If the Pope Dies, and goes to Hell..

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Mr. P said:
Yes I'm sure...confrontation of any opposing religious view is a sure sign of insecurity in ones own beliefs IMO. Discussion of beliefs on the other hand is different.

The pot is calling the kettle black here. You have been as confrontation if not moreso than those you claim are being confrontational. If you don't want to participate in a respectful and dignified manner, then don't. You attack while claiming others are attacking.
Mr. P said:
Yes I'm sure...confrontation of any opposing religious view is a sure sign of insecurity in ones own beliefs IMO. Discussion of beliefs on the other hand is different.

So now discussion is confrontation. I will remember that the next time I see you reply to anything that you don't agree with. I will not longer accept your disagreement as discussion, but as confrontation. I get it.
freeandfun1 said:
There are no twists nor turns in what I wrote. You seem to be the only one that feels threatened. And if you will, I ask that you stop calling Evangelicals "thumpers". It is very disrespectful. I have not called you anything disrespectful, so I ask you do the same. Faith is faith. You cannot change the definition of faith no matter how much you might like to. I cannot help it if you don't have any convictions. That's your problem. Not mine.
I have not mentioned Evangelicals, but if the shoe fits...and in many cases it does..well you know.

I do have convictions, the difference is I won't try and force them on you nor anyone else, as the thumpers do.
freeandfun1 said:
So now discussion is confrontation. I will remember that the next time I see you reply to anything that you don't agree with. I will not longer accept your disagreement as discussion, but as confrontation. I get it.

The ACLU must love to see dissention among the ranks of believers--the secular revolution will be simple.
freeandfun1 said:
So now discussion is confrontation. I will remember that the next time I see you reply to anything that you don't agree with. I will not longer accept your disagreement as discussion, but as confrontation. I get it.
I think you may be misunderstanding my posts...so don't read them.
Mr. P said:
I have not mentioned Evangelicals, but if the shoe fits...and in many cases it does..well you know.

I do have convictions, the difference is I won't try and force them on you nor anyone else, as the thumpers do.

This is always your style. You drop into the middle of a discussion, start hurling insults, etc., then accuse those that don't follow your lead as being intolerant, biggoted, thumpers, etc. You need to get off your high horse. And nope, I didn't misread your thread. Perhaps you are just too ignorant to put your thoughts down properly. Read what you wrote and explain to me how I misinterpreted you?

You sitting here trying to force your beliefs (convictions) on me by telling me I am wrong and you are right, yet you claim you aren't. I guess you are just to ignorant to see what you are doing.

And once again, I am POLITELY asking you to stop throwing around the term "thumpers". It is an intolerant term and you claim to be a tolerant person.
freeandfun1 said:
The pot is calling the kettle black here. You have been as confrontation if not moreso than those you claim are being confrontational. If you don't want to participate in a respectful and dignified manner, then don't. You attack while claiming others are attacking.
Oh and excuuussssseee me, what exactly did I attack?
Mr. P said:
Oh and excuuussssseee me, what exactly did I attack?

You said they were insecure in their beliefs. While that may be true of some people, it's not true of all.
Said1 said:
You said they were insecure in their beliefs. While that may be true of some people, it's not true of all.
True..but I didn't say "all"..I said the thumpers.
Mr. P said:
True..but I didn't say "all"..I said the thumpers.

Oh, so you didn't mean anyone participating in this thread. Perhaps you should be clearer, you can see where this might cause some confusion.
I'm so confused. Am I misreading an apparent insinuation that only Evangelicals have a shot at heaven?
MissileMan said:
I'm so confused. Am I misreading an apparent insinuation that only Evangelicals have a shot at heaven?

Well, you'll have to ask -=D=- if that is his point, or your inference. :laugh:
Kathianne said:
Well, you'll have to ask -=D=- if that is his point, or your inference. :laugh:

I'm pretty sure nobody with a modicum of comprehension ability can miss my point on 'salvation'.

Here it is again...as clear as I can make it:

Those who have not accepted Christ, per HIS instructions, found in scripture, will not see God. Id est, regardless of whatever 'religion' name they choose; those who have not been spiritually reborn; and accepted Christ as the perfect sacrifice for THEIR sins, etc., are not going to enter His Kingdom in Heaven.

There you go. That's Biblical - not MY idea....God's idea.

Not Darin's point. Not your inference. Biblical Truth. Like it or Leave it - that is the lesson we learn from the Bible. If you don't believe the Bible is 100% true, then it won't apply. Your belief, or My belief, or not, doesn't change the fact.
-=d=- said:
I'm pretty sure nobody with a modicum of comprehension ability can miss my point on 'salvation'.

Here it is again...as clear as I can make it:

Those who have not accepted Christ, per HIS instructions, found in scripture, will not see God. Id est, regardless of whatever 'religion' name they choose; those who have not been spiritually reborn; and accepted Christ as the perfect sacrifice for THEIR sins, etc., are not going to enter His Kingdom in Heaven.

There you go. That's Biblical - not MY idea....God's idea.

Not Darin's point. Not your inference. Biblical Truth. Like it or Leave it - that is the lesson we learn from the Bible. If you don't believe the Bible is 100% true, then it won't apply. Your belief, or My belief, or not, doesn't change the fact.

Darin, question on the table is it your belief that only 'born again' Evangelicals enter heaven? I'm assuming you are paraphrasing above, can you give the Chapter and verse that you are refering to? Thanks.
Kathianne said:
Actually, in a Catholic Church non-Catholics, even Christians should NOT take communion. It's an acknowledged difference in belief systems.

This is something I have been wondering about, lately. Maybe you wouldn't mind giving me your opinion?

I was raised very Catholic, received all the sacraments, went to Catholic school through high school, church twice a week most of the time. But after I got married, we felt called to the Church of Christ, which we now attend. We were also rebaptized by immersion. However, I have never felt animosity toward the Catholic Church, and still go to Mass on occasion when with my family. Catholicism is my heritage.

When I go with my mother, I take communion, because she believes, and I believe, that I am a part of the Body. I am confused about what I should do when I go to Mass with my grandma because I know she would think I shouldn't take communion. But we are all still brothers and sisters in Christ. I belong to the Body, so I feel that I should partake, that this is right according to the Lord.

What is your opinion?
mom4 said:
This is something I have been wondering about, lately. Maybe you wouldn't mind giving me your opinion?

I was raised very Catholic, received all the sacraments, went to Catholic school through high school, church twice a week most of the time. But after I got married, we felt called to the Church of Christ, which we now attend. We were also rebaptized by immersion. However, I have never felt animosity toward the Catholic Church, and still go to Mass on occasion when with my family. Catholicism is my heritage.

When I go with my mother, I take communion, because she believes, and I believe, that I am a part of the Body. I am confused about what I should do when I go to Mass with my grandma because I know she would think I shouldn't take communion. But we are all still brothers and sisters in Christ. I belong to the Body, so I feel that I should partake, that this is right according to the Lord.

What is your opinion?

Actually, I gotta say if someone asked me before going I'd say, "No, we believe communion is different than you do." Would I tell someone, "Hey No! You can't receive?" No. You know the difference between belief systems, so I guess it's make up your own mind.
Mr. P said:
I like all the twists and turns...Faith yep, that's it, but faith alone does not make truth.
I may admit I may be wrong but still hold to my beliefs or faith that I'm not. I don't have a problem with that. Thumpers do, because in my opinion they are very insecure in their faith and can not deal with the fact they may be wrong.

Oh, I've meant nothing I've said as an attack on Christianity.

The word "believe" means to hold something as "more true" than something else. Saying you may be wrong when you don't believe you are wrong is... okay, here's the inflammatory word... hypocritical. :fifty:

No offense.
mom4 said:
The word "believe" means to hold something as "more true" than something else. Saying you may be wrong when you don't believe you are wrong is... okay, here's the inflammatory word... hypocritical. :fifty:

No offense.

I fall in line with P's way of thinking when it comes to religion, therefore my beliefs are not strong and I'm unsure. On the other hand, I do have spiritual beliefs that I KNOW are right, even if there are those who don't agree. The same as the so called "thumpers". They're just different. :)
MissileMan said:
I'm so confused. Am I misreading an apparent insinuation that only Evangelicals have a shot at heaven?

Not just Evangelicals. Anyone who gives up his own will and chooses to obey Jesus' will can get into Heaven. Jesus is the only way. We cannot choose our own path and still expect God to accept us. See Romans 6:5-19.

"Now you must choose to be slaves of righteousness so that you will become holy." (19c)
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