If the supremes axe the federal exchange, what will the gop do?

We kept hearing all during the ObamaCare debates about how the US spent the most per capita on healthcare. The implication was very plain that ObamaCare would reduce per capita spending.

This was a classic bait-and-switch con job.
The implication was(Huh??????)...

Somebody please add g5000 to that Ship-of-Fools Captained by Dizzy little tiizzie taz ( Dont Taz Me Bro ) and that hater of all things American The Rabbi?

Because what most EVERY sentient being on the planet knew AT THE TIME of debates over healthcare reform:

the decision:
No. 11–393. Argued March 26, 27, 28, 2012—Decided June 28, 2012*

In 2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in order to increase the number of Americans covered by health insurance and decrease the cost of health care. One key provision is the individual mandate...

The Anti-Injunction Act and the Affordable Care Act, however, are creatures of Congress’s own creation. How they relate to each other is up to Congress, and the best evidence of Congress’s intent is the statutory text. We have thus applied the Anti-Injunction Act to statutorily described “taxes” even where that label was inaccurate. See Bailey v. George, 259 U. S. 16 (1922) (Anti-Injunction Act applies to “Child Labor Tax” struck down as exceeding Congress’s taxing power in Drexel Furniture). Congress can, of course, describe something as a penalty but direct that it nonetheless be treated as a tax for purposes of the Anti-Injunction Act. For example, 26 U. S. C. §6671(a) provides that “any reference in this title to ‘tax’ imposed by this title shall be deemed also to refer to the penalties and liabilities provided by” subchapter 68B of the Internal Revenue Code. Penalties in subchapter 68B are thus treated as taxes under Title 26, which includes the Anti-Injunction Act. The individual mandate, however, is not in subchapter 68B of the Code. Nor does any
other provision state that references to taxes in Title 26 shall also be “deemed” to apply to the individual mandate.

Amicus attempts to show that Congress did render the Anti-Injunction Act applicable to the individual mandate, albeit by a more circuitous route. Section 5000A(g)(1) specifies that the penalty for not c...​
The slowing of rising costs pre-dated ObamaCare:


ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care
Yeah thats what I meant. Thanks.
If the Supreme Court decides insurance purchased through the federal health insurance exchange is not eligible for subsidies, I suspect many red states that currently do not have state health exchanges will not create them.

They will fuck their constituents out of the subsidies that every taxpayer of those states, and future generations of taxpayers, are already paying for.
They're not fucking anybody. The federal govenment is fucking people. I simply dont get how stupid people are.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
keep muttering

If by muttering you mean telling the truth I have no problem with that at all. I'll take note that you didn't dismiss a single factual point I made.

You never link any source supporting your claim that the ACA was designed to make health care spending decrease.....that is just a made up myth you'd like to believe is true. Every expert on the ACA stated that health care spending was going to keep going up no matter what, which is fricking brain dead easy to figure since the baby boomer generation is just starting to retire.

Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

We were right, conservanuts were wrong, yet again.
Barrack himself said so Dec 1 2009,2500 bucks.
We kept hearing all during the ObamaCare debates about how the US spent the most per capita on healthcare. The implication was very plain that ObamaCare would reduce per capita spending.

This was a classic bait-and-switch con job.
The implication was(Huh??????)...

More than implication:

"I have made a solemn pledge that I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premiums by up to $2500 a year. That's not simply a matter of policy or ideology - it's a moral commitment."

Barack Obama Remarks in Hartford Connecticut A Politics of Conscience
Here we are in Obama's SECOND term and the typical family's premium has not been cut by $2500 a year.
Regardless of what the SCOTUS decides, The GOP should make sure Obamacare is FULLY IMPLEMENTED EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. Nothing else is needed.This pile of trash law will fail on its own. It's already a colossal clusterfuck of fail and it will not get better.
A much better question would be ,what will the Dems say and do when their legislation is proven to be a huge waste of our time and the result of incompetence?
Who is on that Ship-of-Fools now, Dante?

You are the victim of a classic bait-and-switch confidence game.
The employer mandate was all you needed to see to know that Obama was not about cutting the cost of healthcare in America.

And when Obama personally changed the ceiling at which Cadillac plans would be exempt from taxes, that put a lock on it.

This was never about cutting costs. That was just the convincer for the rubes.
You never link any source supporting your claim that the ACA was designed to make health care spending decrease.....that is just a made up myth you'd like to believe is true. Every expert on the ACA stated that health care spending was going to keep going up no matter what, which is fricking brain dead easy to figure since the baby boomer generation is just starting to retire.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: God, you people have no shame at all. You just flat out lie and think nothing of it.

Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

We were right, conservanuts were wrong, yet again.

If by axing the federal exhange you mean the subsidizes that you were never supposed the get through the federal exchange according to the bill the Democrats wrote passed on a party line vote and that was signed into law by the current Democratic President you should ask them.
A much better question would be ,what will the Dems say and do when their legislation is proven to be a huge waste of our time and the result of incompetence?
It's the Republicans' fault for not contributing to it.
We didnt spend enough money on it.

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