If unions are so fucking great then why do they have to force people to join?

It's all about the dues, and the power it leverages - they want a monopoly. Fuck the unions! Trumpka is one big liberal prick!

He's also a murderer, he ordered Eddie York's death. One of the union captains was convicted, but everyone knew that Trumpka ordered it.
When the union calls a strike, do the non union workers have the right to cross the picket lines and go to work? They aren't members of the union. A strike should not affect their job whatsoever.

Unions had a place at one time, they don't anymore. They have become the disease they were supposed to cure.

Yes non-union people can and do cross picket lines all the time. Pickets lines generally have a police presence making sure the law is followed and the peace is retained. Police in unions themselves.
When the union calls a strike, do the non union workers have the right to cross the picket lines and go to work? They aren't members of the union. A strike should not affect their job whatsoever.

Unions had a place at one time, they don't anymore. They have become the disease they were supposed to cure.

Yes non-union people can and do cross picket lines all the time. Pickets lines generally have a police presence making sure the law is followed and the peace is retained. Police in unions themselves.
The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?
A trade show at the Javits Convention Center in NYC. Our company's product display booth consisted of 6 modules that connected together and each had a cord to power its lighting. The male end of one module's cord connected into the female end of its neighboring module's cord and so on. Total time needed to make all six connections was less than a minute. But no one from the company could perform such a highly unskilled task. Instead, we were required to hire one of the union electricians on site, at $80-something an hour for a TWO-HOUR minimum.

But no sweat. In the end our bean counters factored the expense into the cost of our products to our accounts, who in turn passed it along to the consuming public. So I always look for that friggin' union label, and then look for an alternative without one.
When the union calls a strike, do the non union workers have the right to cross the picket lines and go to work? They aren't members of the union. A strike should not affect their job whatsoever.

Unions had a place at one time, they don't anymore. They have become the disease they were supposed to cure.

Yes non-union people can and do cross picket lines all the time. Pickets lines generally have a police presence making sure the law is followed and the peace is retained. Police in unions themselves.
The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?
Yes non-union people can and do cross picket lines all the time. Pickets lines generally have a police presence making sure the law is followed and the peace is retained. Police in unions themselves.
The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?

So you equate a work environment to that of one with a bunch of drunk people?
Is there a shortage of people wanting union jobs? If some guy quits because he doesn't want to pay union dues,

is it hard to find a replacement?

The only union guys I know now are electricians and they are getting pissed because the union work schedualers keep picking the same guys over and over again for jobs because they have seniority...these poor guys are starving.

You forgot the part where the big union officers that "supposedly" represents the needs of the workers they represent, still expect those who are jobless to pay their full union dues if they are to continue to be part of a "union" .... and to earn the union member label. In the end it all comes down to money and dues, that's all the union really cares about ...... there's no brotherhood or looking out for those members in need. The union has really lost the value it once had.
The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?

So you equate a work environment to that of one with a bunch of drunk people?

No, I hold individuals responsible for their own behavior not entire groups. Some union workers and some non-union workers behave badly. Some concert goers and some sports fans behavior badly.
It's ever so much easier to get them out than it is to get them back, it can be done with a single vote. If the choice was as easy in both directions it would not be so bad but many of these right to work states also demand far too many bullshit procedural opportunities for management to cajole, threaten, coerce, undermine, etc. before a vote can even be taken to unionize. Betcha didn't even know that did you? Bet you thought workers could just vote and presto, Unionization, oh no, my state demands a so called cooling off period between a first vote and a second vote where management gets to do all kinds of shit.

truthfully...i really don't care.

I want all unions dead....

So you don't really want workers to have a choice between unionization or not? At least you admit this RTW bullshit to be a weapon rather than a choice. If only all these other ones running around with that "why do you not want workers to have a choice?" bullshit were so refreshingly honest about heir hate.

did i say that? I said... for myself, i want them all dead.

if others want them that's fine....its called choice. Of which, the unions do not want... choice.
After the strike is over, the police aren't there to protect non-union workers inside the plant.

Non-union members are threatened by union goons if they cross the line. 1 person going up against 10 union goons in the break room is a losing fight.

Unions are scum....and those goons in Michigan need to have their heads smashed in when they attacked innocent people.

Yes non-union people can and do cross picket lines all the time. Pickets lines generally have a police presence making sure the law is followed and the peace is retained. Police in unions themselves.
The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?
The answer would involve you accepting that companies pull some pretty underhanded shit to get the unions out of their shops and that right to work is powerful weapon in the fight to bust the union. Of course you probably see union busting as a honorable activity even though it ultimately removes the choice of being under the protection of union.

something wrong with union busting? The unions want to business bust.... i would call that equal.
Is there a shortage of people wanting union jobs? If some guy quits because he doesn't want to pay union dues,

is it hard to find a replacement?

Of course not. Freeloaders love an easy ride and they are too stupid to realize they are being extorted.

actually, thats what you should be saying about the "right to work" people, they are getting all the benifits with out being apart of the system, also grand pa, are you a fat cat? i hope so, cause if not you are making an argument against: teachers, firefighters, police, steel workers, auto, the list goes on.
After the strike is over, the police aren't there to protect non-union workers inside the plant.

Non-union members are threatened by union goons if they cross the line. 1 person going up against 10 union goons in the break room is a losing fight.

Unions are scum....and those goons in Michigan need to have their heads smashed in when they attacked innocent people.

The light bulb in your head should be going off when you say one employee needs police protection from another.

Can you not see how ludacrist that is?

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?

so we should revert back to sweat shops, 80 hour work weeks? when the employer wants to fire you with no due cause, if your gay, or a minority, safety in the work place? you do know that WORKERS having the right to protect them selves and to come to the table and negoate with management is VERY important, I hope you do.
Sounds like Grampa is on the bottle again. I'm sure he pays his illegal alien workforce really well...

.... not if Obama continues to further push for Amnesty first. Democrats are in no shame when it comes to trying to "sweeten the pot" to entice another block of loyal Democrat voters.
Actually all those bullshit benefits and bloated salaries will go away once the unions lose members and their ability to blackmail management into bullshit contracts. That is why unions and their goons are mad....the gravy train will go away once workers that just like normal paychecks and aren't into stealing from the company want to work.

Bye-bye asswipes....

Is there a shortage of people wanting union jobs? If some guy quits because he doesn't want to pay union dues,

is it hard to find a replacement?

Of course not. Freeloaders love an easy ride and they are too stupid to realize they are being extorted.

actually, thats what you should be saying about the "right to work" people, they are getting all the benifits with out being apart of the system, also grand pa, are you a fat cat? i hope so, cause if not you are making an argument against: teachers, firefighters, police, steel workers, auto, the list goes on.
Riddle me that, Batman.

they aren't "forcing anyone" :lmao:

they let you know up front that they will prevent you from working if you dont join
they also let you know in no uncertain terms that they will beat you up and trash your property if you dont join when TOLD to join.

It's a bit like what happened to those who tried starting unions in the past. Most of the time they were harassed, beaten, and sometimes even killed if they were known to be making an attempt to unionize certain companies.

There is one fact that cannot be denied. Unions have had a positive affect on workers wages over the years, and the economy as a whole has benefited from that. In cases where unions got more than they really deserved, you can blame that on the companies that caved in to them. It's like when you sell your house. If you cave in and sell for less than you want because you are unwilling to hold out a bit longer, don't blame the buyer for screwing you. But that is what so many of you do.

i agree... in the past when unions were first started here... they DID have a very positive affect on labor. At one time they may have had a positive beniit to the economey... now in my opinion, they are the of biggest drains.

they are nothing but leaches.

in real estate, if you price your home to high and no one buys it..... its called a white elephant.... and the seller labled idiots.

i agree.... unions are idiots.

So asswipe, you claim companies can violate Federal labor laws put in place right now???

Unions aren't there to protect anyone but their union dues that are stolen by local and national leaders.....mafia members.

So I didn't realize McDonalds was working their people 80 hours a week in illegal conditions....please tell.

Oh, in today's society with the internet, blogs, 24/7 media, cell phones, etc....it's impossible for some company to set up a sweat shop in Detroit....so shut the fuck up.

After the strike is over, the police aren't there to protect non-union workers inside the plant.

Non-union members are threatened by union goons if they cross the line. 1 person going up against 10 union goons in the break room is a losing fight.

Unions are scum....and those goons in Michigan need to have their heads smashed in when they attacked innocent people.

No. I see that sometimes people act badly. I see cops at concerts and ballgames. Can you not see how ludicrous that is?

so we should revert back to sweat shops, 80 hour work weeks? when the employer wants to fire you with no due cause, if your gay, or a minority, safety in the work place? you do know that WORKERS having the right to protect them selves and to come to the table and negoate with management is VERY important, I hope you do.
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Actually all those bullshit benefits and bloated salaries will go away once the unions lose members and their ability to blackmail management into bullshit contracts. That is why unions and their goons are mad....the gravy train will go away once workers that just like normal paychecks and aren't into stealing from the company want to work.

Bye-bye asswipes....

Of course not. Freeloaders love an easy ride and they are too stupid to realize they are being extorted.

actually, thats what you should be saying about the "right to work" people, they are getting all the benifits with out being apart of the system, also grand pa, are you a fat cat? i hope so, cause if not you are making an argument against: teachers, firefighters, police, steel workers, auto, the list goes on.

so what your saying is you want the "gravy train" to go away from the workers, and just get added to the bosses bloated "gravy train". No that is not right, workers have the right to orginize and SHOULD. I will never say the bosses can do whatever they want. with out unions 95% of american workers are fucked. Like I said, from a managments point of view, they want to pay the worker bottom dollar, and make the product at the buttom line. and in doing so, people get over worked, under paid, and they product takes hit as well, just so profit margins hit record levels. thats wrong.

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