If the supremes axe the federal exchange, what will the gop do?

We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.

Why should improvement be completely dismissed just because it's not perfect?

Isn't it better than staying the same/getting worse?
How America Reduced Its Healthcare Spending by 2 Trillion The Atlantic
Since Obamacare, while what the nation spends on healthcare has gone up, it's going up slower than it has since 1965 to the tune of 2 TRILLION less in estimates.

Healthcare, military and welfare are the main drivers of the debt...Funny how the party that bitches about it all the time want to do away with something that is helping it...Not only that they want to give another 260 billion dollar tax break to the .1% of our population.

The gop needs to shut the fuck up.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
keep muttering

If by muttering you mean telling the truth I have no problem with that at all. I'll take note that you didn't dismiss a single factual point I made.

You never link any source supporting your claim that the ACA was designed to make health care spending decrease.....that is just a made up myth you'd like to believe is true. Every expert on the ACA stated that health care spending was going to keep going up no matter what, which is fricking brain dead easy to figure since the baby boomer generation is just starting to retire.

Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

We were right, conservanuts were wrong, yet again.
Why should improvement be completely dismissed just because it's not perfect?

Isn't it better than staying the same/getting worse?

If you call yourself a Republican and have Obama Derangement Syndrome, then yes, it would be better for health care costs to be skyrocketing and for fewer Americans to have health insurance.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
keep muttering

If by muttering you mean telling the truth I have no problem with that at all. I'll take note that you didn't dismiss a single factual point I made.

You never link any source supporting your claim that the ACA was designed to make health care spending decrease.....that is just a made up myth you'd like to believe is true. Every expert on the ACA stated that health care spending was going to keep going up no matter what, which is fricking brain dead easy to figure since the baby boomer generation is just starting to retire.

Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

We were right, conservanuts were wrong, yet again.
Obama still says health care cost will go down 10…:
To do anything would be to tacitly endorse the rest of the unconstitutional travesty that is Obamacare.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
We were supposed to see a reduction of $2500 a year. It wasn't supposed to go up slower. We were supposed to keep our doctor if we liked him.

ObamaCare delivered little of what it promised and a monstrous price tag, but proponents keep moving the goal post in order to defend it.
keep muttering

If by muttering you mean telling the truth I have no problem with that at all. I'll take note that you didn't dismiss a single factual point I made.

You never link any source supporting your claim that the ACA was designed to make health care spending decrease.....that is just a made up myth you'd like to believe is true. Every expert on the ACA stated that health care spending was going to keep going up no matter what, which is fricking brain dead easy to figure since the baby boomer generation is just starting to retire.

Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

We were right, conservanuts were wrong, yet again.
Obama still says health care cost will go down 10…:

yup, and you were saying a year or so ago that they would go up? or did you side with sanity over hannity?
Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

true story

That's the thing. For all the law's imperfections, the new insurance policies all have costs tied to the medicare savings provisions. The gop congress seems to be saying, people can keep those policies through COBRA, but that's bs because the people won't have the Obamacare subsidies which would be illegal if the Scotus axes the federal exchange. So the effect would be ten million new uninsured going into ER's ... again.

The solutions aren't hard to come up with. And we could even do away with Medicaid expansions by using the money for people to get policies that have high deductibles, but offer free wellness benefits ... and cost savings policies.

But it seems heresy for the gop to offer constructive solutions.
Wow. I suppose I should not be surprised the tards on the left have as short memories as the tards on the right:

"I have made a solemn pledge that I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premiums by up to $2500 a year. That's not simply a matter of policy or ideology - it's a moral commitment."

Barack Obama Remarks in Hartford Connecticut A Politics of Conscience
We kept hearing all during the ObamaCare debates about how the US spent the most per capita on healthcare. The implication was very plain that ObamaCare would reduce per capita spending.

This was a classic bait-and-switch con job.
Everyone knew the best possible outcome of the ACA was to slow down healthcare spending, and EVERY SINGLE CRITIC was constantly spewing garbage about how the ACA would make healthcare spending sky rocket....it didn't.

true story

That's the thing. For all the law's imperfections, the new insurance policies all have costs tied to the medicare savings provisions. The gop congress seems to be saying, people can keep those policies through COBRA, but that's bs because the people won't have the Obamacare subsidies which would be illegal if the Scotus axes the federal exchange. So the effect would be ten million new uninsured going into ER's ... again.

The solutions aren't hard to come up with. And we could even do away with Medicaid expansions by using the money for people to get policies that have high deductibles, but offer free wellness benefits ... and cost savings policies.

But it seems heresy for the gop to offer constructive solutions.

COBRA would be useless because few, if any, could afford the higher premiums.

Otherwise, yes – the GOP has no plan in the event the Court invalidates the exchange provision; indeed, there are likely many on the right secretly hoping the Court does the opposite.
The reduction in health care spending was a trend that predated Obamacare.


If the Supreme Court decides insurance purchased through the federal health insurance exchange is not eligible for subsidies, I suspect many red states that currently do not have state health exchanges will not create them.

They will fuck their constituents out of the subsidies that every taxpayer of those states, and future generations of taxpayers, are already paying for.

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