If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

Except you're lying as you have no evidence to show that.
Oh good God, you ludicrously deny everything. Guess you have to go along with all the CNN DUPE talk. Next, you'll be denying that the sun comes up in the east, and that Trump got $250 Million/year to black colleges.

HA HA. Even 2/3 of Democrats are now calling for Hillary to be investigated. You're not on top of this, are you ?
Yea, on another thread, and it was totally debunked by Charlie Savage from the Washington Post and others. You aren't too smart there Billy Bob; Right-wing media said it was exposing a scandal. What it really revealed is how bad information spreads in MAGA world

John Durham throws yet more chum into Fox News waters - Kevin Drum The desperation from the Right is totally disgusting.
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My point is that quote you gave is not a real quote. How did you not understand that?
FALSE! It is a real quote, shortened only for brevity purposes, and to save time. Here it is in entirety.

From the book Armageddon, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, in Chapter 1 >> "A Dozen Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President", Subchapter (Reason) 2 >> "She Is a Compulsive, Pathological and Serial Liar Who Cannot Be Trusted to Tell the truth to the American People", >>

pg. 25 - "A Quinnipiac poll in late August 2015, asked respondents to describe Hillary Clinton in a single word. The results were brutal. The most frequently mentioned answer was "liar" followed by similar words like dishonest untrustworthy crook untruthful deceitful crooked sneaky and devious.
Two later polls in December 2015, by Quinnipiac and ABC News, found that only a little more than a third of the voters believe that Hillary is "honest and trustworthy". 59% don't believe that she is genuine.
Her standard lie especially when confronted with evidence of bills inappropriate behavior is to say "it never happened". That's the world according to Hillary- if she says it never happened, it goes away. Dick can attest to this lie from my personal experience. During Bill's 1992 run for president, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times appeared at the door to our home, and asked about a physical altercation between Dick and Bill Clinton that had occurred in 1990 in the Arkansas Governor's Mansion. Dick called Hillary to tell her about it and discuss how to handle it. "Just tell them it never happened." she told him. "We'll deny it on our end." When Dick told her that he could not do that because he had already told another political consultant about it right after it happened-and that this consultant was likely the source, she wasn't at all worried. "Deny it. It'll be your word against his."

The story was of course absolutely true, and Hillary had been right in the middle of it-literally. During a contentious late-night meeting in May of 1990, Bill, furious, spewed out a stream of verbal abuse aimed at Dick. Finally, after a particularly obnoxious exchange, Dick stood up and started to walk out the front door. Bill immediately ran after him, tackling him and throwing him onto the foyer floor.
As Dick was struggling to get up, Bill raised his fist and leaned down to strike Dick. Hillary ran in screaming at Bill: "Stop it, Bill. Think about what you are doing! Stop it!" She grabbed his arm and he moved away. As Dick got up and stormed out, Hillary followed him, and asked him to walk around the grounds, apologizing profusely, and telling him "He only does this to people he loves."
Without Dick to confirm the story, it went away for a while, but months later, when the story finally came out, Hillary asked Dick to at least modulate his description of what had happened, leaving out the physical assault.

She never gives up, and then years later in 1997, when Dick eventually wrote about it, Bill read the galleys, and asked Dick if he could just say that he tripped. Dick wouldn't.
That's how the Clintons solve embarrassing problems. Pretend they never happened. Swear that it never happened, if you have to. They would have handled the Monica Lewinsky scandal that way except for DNA on a blue dress.

Armageddon, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Humanix books, 2016, ppg. 25-28
Perhaps the optimistic outcome of this recent poll would actually entice Donald Trump to join the presidential race in 2024.

The former president has repeatedly said that he is looking at the prospect “very seriously” but “it’s a bit too soon” to launch his bid.

According to a May 2021 poll, Donald Trump will be the clear winner if he ran in the 2024 presidential election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

(Excerpt) Read more at recentlyheard.com

That’s if there’s a recognizable country for him to be president of after Xiden and his gang are finished with it!!!


Because polls don't matter.

Unless they validate my snowflake feelings for my Orange God!


There was no such illegal mining, gramps. Durham himself never claimed there was anything illegal about accessing DNS traffic. And his indictment is for Sussmann lying to the FBI, not for data mining.

You're literally making up crimes here that not even Durham is alleging.

And even had it been illegal, it's still not treason. All you did here was show your undying devotion to Trump by echoing his bullshit claim that this amounts to treason; along with your own ignorance over demonstrating you don't even know what treason is.
Does not matter what Durham is alleging or not alleging currently, He has not yet finalized a report. Just because 3 guys have been indicted, that doesnt mean it's a done deal. Actually it's just getting started, as my previous links showed (including the mining of White House servers) READ BABY! READ!

And yes, of course it's treason. Maybe Durham will minimize it, and not call it that but it certainly is that, no matter how Durham presents it.
Because polls don't matter.

Unless they validate my snowflake feelings for my Orange God!

I could not see the team of Biden/Harris winning an election against Pee Wee Herman & Alec Baldwin. That's how bad they are.

There was no such illegal mining, gramps. Durham himself never claimed there was anything illegal about accessing DNS traffic. And his indictment is for Sussmann lying to the FBI, not for data mining.

You're literally making up crimes here that not even Durham is alleging.

And even had it been illegal, it's still not treason. All you did here was show your undying devotion to Trump by echoing his bullshit claim that this amounts to treason; along with your own ignorance over demonstrating you don't even know what treason is.

In a court filing, John Durham, special counsel for the Department of Justice, alleged that a tech firm paid by the Clinton campaign’s legal team was “mining” White House servers to dig up dirt on former president Donald Trump.

"Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the [Executive Office of the President],” the filing reads. "Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

Psaki won’t comment on Clinton-linked tech exec ‘mining’ WH records

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In a court filing, John Durham, special counsel for the Department of Justice, alleged that a tech firm paid by the Clinton campaign’s legal team was “mining” White House servers to dig up dirt on former president Donald Trump.

"Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the [Executive Office of the President],” the filing reads. "Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

Psaki won’t comment on Clinton-linked tech exec ‘mining’ WH records

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Here you come with that "allege" bs again. SMH!
Yea, on another thread, and it was totally debunked by Charlie Savage from the Washington Post and others. You aren't too smart there Billy Bob; Right-wing media said it was exposing a scandal. What it really revealed is how bad information spreads in MAGA world

John Durham throws yet more chum into Fox News waters - Kevin Drum The desperation from the Right is totally disgusting.
Washington Post is the lyingist liberal rag in America, not worth lining a bird cage.

The left's latest drum beat. Denying the Durham probe. Fools are driving straight into a >>>

3 guys have been indicted already. Lots more coming up soon. LOCK'M UP.
These rogues keep changing their names, and are hard to even pinpoint their locations (somewhere offshore in the Caribbean) Suffice it to say Dominon machines are designed to cheat, are connected to the internet , and need to go away from our election process. Never needed machines in the first place. Paper ballots have worked fine for hundreds of years.
Retard, there was no connection between Dominion and Smartmatic. Your link failed to establish a connection with Sequoia but that's a fail since Dominion bought it from a company which purchased it 3 years earlier from Smartmatic.

Krakenstein also tried to conflate Dominion with Smartmatic. For those lies, she's being sued for defamation for $1.3 billion.

You fail again because you're a failure.
spoken by others - not her. 😐 ......takes you long time to get this.

Yeah, by her lawyers representing her. And still filed in a court of law with her name. It's now her defense.

Again, you prove to be exactly the unreasonable idiot who believes her.

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