If unions are so fucking great then why do they have to force people to join?

Right-Wing Media Are Wrong About Worker Contributions For Unions' Political Spending

Right-wing media falsely claimed that workers at organized work places are compelled to pay dues that go toward union political activities and that so-called "right-to-work" legislation in Michigan would give workers a choice about paying for these activities. In fact, workers at unionized work places already can choose whether to pay for political activities of their union.

In Fact, Workers At Organized Work Places Are Not Required To Be Full Union Members.

NLRB: Workers That Don't Want Full Union Membership "Pay Only That Share Of Dues Used Directly For Representation" Of Union Contract They Work Under. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) explains that workers do not have to be full union members, but instead must only pay for the union representation they receive by working at a union shop, regardless of their membership status:

DETAILS: Right-Wing Media Are Wrong About Worker Contributions For Unions' Political Spending | Research | Media Matters for America
Riddle me that, Batman.

they aren't "forcing anyone" :lmao:

they let you know up front that they will prevent you from working if you dont join
they also let you know in no uncertain terms that they will beat you up and trash your property if you dont join when TOLD to join.

It's a bit like what happened to those who tried starting unions in the past. Most of the time they were harassed, beaten, and sometimes even killed if they were known to be making an attempt to unionize certain companies.

There is one fact that cannot be denied. Unions have had a positive affect on workers wages over the years, and the economy as a whole has benefited from that. In cases where unions got more than they really deserved, you can blame that on the companies that caved in to them. It's like when you sell your house. If you cave in and sell for less than you want because you are unwilling to hold out a bit longer, don't blame the buyer for screwing you. But that is what so many of you do.
Riddle me that, Batman.

they aren't "forcing anyone" :lmao:

they let you know up front that they will prevent you from working if you dont join
they also let you know in no uncertain terms that they will beat you up and trash your property if you dont join when TOLD to join.

It's a bit like what happened to those who tried starting unions in the past. Most of the time they were harassed, beaten, and sometimes even killed if they were known to be making an attempt to unionize certain companies.

There is one fact that cannot be denied. Unions have had a positive affect on workers wages over the years, and the economy as a whole has benefited from that. In cases where unions got more than they really deserved, you can blame that on the companies that caved in to them. It's like when you sell your house. If you cave in and sell for less than you want because you are unwilling to hold out a bit longer, don't blame the buyer for screwing you. But that is what so many of you do.

Funny, you didn't extend that responsibility to those who bough more house than they could afford.
They're scum like Nancy Pelosi, she wouldn't let people see the Obamacare shit until it was signed into law because she like unions knows they aren't popular.
How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.
I had to join a union in high school to work at the Air Force chow halls at a training base.

They wouldn't hire me for over a year until my mom's Govenment accounting job had a connection to their contract on base. She just asked their goons why I never got a call for an interview....then I got a job the following week.

It is BULLSHIT some union has power over who gets to work on a job. They weren't going to hire me because I was a teenage white male, until they feared my mother's position. She didn't even realize she out-muscled the union with just a question, they saw as some typical shakedown.

How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.
I had to join a union in high school to work at the Air Force chow halls at a training base.

They wouldn't hire me for over a year until my mom's Govenment accounting job had a connection to their contract on base. She just asked their goons why I never got a call for an interview....then I got a job the following week.

It is BULLSHIT some union has power over who gets to work on a job. They weren't going to hire me because I was a teenage white male, until they feared my mother's position. She didn't even realize she out-muscled the union with just a question, they saw as some typical shakedown.

How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.

Do you feel like naming the union?

I know something about unions but not all unions and they are definitely not all the same.
Is there a shortage of people wanting union jobs? If some guy quits because he doesn't want to pay union dues,

is it hard to find a replacement?

Of course not. Freeloaders love an easy ride and they are too stupid to realize they are being extorted.

Do you let your employees come to work any time they want? Do you let them do as little work as they feel like? Do you let them leave any time they want and still get paid for the full day?

Or do you force them to comply with a set of rules if they want to work for you?
It was back in the 80s when I was a teen, I had no clue what their name was and they are no longer there once the base shut down years later after I went to college.

They all lost their jobs in the end when Bill Clinton started downsizing the military in the 90s and shutting down bases.....so the irony is Bill Clinton got all those union jobs destroyed when all we hear is Democraps protect unions.

I had to join a union in high school to work at the Air Force chow halls at a training base.

They wouldn't hire me for over a year until my mom's Govenment accounting job had a connection to their contract on base. She just asked their goons why I never got a call for an interview....then I got a job the following week.

It is BULLSHIT some union has power over who gets to work on a job. They weren't going to hire me because I was a teenage white male, until they feared my mother's position. She didn't even realize she out-muscled the union with just a question, they saw as some typical shakedown.

How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.

Do you feel like naming the union?

I know something about unions but not all unions and they are definitely not all the same.
How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.

Two things....

My ex father inlaw was the Missouri chapter president for IBEW and I saw and heard firsthand the bullshit tactics they employed to get work and what they did when things didn't go the way they wanted.

Secondly I was picketed for months on a large commercial job because we werent union. Future contracts with that company were lost to foreign companies thanks to the negative publicity.

Fuck the unions
It was back in the 80s when I was a teen, I had no clue what their name was and they are no longer there once the base shut down years later after I went to college.

They all lost their jobs in the end when Bill Clinton started downsizing the military in the 90s and shutting down bases.....so the irony is Bill Clinton got all those union jobs destroyed when all we hear is Democraps protect unions.

I had to join a union in high school to work at the Air Force chow halls at a training base.

They wouldn't hire me for over a year until my mom's Govenment accounting job had a connection to their contract on base. She just asked their goons why I never got a call for an interview....then I got a job the following week.

It is BULLSHIT some union has power over who gets to work on a job. They weren't going to hire me because I was a teenage white male, until they feared my mother's position. She didn't even realize she out-muscled the union with just a question, they saw as some typical shakedown.

Do you feel like naming the union?

I know something about unions but not all unions and they are definitely not all the same.

Unions are pro-Democrat and encourage membership to vote D but not all rank and file vote D.

I do believe all unions should be open and not have closed shops but I would never want to see unions banned in this country. The right to bargain collectively should always be a right workers can choose to engage in imo.

I would hope anti-union people would equally weigh in on corporate misdeeds with workers.
"If unions are so f**king great then why do they have to force people to join?"

Isn't that just a variant on the question:
"If health insurance is so f**king great then why do they have to force people to buy it?"
Actually there is no need for a union compared to healthcare insurance.

You being in a union most likely doesn't affect my job, it doesn't affect me in general unlesss you are part of some public union scam where you are stealing my taxes.

Now, if you don't have healthcare insurance and you go to the hospital demanding treatment, then you are like the public unions scamming others that pay into the system for you.

So yes, public unions are like freeloaders of the healthcare system....:clap2:

"If unions are so f**king great then why do they have to force people to join?"

Isn't that just a variant on the question:
"If health insurance is so f**king great then why do they have to force people to buy it?"
How many anti-union people have been union members?

How many even know how unions work?

How many get their information from anti-union propaganda?

The truth is there are lies being told on this thread about unions. Honestly unions are neither all good nor all bad and all unions are not the same nor do they all operate the same. There is also public employee unions and private employee unions.

Using someone else's political talking points makes people look misinformed.

There are labor laws and the unions must operate under them. Do unions have flaws? You bet. I despise that they align with any party automatically.

Two things....

My ex father inlaw was the Missouri chapter president for IBEW and I saw and heard firsthand the bullshit tactics they employed to get work and what they did when things didn't go the way they wanted.

Secondly I was picketed for months on a large commercial job because we werent union. Future contracts with that company were lost to foreign companies thanks to the negative publicity.

Fuck the unions

Do you really think a good worker will automatically become a bad worker because he or she is a union member? We all work by our own rules of integrity and no union can change your freedom to perform a fair and honest day's work. See Labor laws if that is not clear to some of you. Do you think non-union workers are automatically good workers and union members are automatically bad workers?

Do you oppose the right to freely assemble for a cause? I would like to know the details on that picketing because the devil is in the details.

I think some unions are flawed terribly but no company has to accept any union contract at the bargaining table. They can reject it. So keep that in mind that unions contracts have two separate entities signed on the dotted line.
It's all about the dues, and the power it leverages - they want a monopoly. Fuck the unions! Trumpka is one big liberal prick!
When the union calls a strike, do the non union workers have the right to cross the picket lines and go to work? They aren't members of the union. A strike should not affect their job whatsoever.

Unions had a place at one time, they don't anymore. They have become the disease they were supposed to cure.
I hate to break it to you,

but none of your lives are going to get better as more and more Americans work for less and less money.

Less full time work(40 hours) is being offered also. I see more and more working several jobs to make one living wage. Some have college degrees.

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