If they impeach Trump he's not going off and hide somewhere...

If conservatives had been right, America would be a Communist nation today.
Why would Clinton unleash the arsenal? He is part of the swamp.

It's ok, Venezuela will stay socialist. You can just relocate there after Trump is done winning.

Did you see Trump's news conference yesterday.. the man actually looked sad. "Why don't people love me, the economy is good!"
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Why would Clinton unleash the arsenal? He is part of the swamp.

It's ok, Venezuela will stay socialist. You can just relocate there after Trump is done winning.

Did you see Trump's news conference yesterday.. the man actually looked said. "Why don't people love me, the economy is good!"

The American people do love Trump. He was probably speaking to the ones stuck in the CNN bubble, like yourself.
I've made more regardless who is president. You must be back to 2.35 an hour huh. Soon as we can get orange man out, you'll go back 100k a year huh. Ain't that something.

Naw, I'm still doing well, but I know a recession is coming, because that's a design feature of Republicans being in charge. WE ALWAYS have recessions when they are in charge.

The good news. The next one will hit before Trump is re-elected.

Many on the left think this is 1976 and Pence is Ford and Warren is Carter...


Today voter is not like their parents and Grandparents and this could get Pence elected even if Pence Pardons Trump...

Actually, Jerry Ford came damned close to winning despite Watergate and the Recession, because back then, the electorate was 88% White.

Today, it's 67% white, and the GOP has done a great job alienating people of color.

The thing was, back in 1976, the GOP was able to reform itself because it DID cut out the malignancy that was Nixon. "Look, Nixon went over a line, and we went against him." This is what you do when you care about your party and your country. (And give Nixon some credit for realizing the Party and the Country were more important than he was.)

Today's GOP seems intent on strapping themselves to the mast with Trump.
My predecessors didn't die in Normandy so that a bunch of fascist Democrats could later trash our democratic system and seize power. If it comes to that, there WILL be blood and I will do my duty to protect our republic.

The only fascist I see is the guy who is putting people of color in concentration camps, and according to his Ex-wife kept a copy of Mein Kampf on their night stand.
The American people do love Trump. He was probably speaking to the ones stuck in the CNN bubble, like yourself.

Um, no, except for Ratmuffin, all the polls have his approval rate underwater.
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?

He’s going to jail
...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.

Only now, there will be nothing at all to restrain him in what he has to say.

But let me ask you Democrats what the big plan? If you impeach Trump, guess what, Mike Pence is President.

How does that help you?
Oh stop. Moscow Mitch is not going to let pesky dems get rid of Trump
I like the part when they compared what was in the actual transcript to what the whistleblower said and they were almost Word for Word identical.

Election meddling
The attorney general
A Personal lawyer with no clearance

This is wrong on so many levels.
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...he's going to go back to running his multi-billion dollar business and he will be on Twitter just as much and he will remain in the spotlight just as much.
It's not like his businesses are in a blind trust now, but I'm glad he'll continue to obstruct justice and provide more evidence by tweeting while being impeached.
Trump isn't going to take this lying down, he's going to fight back. Dems are messing with the wrong guy.
You notice that Republicans aren't really defending Trump?

They are attacking Democrats.

That means they know he is a criminal and see that as a feature and NOT a problem.
If they impeach Trump he's not going off and hide somewhere...

He may end up hiding - in prison. There's a lot of legal shit waiting on him after he leaves office.

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