preventing you from worshipping God. Many churches are making online masses available.
Christians used to die to keep their appointments at church on Sunday.

Now we obey like good little Germans.
We don't have to attend church to worship God. I imagine it was only the Catholics who were required to attend, and were willing to die for their CHURCH.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
Don't be so dramatic. They aren't keeping you from your church, they're just keeping you from gathering in mass. Like virtual classrooms, where children are still being schooled, you can continue to go to church by virtual presence.
Yes your claims are made of straw. Thanks for admitting that.

The claims that you are attributing to me, and demanding that I defend, are made of straw. That's what a “strawman” represents. You cannot refute the position that I actually took, so you make up a similar position that I never took, never even implied, and attack that and them claim victory when I fail to defend it. Of course I'm not going to defend a position that I never took, and do not believe.

Your persistence in pursuing that line of argument only demonstrates your own intellectual and ethical deficiencies.

Straw man - Wikipedia
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There are those who sacrifice...................and then there are those who demand.

This is America.

Nobody has any legitimate authority to demand that we sacrifice any of our essential Constitutional rights, and we absolutely have a right and a duty to demand that we be allowed to exercise them, no matter what bullshit hoaxes you subhuman shit on the left wrong come up with as excuses to demand that we sacrifice these rights.

Go f••• yourself. You and every other piece of shit that hates the freedoms that our ancestors fought and died to establish. Just go f••• yourself.

Pieces of shit like you are what we have the Second Amendment for; specifically so that you cannot take away these rights.

Yes it does. The founding fathers clearly believed that certain liberties could be suspended in times of emergency. That is why they allowed the suspension of habeas corpus under certain circumstances. You are the piece of garbage here. There are no hoaxes. Responsible church leaders have voluntarily cooperated.
Nope...you can’t go to church
Cant sit in a classroom
Can’t go to the movies
Can’t go to a concert

Churchgoers are so discriminated against

The First Amendment to the Constitution…

Congress [And by incorporation, under the Fourteenth Amendment, this now applies to all parts of every level of government] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is absolutely no excuse, whatever, for government to be violating these rights. None at all. Every single corrupt criminal that is infesting any position in government, and who is abusing the powers of that position in order to violate these rights, belongs in prison, or dead.

And now, in some places, they are now going after freedoms of speech and the press as well.

Lines have been crossed,that we never should have allowed even to be approached.

The Tree of Liberty is thirsty, and long-overdue for a good watering. Shamefully, our generation has grown too complacent and too cowardly to do what now very much needs to be done.

Church services have not been banned. They are simply taking a different form. No one is abusing anyone.
Churches aren't above the law. Also - make them pay taxes! America is ruled by its Constitution - not religion!

Government isn't supposed to be above the law either, and yet here we have government blatantly and inexcusably violating the highest law in the nation, and ignorant cretins such as yourself defending this corruption and lawlessness.

It's always funny when you useful idiots try to play the “rule of law” card in defense of lawlessness and corruption on the part of government, completely and mindlessly oblivious to the irreconcilable contradiction in your position that is vividly obvious to every sane person. It's like Orwell's Doublethink on steroids.

You are the one who is corrupt. No laws are being violated. Responsible church leaders are voluntarily complying.
Nope...you can’t go to church
Cant sit in a classroom
Can’t go to the movies
Can’t go to a concert

Churchgoers are so discriminated against

The First Amendment to the Constitution…

Congress [And by incorporation, under the Fourteenth Amendment, this now applies to all parts of every level of government] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is absolutely no excuse, whatever, for government to be violating these rights. None at all. Every single corrupt criminal that is infesting any position in government, and who is abusing the powers of that position in order to violate these rights, belongs in prison, or dead.

And now, in some places, they are now going after freedoms of speech and the press as well.

Lines have been crossed,that we never should have allowed even to be approached.

The Tree of Liberty is thirsty, and long-overdue for a good watering. Shamefully, our generation has grown too complacent and too cowardly to do what now very much needs to be done.

Church services have not been banned. They are simply taking a different form. No one is abusing anyone.
Churches are being treated the same as any other large gathering.

They think religion makes them special, the virus doesn’t
Churches are being treated the same as any other large gathering.

They think religion makes them special, the virus doesn’t

It does, in a way.

The First Amendment explicitly affirms religious freedom. This obligates government to tread much more lightly on churches and religious organizations than it might on other organizations and business.

Freedom of assembly protects all peaceable gatherings, regardless of purpose, but freedom of religion additionally protects gatherings that occur for religious purposes.
Churches are being treated the same as any other large gathering.

They think religion makes them special, the virus doesn’t

It does, in a way.

The First Amendment explicitly affirms religious freedom. This obligates government to tread much more lightly on churches and religious organizations than it might on other organizations and business.

Freedom of assembly protects all peaceable gatherings, regardless of purpose, but freedom of religion additionally protects gatherings that occur for religious purposes.
In that case, if I am carrying the plague, am I free to attend church service as a religious right?
Am I free to assemble with other people, even if I am a danger to them.
...we have no freedom at all.

A very bad precedent has been set. To "save lives" the states have prohibited Christians from attending church.

Next time, they won't need a good reason to prohibit us from attending church.

Then, will come the day when the churches are closed permanently, as they were in Communist countries.

We should have fought them to keep our churches open.
Sure they can, but it's up to us to refuse their bullshit and put them on notice.
Christians used to die to keep their appointments at church on Sunday.

Now we obey like good little Germans.

Grow up. You don't always get what you want. Adults understand that. You act like a pouting child.

You don't understand faith....lil government sheeple.

In fact it's none of your business what or how others decide.

That's your quandary....now sit down
Yes your claims are made of straw. Thanks for admitting that.

The claims that you are attributing to me, and demanding that I defend, are made of straw. That's what a “strawman” represents. You cannot refute the position that I actually took, so you make up a similar position that I never took, never even implied, and attack that and them claim victory when I fail to defend it. Of course I'm not going to defend a position that I never took, and do not believe.

Your persistence in pursuing that line of argument only demonstrates your own intellectual and ethical deficiencies.

Straw man - Wikipedia

Your statement

"What is unbelievable to me is that there are so many people like you, who are so unimaginably stupid that you actually believe this, that exercising our Constitutional rights in such a manner will kill people. "

My question

"What makes you think going to church will keep people from catching the virus and dying?"

Now why are you whining about a strawman? Is it because you cant answer my question directly associated to what you said?

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