If they impeach Trump he's not going off and hide somewhere...

Depends on the evidence produced in the impeachment procedure. Trump could go on trial at the end of the impeachment process and serve time in the pokey.
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?

Many on the left think this is 1976 and Pence is Ford and Warren is Carter...


Today voter is not like their parents and Grandparents and this could get Pence elected even if Pence Pardons Trump...
Of course not. Did Clinton go anywhere after he was impeached but not convicted?
......Obama was the crazy jackass who hates America/whites/cops--I guess that's your idea of a great POTUS

What I remember about Obama was that when he took office I was making less than $40K a year and when he left I was making over $80K a year.

I've made more regardless who is president. You must be back to 2.35 an hour huh. Soon as we can get orange man out, you'll go back 100k a year huh. Ain't that something.
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?

This helps democrats the following ways.

1. The Circus is a worthy public show, gets democrats kudos.
2. Starting precedences of impeaching everybody in Washington, including the president, will achieve successfully, that the country can't be governed from Washington, but only from Wall Street.
3. After the total chaos of US governance, you will never know who writes what law on you and takes how much from you, and the new USSR is complete.
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?
I see it's time to pay the bills.....how much do you get per thread?
First off, they have to get the vote for impeachment. That’s assuming the Democrats in red districts are going to be on board. Secondly, the Senate may turn around and do nothing. What is to stop them from pulling a “Garland”?
And the Senate doing nothing can be used in political ads for those running for re-election in 2020.
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?

If his prison allows him Internet access. He'll have much more to worry about than just impeachment. Lots of lawsuits would be forthcoming. Pence would only be a short-term problem.


Nancy Pelosi says YES.
There's always a past tweet. :71:
Most ex-Presidents keep a low profile.

Trump would do the opposite.

He would have a TV show and a radio show where he could tell everyone exactly what he thinks, broadcast into millions of American homes.
Love to see him in another reality TV show

It is what he does best
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.

You should know Pelosi has not stayed in power without corruption...
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.

My predecessors didn't die in Normandy so that a bunch of fascist Democrats could later trash our democratic system and seize power. If it comes to that, there WILL be blood and I will do my duty to protect our republic.
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.

My predecessors didn't die in Normandy so that a bunch of fascist Democrats could later trash our democratic system and seize power. If it comes to that, there WILL be blood and I will do my duty to protect our republic.

Wait a minute. I thought Democrats were all socialist and stuff. Fascist hate Socialist. So if the Democrat win big in the next election in our Republic, will you consider that seizing power?
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.

My predecessors didn't die in Normandy so that a bunch of fascist Democrats could later trash our democratic system and seize power. If it comes to that, there WILL be blood and I will do my duty to protect our republic.
You mean your predecessors who were anti-fascists? The same kind of people you hate today?
If, somehow, Trump is unjustly removed from office via a crooked coup, it will be time for people like me to take back our country by shooting crooked politicians and officials.

Shooting Trump will get you arrested. I’m assuming you’d want to start with the most crooked politician in history.

My predecessors didn't die in Normandy so that a bunch of fascist Democrats could later trash our democratic system and seize power. If it comes to that, there WILL be blood and I will do my duty to protect our republic.

Wait a minute. I thought Democrats were all socialist and stuff. Fascist hate Socialist. So if the Democrat win big in the next election in our Republic, will you consider that seizing power?
We keep hearing this "socialist" accusation from con-servatives....FDR heard it over Social Security and LBJ heard it over Medicare. If con-servatives were serious, they'd be working RIGHT NOW to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.

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